Thursday, April 16, 2009

تونس الأولى إفريقيا في تكنولوجيا الاتصالات

منتدى دافوس الاقتصادي العالمي يبرز مكانة تونس المتقدمة في توفير البنى التحتية لتكنولوجيات الاتصال.
ميدل ايست اونلاين
تونس - صنف منتدى دافوس الاقتصادي العالمي في تقريره السنوي 2008-2009، حول توفر البنى التحتية للتكنولوجيات الحديثة للاتصال، تونس في المرتبة الأولى مغاربيا وإفريقيا للسنة الثالثة على التوالي، والمرتبة 38 عالميا من أصل 134 دولة.
وأكد التقرير أن تونس حافظت على نفس التقييم أي في حدود 4.34 بالمقارنة مع التقرير السابق، لتبقى في نفس الترتيب إقليميا بإعتبار أن عدد الدول المصنفة قد ارتفع بعد إضافة 12 دولة إلى الترتيب، ليصبح 134 دولة مقابل 122 دولة اعتمدها التقرير السابق.
ويعتبر هذا التقرير مرجعا في مجال الاستثمار في تكنولوجيات الإعلام والاتصال، وهو يعتمد في تصنيفه ثلاثة عناصر رئيسية تتمثل في المناخ السياسي والاقتصادي للدول ومستوى تطورها تكنولوجيا ودرجة استعمال التكنولوجيات الحديثة للمعلومات والاتصال.
ووفقا للتقرير المذكور، فإن تونس تتقدم بهذا الترتيب على عدد من الدول الأوروبية منها ، المجر التي جاءت في المرتبة 41، وإيطاليا "المرتبة 45" واليونان "المرتبة 55" ورومانيا "المرتبة 58" وتركيا "المرتبة61" وبولونيا "المرتبة 69.
كما مكن هذا الترتيب تونس من التقدم على عدد من الدول المغاربية والإفريقية مثل مصر"المرتبة 76"، والمغرب "المرتبة 86"، وجنوب إفريقيا "المرتبة 52"، ولتحتل المرتبة المرتبة الثالثة عربيا بعد الإمارات العربية المتحدة "المرتبة 27"،وقطر "المرتبة 29"،والبحرين "المرتبة37 ".

شنوده: الموبايل كارثة على الرهبنة

بابا أقباط مصر يقرر منع الرهبان من استخدام الهواتف المحمولة داخل الأديرة ويشدد على تحريم النحت.
ميدل ايست اونلاينالقاهرة ـ بعد ساعات من إعلانه أن استخدام الهاتف المحول والحاسوب من قبل الرهبان الأرثوذكس "كارثة على الرهبنة"، قرر البابا شنودة الثالث، بابا أقباط مصر منع استخدام الرهبان "الهواتف المحمولة" داخل الأديرة، مؤكداً أن خلوة الرهبنة لا تتناسب مع المحمول.
واعتبر البابا شنودة، في عظته الأسبوعية، الهاتف المحمول من الكوارث على نظام الرهبنة، قائلاً إن الراهب من داخل قلايته "حجرة العبادة" في الدير "يكون العالم كله معاه، فيتصل الناس به وهو يتصل بمن يشاء وبالتالي لم يصبح لديه الوقت الذي يقضيه مع الله الذي ذهب للدير من أجله".
وقال إن الرهبنة لم تتغير ولكن التغيير الذى طرأ هو على الرهبان أنفسهم، فالرهبنة لها مبادئها، لكن الحياة وسط الأديرة دخلها تغيير، مثل دخول الكهرباء والأجهزة الكهربائية التي ساعدت فى أشياء كثيرة في عمل الأديرة وأيضاً بالنسبة للكمبيوتر.
وقال في رده على أسئلة الحاضرين حول مدى التغير بالنسبة الرهبنة فى عصر الكمبيوتر والتليفون المحمول - إنه قرر ألا يسمح باستخدام «الموبايلات» في الأديرة إلا للرهبان المسؤولين فقط، الذين تحتاج مهامهم الاتصال بالعالم الخارجي.
وحول "كذبة أبريل" أكد البابا شنودة أن الكذب هو الكذب ولا يوجد كذب أبيض وكذب هزل أو مزح، وربنا لا يستثني من العقاب من يكذب فى إبريل أو في غيره فعقوبته موجودة.
كما شدد البابا على "تحريم النحت" وصنع التماثيل.
وقال، في إجابته عن سؤال لمسيحي لا يصوم ولكنه يتبرع للفقراء والكنيسة "توجد خطايا عارضة وخطايا خطيرة، فمثل من يعمل في صناعة التماثيل والأصنام، وما شابهها من أعمال، لا تقبل عطاياه، مثلها مثل الربا، والمرأة الزانية التى تعيش فى الزنا لا تقبل عطاياها لأن النبي داود يقول: 'زيت الخاطئ لا يدهن رأسي'"، حسب تعبيره.(قدس برس)

الجيش الاسرائيلي يستعد لمساندة مصر في 'حربها' مع حزب الله

ميدل ايست اونلاينالقدس - اعلن مسؤول اسرائيلي كبير الثلاثاء ان الجيش الاسرائيلي وضع في حالة تأهب قصوى على طول الحدود مع مصر في وقت تلاحق فيه القوات المصرية في سيناء اشخاصا يشتبه في ارتباطهم بحزب الله اللبناني.
وقال المسؤول رافضا الكشف عن اسمه ان السلطات الاسرائيلية والمصرية تستعرضان "بانتظام" الظروف الامنية.
وتلاحق قوات الامن المصرية 13 رجلا (10 لبنانيين و3 فلسطينيين) يشتبه في ارتباطهم بحزب الله في منطقة جبلية في سيناء ويشتبه في انهم يعدون لهجمات ضد رعايا اسرائيليين كما اعلن مصدر مصري الاثنين.
واضاف المسؤول الاسرائيلي ان "الجيش وضع في حالة تاهب عليا اثر التطورات في مصر وسيناء".
واوضح المسؤول ان السلطات الاسرائيلية تخشى ان يكون الناشطون يخططون من جهة اخرى لعمليات في اسرائيل او على طول الحدود مع مصر البالغة 200 كلم.
وحثت اسرائيل رعاياها على عدم البقاء في سيناء التي يقصدها السياح خلال عطلة الفصح اليهودي.
وكانت مصر أكدت الاسبوع الماضي على انها ألقت القبض على 49 رجلا يرتبطون بحزب الله واتهمتهم بالتخطيط لهجمات في مصر لكن مصدرا في النيابة العامة قال الاحد ان خمسة مصريين وفلسطينيا من بين الرجال التسعة والاربعين اتهموا بالتخابر وحيازة أسلحة بدون ترخيص.
ورد الامين العام لحزب الله حسن نصر الله على اعلان مصر عن القبض على الـ49 رجلا بالقول ان أحد من ألقي القبض عليهم عضو في حزب الله وان ما يصل الى عشرة اخرين كانوا يحاولون امداد قطاع غزة الذي تحكمه حركة المقاومة الاسلامية (حماس) بمعدات عسكرية.
ونفى نصر الله ما قاله النائب العام المصري عن أن حزب الله المدعوم من ايران وسوريا خطط لهجمات في مصر الحليفة للولايات المتحدة والتي أبرمت معاهدة سلام مع أسرائيل عام 1979.
وتصاعد التوتر بين مصر التي تسكنها أغلبية سنية وحزب الله وهو جماعة شيعية تدعمها ايران حين اتهم نصر الله القاهرة خلال الهجوم الاسرائيلي على قطاع غزة الذي استمر 22 يوما في ديسمبر/كانون الاول ويناير/كانون الثاني بالتواطؤ مع اسرائيل في حصارها للقطاع.

رئيس الامارات يطلع على معالم النهضة في دبي ويمتدح رؤية حاكمها الشيخ محمد بن راشد

ميدل ايست اونلايندبي - تحولت جولة الشيخ خليفة بن زايد آل نهيان رئيس دولة الامارات في دبي إلى مناسبة للتذكير بان الأزمة التي تعصف بقطاعاتها الاقتصادية لا تعني ان نموذج دبي الذي ارساه حاكمها الشيخ محمد بن راشد ال مكتوم قد فشل.
وعبرت اوساط في دبي عن ارتياحها لتصريحات الشيخ خليفة امتدح فيها الشيخ محمد بن راشد الذي كان في استقباله لدى جولته التفقدية لعدد من معالم دبي الحضارية ومشاريعها التنموية.
وتعد الجولة تأكيداً سياسياً على اعلى مستوى بأن أبوظبي والامارات ككل لن تتخلى عن دبي وستعمل على خروجها من الازمة التي ضربت القطاع العقاري فيها مما اثر على الكثير من المشاريع الاخرى.
وتكافح دبي خلال الاشهر الماضية لكي تقول انها اقوى من الازمة وان ما تواجهه هو نتيجة طبيعية للازمة العالمية اكثر منه فشلا لنموذجها الاقتصادي.
كما تسعى الى اعادة تقديم صورتها الاعلامية التي شهدت حملات تشويه تبدو منسقة، وقد اعتمدت لذلك مؤسسة فينسبري البريطانية عملاق العلاقات العامة.
وشهد الشيخ خليفة في جولته معالم المنطقة السياحية والترفيهية والصروح المعمارية التي تضم أبراجاً سكنية ومكتبية ومراكز تسوق عالمية ومراسي للقوارب واليخوت السياحية على شاطئ المارينا في جميرا الى جانب الفنادق والمنتجعات ذات المواصفات العالمية.
وكانت نخلة جميرا المحطة الثانية في جولة الشيخ خليفة؛ حيث شاهد معالم المنطقة الحضارية المكونة من أبراج وفلل سكنية وجسور وطرقات حديثة بالاضافة الى الفنادق والمنتجعات الفخمة والمرافق الترفيهية والسياحية الاخرى التي جعلت من نخلة جميرا مدينة عالمية بكل مفرداتها وأنماط معيشتها.
وبعد نخلة جميرا تحرك موكب رئيس الدولة مخترقاً شارع جميرة حيث اطلع على معالم النهضة الحضارية في الشارع الذي يعد من ارقى المناطق السكنية في الدولة وصولاً الى دار الاتحاد في جميرة التي شهدت التوقيع على وثيقة تاسيس اتحاد دولة الامارات العربية المتحدة.
وشاهد الشيخ خليفة علم الإمارات الذي يرتفع على سارية تعد الأطول في العالم والتقطت له الصور التذكارية تحت سارية العلم.
ثم تحرك موكبه في محطته الاخيرة الى منطقة برج دبي مخترقاً شارع الشيخ زايد وصولا الى موقع البرج الأطول في العالم.
واطلع على مظاهر الحضارة والتقدم التي تميز المنطقة من خلال مبنى البرج العملاق والمباني السكنية المصممة بطرز هندسية شرقية ومركز التسوق العالمي والبحيرات الإصطناعية والمرافق الخدمية والترفيهية المتنوعة التي تضفي على المكان طابع التنوع الاجتماعي والثقافي الذي يتميز به مجتمع الإمارات على المستوى العالمي.
وأبدى الشيخ خليفة ارتياحه للمشهد الحضاري المتكامل الذي تتميز به الإمارات مباركاً الخطط والبرامج والمشاريع التنموية النوعية التي تنفذها إمارة دبي والتي وصفها بأنها تشكل دعماً ورافداً للاقتصاد الوطني ولمسيرة التنمية المستدامة في دولة الامارات.
وأشاد الشيخ خليفة برؤية الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم الصائبة واعتبرها "مكملة لاستراتيجية قيادة وحكومة الامارات التنموية بل هي جزء لا يتجزأ من هذه الاستراتيجية الشاملة التي نسعى كقيادة من خلال مكوناتها الى النهوض بمستوى معيشة المواطن وتعليمه وتوفير كل أسباب المنعة والاستقرار لدولتنا ولمواطنينا في أرجاء الوطن الغالي".
وأكد ان "اي انجاز حضاري أو اقتصادي أو علمي أو رياضي تحققه اي امارة او اي مواطن انما هو انجاز وطني لدولتنا وشعبنا ومن حق الجميع ان يتفاخر بهذا الانجاز وبكل مكتسبات دولتنا العظمية وبتراثها وثقافتها وقيمها العربية الاصيلة التي ورثناها عن الآباء والأجداد".
وفي ختام الجولة تحرك الموكب الى قصر زعبيل حيث استعرض الشيخ خليفة مع الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم عدداً من القضايا الوطنية ذات الصلة بمسيرة النهضة التي تشهدها دولتنا على كافة المحاور وفي شتى الميادين والقطاعات.
واطلع الشيخ خليفة على الخطط والبرامج والمشاريع المستقبلية لإمارة دبي مباركاً "كل خطوة على طريق تحقيق المستقبل الواعد لشعبنا ودولتنا العزيزة" مؤكداً أن مشاريع التنمية والتطوير التي تنفذها كل إمارة من إمارات الدولة "إنما هي مكملة لبعضها ولا يمكن أن تتجزأ، وتصب جميعها في تعزيز اقتصاد ومكانة دولة الامارات اقليمياً ودولياً وتخدم مصالح أبناء وبنات شعبنا في اي بقعة من ارض الامارات الحبيبة".

European Leaders and Islam2

Prince Charles is especially concerned with educating Muslim youth. In 2001, for the first time he invited Muslims to attend a Ramadan celebration in Buckingham Palace, and there expressed his thoughts on this matter to specially invited Muslim young people. The event was reported in The Muslim News in the following words:
He welcomed the "greater sensitivity and imagination" offered by Muslim youth, because without that "we will become so much more dry and sterile." Prince Charles acknowledged the diversity of the Muslim youth present: "You make up what I can only describe as a very rich tapestry that makes an enormous difference to the diversity and richness of our country. One of the things I have always tried to get across, which is not always easy, is that in a world which is increasingly secular, increasingly materialistic, it is absolutely essential for all those who believe and have faith in something greater than ourselves in something beyond the purely material, are remembered and celebrated."72
During this reception, he chatted with individual young Muslims about their needs for more than an hour, asking them if they encountered any difficulties in their education, careers, and the practice of Islam. Among other things, the prince was especially curious about whether young people understood the spirit of the Qur'an, if they had read it from cover to cover, if they had encountered any difficulties at school during Ramadan, and whether they were happy with the food offered by their schools for the iftar meal.73
We will leave you the land to live in after them. That is the reward of those who fear My station and fear My threat. (Qur'an: 14:14)
The interest shown by Prince Charles is certainly highly important. The change in the thinking of prominent statesmen on this matter is a huge step toward eradicating the false opinion that certain circles in the West have been trying to create about Islam. Clearly, a society whose leaders realize the beauty and superiority of Islamic morality will be able to approach Islam far more easily, and Muslims living in that society will enjoy more peaceful lives. For this reason, it is an important responsibility to ensure that prominent people receive accurate information about Islam. People familiar with Islam and its moral teachings, no matter what their position, certainly will share their impressions with others. If they are among the leaders of that particular society, both those who direct society and who address the masses will benefit from these impressions.
Therefore, when you read these descriptions, realize the extraordinary nature of these developments. In the Western world today, there is a growing rapprochement with Islam. Certainly this is good news for Muslims who work to show the proofs of God's Existence and Unity, defeat the prevailing materialist ideologies, and communicate true religion to others. Believers also are responsible for relating this good news to all Muslims

European Leaders and Islam

European leaders have considered two facts very carefully: There will be no conflict between Islam and Christianity, and Islam has not allied itself with terrorism. Most European governmental leaders and prominent politicians have sent messages commending Islam and expressing their interest in its moral teachings. At the head of this list is Tony Blair, Prime Minister of Great Britain.
Blair says that he has read the Qur’an three times. His interest in Islam was reported in the Turkish press for the first time due to his remarks about giving alms.64 In later statements, he often mentioned his admiration for the Qur’an’s moral teaching.
On March 29, 2000, the BBC reported on Blair’s admiration for the Qur’an in a feature entitled “Blair: Qur’an Inspired Me.” He was reported to have said that Islam was a good and peaceful religion, that he owned two copies of the Qur’an, and that he was quite inspired by it:
If you read the Koran, it is so clear … the concept of love and fellowship as the guiding spirits of humanity. 65
Two or three days before the 9/11 attacks, the British newspaper The Mail on Sunday published an article in which Blair said that former US president Bill Clinton’s daughter had given him a copy of the Qur’an as a gift, that he had begun to read it, and that it gave him courage.66 After the attacks, Blair once again said in an interview on Al-Jazeera television that had read the Qur’an. He also added:
I read the message of the Koran, in so far as it can be translated. And I read about Islam and I enjoy doing that. And I think that I have learned things about the Koran that I never knew before and I think a lot of Christians would be interested. 67
Time Magazine called Blair a “long-time student of the Qur’an.”68 Blair knows the Qur’an well, and from the first day after the 9/11 attacks, he stressed in several speeches that Islam and Muslims had nothing to do with them. For example, he said:
Bin Laden is no more obedient to the proper teaching of the Koran, than those Crusaders of the 12th century who pillaged and murdered, represented the true teaching of the Gospel. I believe it is time the West confronted its ignorance of Islam. Jews and Muslims and Christians are all children of Abraham, and this is the moment to bring the faiths closer together, in understanding of our common values and heritage, a source of unity and strength. 69
As mentioned above, Prince Charles has a close connection with Islam. He first expressed this at Oxford in 1993. Since that time, he has had close relations with Muslims living in England and has attended many meetings and openings organized by Muslims. He also has expressed his admiration for Islam many times. At Wilson Park in 1996, he made his admiration for Islam clear, as well as the reasons for it. Stressing the following points, he stated:
I feel that we in the West could be helped to rediscover the roots of our own understanding by an appreciation of the Islamic tradition's deep respect for the timeless traditions of the natural order.... Modern materialism is unbalanced and increasingly damaging in its long-term consequences.... But during the past three centuries, in the Western world at least, a dangerous division has occurred in the way we perceive the world around us. Science has tried to assume a monopoly, even a tyranny, over our understanding. Religion and science have become separated... We are only now beginning to gauge the disastrous results... Science has done the inestimable service of showing us a world much more complex than we ever imagined. But in its modern, materialist, one-dimensional form, it cannot explain everything.... This [materialist] view is quite contrary, for example, to the outlook of the Muslim craftsman or artist, who is never concerned with display for its own sake, nor with progressing ever forward in his own ingenuity, but is content to submit a man's craft to God. That outlook reflects, I believe, the memorable passage in the Koran: "whithersoever you turn there is the face of God and God is all-Embracing, all-Knowing".... There are many ways in which mutual understanding and appreciation can be built. Perhaps, for instance, we could begin by having more Muslim teachers in British schools, or by encouraging exchanges of teachers. Everywhere in the world people want to learn English. But in the West, in turn, we need to be taught by Islamic teachers how to learn with our hearts, as well as our heads.70
Through the Prince Foundation, Prince Charles has sought to benefit Muslims. The Oxford Islamic Research Center, which began its activities in 1993, was founded with his sponsorship. The Visual Islamic and Traditional Arts department, which carries on its activities in conjunction with his foundation, works to provide, among other things, the sociological and economic means to support the traditions and cultures of British Muslims, cover the costs of education for Muslim children, and establish interreligious dialogue. Lately, through this section, the prince raised 10 million pounds for the Muslim Centre Project to be established in London.

The History of Islam in Europe

Europe and the realm of Islam have had close relations with each other for centuries. First, the state of Andalusia (756-1492) on the Iberian Peninsula, and later the Crusades (1095-1291) and the Ottoman capture of the Balkans (1389), brought about a constant interrelation between the two societies. Many historians and sociologists assert today that Islam was the leading cause of Europe's A painting named "Sunset in Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives.Jerusalem, when it entered the Islamic fold during the reign of 'Umar ibn al-Kattab, enjoyed a brand new period of peace and tolerance. The Islamic morality formed the basis of this exemplary environment movement from the darkness of its Middle Ages to the brilliance of its Renaissance. At a time when Europe was backward in medicine, astronomy, mathematics, and many other fields, Muslims possessed a vast treasure of knowledge and great possibilities of development.
The first event that made Europeans aware of Islam's coming important place in their lives was the caliph 'Umar ibn al-Khattab's capture of Jerusalem (638). This caused Europe to realize for the first time that Islam was spreading and approaching its own borders. The main reason for the Crusades, launched four centuries later, was to take Jerusalem back from the Muslims. But the Crusaders who set out for this purpose gained something else, for the contact they made with the Muslim world was the first step toward Europe's rebirth. Dominated by darkness, conflict, war, and despotism, Europe encountered the Islamic world's advanced civilization and saw that its inhabitants were both highly prosperous and civilized, as well as quite advanced in the fields of medicine, astronomy, and mathematics as in their social lives. They also saw that values rarely found in Europe at that time (e.g., pluralism, tolerance, understanding, compassion, and self-sacrifice) were aspects of the high morality expressed by Muslims, who were aware of their religious responsibilities.

Meanwhile, as the Crusades continued, European societies also had relations with a Muslim society much closer to home: the Muslim kingdom of Andalusia, located in the southern part of their own continent. Andalusia had a great cultural influence upon Europe until its demise in the late fifteenth century. Many historians who have studied Andalusia's influence upon Europe agree that this kingdom, with its social structure and high level of civilization, was far more advanced than the rest of Europe, and that it was one of the principle factors in the development of European civilization. The prominent Spanish historian Blanco Ibañez writes that:
Spain's famous Cordoba Mosque, built during 784-86.Rather We hurl the truth against falsehood and it cuts right through it and it vanishes clean away! Woe without end for you for what you portray! (Qur'an 21:18)
Defeat in Spain did not come from the north; the Muslim conquerors came from the south. This was much more than a victory, it was a leap of civilization. Because of this, the richest and most brilliant civilization known in Europe was born and flourished throughout the Middle Ages between the 8th and the 15th centuries. During this period northern peoples were shattered by religious wars, and while they moved about in bloodthirsty hoards, the population of Andalusia surpassed 30 million. In this number, which was high for the time, every race and religion moved freely and with equality, and the pulse of society was very lively.66
Interior view of one of the towers of Andalusia's famous Alhambra Palace.We appointed leaders from among them, guiding by Our command when they were steadfast and when they had certainty about Our Signs.(Qur'an. 32:24)
With its well-illuminated streets, the capital Cordoba provided a striking contrast to the European cities and according to the English historian John W. Draper, "Seven hundred years after this time, there was not so much as one public lamp in London. In Paris, centuries later, whoever stepped over his threshold on a rainy day stepped up to his ankles in mud."67
Andalusia finally ceased to exist in 1492 with the fall of Granada, the last Muslim kingdom on the Iberian Peninsula. But now, Europeans came face to face with the Ottoman Empire, which was beginning to advance in the Balkans during the fifteenth century as a result of several victories and mass conversions among the Balkan people. This conversion was never forced or obtained by pressure. In time, the Islamic morality put in place by the Ottomans brought those who witnessed it to choose Islam freely. Ottoman civilization, built on the Qur'anic moral values of justice, equality, tolerance, and compassion, remained in the Balkans for 400 years, and its traces can still be seen there. (A large number of these remains were destroyed by Serbian troops and missiles during the war in Bosnia, but this does not change the facts of history.) This Qur'anic-based civilization made Islam an important part of Europe. Even today, quite a large number of European Muslims live in the Balkans.
One person who believes that European civilization has learned much from Islam and that the two civilizations have always been intimately connected is Charles, Prince of Wales. Prince Charles describes Islamic civilization and what Andalusia and the Ottoman experience in the Balkans has taught Europe:
Diplomacy, free trade, open borders, the techniques of academic research, of anthropology, etiquette, fashion, alternative medicine, hospitals, all came from this great city of cities. Mediaeval Islam was a religion of remarkable tolerance for its time, allowing Jews and Christians to practice their inherited beliefs, and setting an example which was not, unfortunately, copied for many centuries in the West. The surprise, ladies and gentlemen, is the extent to which Islam has been a part of Europe for so long, first in Spain, then in the Balkans, and the extent to which it has contributed so much towards the civilization which we all too often think of, wrongly, as entirely Western. Islam is part of our past and present, in all fields of human endeavour. It has helped to create modern Europe. It is part of our own inheritance, not a thing apart.68
The Swedish ambassador Ingmar Karlsson, known in Turkey for his book Islam and Europe, says that in the Andalusian period, Christians, Muslims, and Jews lived together in peace and that this should be taken as a model in Europe.
High representative for the International Community in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Wolfgang Petritsch, stresses in an article in the November 20, 2001 edition of the New York Times that the struggle against terror must not be directed against Islam and that it must never be forgotten that Islam is actually a part of Europe. In his article, "Islam is Part of the West, Too," he states: "When we step beyond the us-and-them paradigm, we might remember that Islam is part of the European tradition."69 Keeping this historical fact in mind is one way to prevent the chaos desired by those provocateurs who put forward the "clash of civilizations" thesis. Differences in civilization are not reasons for conflict; rather, they can be an important means of advancing dialogue.

Misconception: Britain is a country.
While “Britain” or “Great Britain” does refer to the general area, neither of them refers to a country. Britain is a general term for Wales, Scotland and England collectively, while The British Isles also includes Ireland (Northern and the Republic). England is most often incorrectly named in this way, and English people are often referred to as “British”. Northern Ireland is part of the “United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland” which differentiates between the part of Ireland that is governed by England (hence the suspension of the Northern Ireland government in 1972 and the Northern Ireland Assembly in 2002) from the Republic of Ireland which is a self-governing nation.
While calling an English person British is technically correct, it is quite unspecific in the same way that calling a Canadian person “North American” would be; only Britain is not a continent.

The Book of British Smiles

Misconception: British people have bad teeth.
This one is commonly referred to in comedy shows poking fun at Britain, but is believed by many to be hard fact.
While a percentage, just like any other country, will suffer from dental problems, the standard of oral hygiene is generally very high. In fact, the shortage of available NHS dentists is a constant issue in England. Just like anywhere else in the world, a person with bad teeth is considered the slightly gross exception, not the rule in Britain

Just Awful

The effort that went into this cake is quite astonishing - it is so realistic! You can see the complete process here. It is well worth checking out.

10 Incredibly Bizarre And Awful Cakes

In keeping with the gruesome theme of the previous two entries - here is an extremely well made skull birthday cake.

Dubai Police Force

The Dubai Police Force is the 15,000 strong[1] police force for the city of Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. They come under the jurisdiction of the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE (who in turn is the ruler of Dubai), and they cover an area of 4,114 square kilometres and a population of 1,321,453 people.
1 History
2 Organization
2.1 The General Department of Operations
2.2 The General Department of E-Services
2.3 The General Department of Criminal Investigation
2.4 Other departments
3 Police stations
4 Uniform, equipment and vehicles
5 Academy
6 Museum
7 See also
8 Notes
9 External links

[edit] History
The Dubai Police force was founded on June 1, 1956 in Naif (a locality in the Deira side of Dubai, with the first police station being known as 'Naif Fort'[2]) with only 29 members. The size of the force increased gradually, to 105 in 1960 and to 430 by 1967.[3] In 1973, the force moved its headquarters to their current location of Al Towar, on Al Etihad Street in Dubai. At present, a further move is being planned to a newly constructed headquarters, again in Deira.
The Dubai Police force strives to be 'most progressive' of all Arabic police forces[2][4] and aims for high education standards amongst its personnel. The force was the first to use many new law enforcement techniques, including electronic finger printing and DNA testing. The force was also the first to use GPS systems to locate stolen vehicles. In addition, the force was the first to create a Human Rights Department, as well as the first to employ a Community Policing program.[5]
The new headquarters for the Dubai police is planned to be constructed in Deira, the premises were designed with several considerations in mind. As well as making easy access for both officers and members of the public a priority, the new design aims to separate the departments into different areas. The building is also to feature a central, multi-level internal space, and is designed to fit in with the developing architecture of surrounding Dubai, the Dubai police force describe it as a 'distinguished constructional conception'.

[edit] Organization

A Dubai Police car
The Dubai police force operates under a General Commander and his deputy, who in turn work under the Police Chief and his own deputy. The General Commander forms part of an organizational office which, with a Decision Making Support Centre, organises fifteen separate departments:

[edit] The General Department of Operations
This is the heart of the Dubai Police force. Round the clock telephone lines help to electronically control all patrols from this department, with 2,000 land lines and 178 fax machines,[6] and utilising wireless equipment to locate both car and foot patrols. The department also coordinates all emergency responses as well as search and rescue operations on land and sea.

[edit] The General Department of E-Services
This department is another integral part of the police force, as well as being the most recent department to be created. It was established in 2001 as part of the aims of Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, to form a totally electronic government. In 2008 30% of UAE national are assigned to work in the E-services Department to full fill there duty.

[edit] The General Department of Criminal Investigation
This is the primary crime fighting department of the Dubai Police, its objectives are laid out by as follows:
1. Dealing with daily, small time crimes (quarrels, swearing, defamation.. etc.).2. Dealing with crimes of a dangerous nature, such as murder, rape, armed robbery, kidnapping, etc.3. Dealing with organized crime (drugs trafficking, money laundering, internationally wanted criminals etc.)4. Social services, such as lost property, things found, certificates of good conduct, licenses of all kinds etc.)5. Employing scientific evidence (such as Forensic Medicine, fingerprints, documents, arsons, chemical analysis, firearms etc.)6. Employing identity recognition means (such as fingerprints, the DNA, criminal records etc.)7. Crime prevention methods (such guidance, directives, follow-up, statistical projections, periodicals etc)

[edit] Other departments
Other departments of the Dubai Police force include:
General Department of Administrative Affairs
General Department of Traffic
General Department of Organisation, Protective Security and Emergency
General Department of Finance
General Department of Human Resources
General Department of Services and Supplies
General Department of Airports Security
General Department of Punitive Establishment
General Department of Forensic Science
The Dubai Police Academy
General Department of Community Services
General Department of E-Services
General Department of Total Quality

[edit] Police stations

A Dubai Police Officer on duty
There are currently ten Dubai police stations in the city.[4]
Al Rifaa
This station was established in the 1970s to secure the Bur Dubai region. It has been reopened in different premises on two occasions, 1979 and 1992.
Al Muraqqabat
this station was established in 1974.
Al Rashidiyah
Al Rashidiyah was created in 1976 as part of Al Muraqqabat, however it became an independent station in 1984, and was moved to newer premises in 2000.
The original headquarters of the Dubai Police force, Naif Fort was constructed in 1939, and was used as a prison until the founding of the force in 1956.
Al Qusais
Al Qusais was founded in 1977 and moved to new premises in 1999.
This station was established in 1974, and also moved to new premises, this time in 1976.
Nad Al Sheba
This station opened in 1994 in Zabeel, though subsequently moved.
Jebel Ali
This station was built in 1971, and renovated in 2000.
Ports police station was also built in 1971, and watches over the Rashid Port.
Bur Dubai
This station was founded in 1979.

[edit] Uniform, equipment and vehicles

A police car on Dubai's beaches
The standard uniform of the Dubai police officer is an olive green shirt with a red band running under the left arm and looped through the left epaulette, a dark green beret with a golden badge depicting the logo of the police force, olive green trousers and black boots. Alternatively, officers wear a light brown shirt and trousers, though the rest of the uniform remains the same. High ranking officers wear a combination cap and rank badges on the collar. In Dubai, the police officers are armed with semi-automatic hand guns.
The Dubai police vehicles are painted with a white and dark green colour scheme, with all blue emergency lights. Every Dubai police vehicle has the force's website and email addresses printed on it.[7] As well as police cars, the force also employs motorcycles, helicopters and boats.

[edit] Academy
The Dubai Police Academy was founded in 1987, and was granted autonomy from the police force as long as it retains some affiliation with Dubai Police General Headquarters. It was fully inaugurated in 1989 in the presence of Sheikh Maktoum Bin Rashid Al Maktoum. In 1992, degrees offered by the academy were made equal to degrees from universities.
The first class was from 1987 to 1988, and consisted of 51 cadets and 30 full-time students, some of whom were existing police officers. they graduated in 1991. During the academic year of 1996-1997, students from other Arabic countries such as Yemen and Palestine were admitted.

من اشعار صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد ال مكتوم

يا سحابهْ قْدرَها فوقْ السحاب
لا يصيبك باسْ يا بحر الندى
تحت غيثك كل أنواع الشراب
الحيا لاهلك وموت لمن عدى
عذبه لجارك وللعادي عذاب
كم سقيت المعتدي طعم الرّدى
يا يد فيها الشجاعه ما تهاب
كل غالي لاجلها يعله فدى
تحملين الضرّ عنا والصعاب
وتدفعين الضيم لين آخرْ مدى
في سطور المجد خطّيتي كتاب
كل حرفٍ فيه بالعز ابتدى
كم مسحتي دمعةٍ تشكي مصاب
وكم رحمتي من له الضرّ اهتدى
من كريمٍ يملك قلوب ورقاب
كلّ صوت يصبح لصوته صدى
تختلف لاراء على أمر الصواب
بس عنكم تتفق حتى العدى
إنت زايد إنت الأول والمجاب
وانته الحامي إذا خوفٍ بدى
الشعر يرفع لذي مالهْ جناب
والشعر يخفض عزيزٍ سيّدا
بس مع زايد تغيرّ في الحساب
لأن باسمه الشعر عزّ ولهْ شدا
لك تغني لى يزينها الخضاب
ويعلك السالم ْعلى طول المدى