الضلال والهداية، والإيمان والكفر، والإصلاح والإفساد كل هذا وغيره بقضاء الله وقدره، ومع ذلك فنحن مأمورون بالأخذ بالأسباب؛ لأنها هي جزء لا يتجزأ من قدرة الله ومشيئته، وإلاَّ لما تيسر سبب، ولا أُجيب طلب، ولا قضي قرض.
من تلكم الأسباب التي أمرنا بها، وحرضنا عليها، الحرص على مصاحبة ومجالسة المتقين الأخيار، والحذر والبعد من مصاحبة ومجالسة المبتدعة، والحمقى، والفجَّار، وذلك لأن الانسان مدني اجتماعي بطبعه، يؤثر ويتأثر، ولهذا جاء في المثل: (الصاحب ساحب)، إنْ كان خيِّراً سحبك إلى ما فيه صلاحك وفلاحك دنيا وأخرى، وأعانك على نوائب الدهر، ودلك على الصراط المستقيم والنهج القويم، وإنْ كان سوى ذلك فلن تنال من مصاحبته، ومجالسته، ومعاشرته إلاَّ النكد والخسران المبين، والدلالة على سبل الضلال في الدنيا، والندم والحسرة في الآخرة: "الأَخِلاء يَوْمَئِذٍ بَعْضُهُمْ لِبَعْضٍ عَدُوٌّ إِلا الْمُتَّقِينَ"1. كما حكم بذلك رب العالمين، ونطق بذلك القرآن الكريم: "وَيَوْمَ يَعَضُّ الظَّالِمُ عَلَى يَدَيْهِ يَقُولُ يَا لَيْتَنِي اتَّخَذْتُ مَعَ الرَّسُولِ سَبِيلا*يَا وَيْلَتَى لَيْتَنِي لَمْ أَتَّخِذْ فُلانًا خَلِيلا*لَقَدْ أَضَلَّنِي عَنِ الذِّكْرِ بَعْدَ إِذْ جَاءنِي وَكَانَ الشَّيْطَانُ لِلإِنسَانِ خَذُولا"2.
فقد جاء في تفسير آية الزخرف: (قوله تعالى: "الْأَخِلاء يَوْمَئِذٍ"، يريد يوم القيامة، "بَعْضُهُمْ لِبَعْضٍ عَدُوٌّ"، أي أعداء، يُعادي بعضهم بعضاً، ويلعن بعضهم بعضاُ، "إِلَّا الْمُتَّقِينَ"، فإنهم أخلاء في الدنيا والآخرة، قال معناه ابن عباس، ومجاهد وغيرهما، وحكى النقاش: أنَّ هذه الآية نزلت في أمية بن خلف الجمحي، وعقبة بن أبي مُعِيط، كانا خليلين، وكان عقبة يُجالس النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، فقالت قريش: قد صبا3 عقبة بن أبي مُعِيط، فقال له أمية: وجهي من وجهك حرام إنْ لقيت محمداً ولم تتفل في وجهه، ففعل عقبة ذلك، فنذر النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قتْلُه، فقتله يوم بدر صبراً4، وقتل أمية في المعركة، وفيهم نزلت الآية)5.
والعبرة بعموم اللفظ لا بخصوص السبب، فالآية عامة في كل مؤمن ومتقٍ، وكافرومضل.
وجاء في تفسير آيات الفرقان السابقة عن ابن عباس و غيره أيضاً: (أنَّ الظالم هاهنا يُراد به عقبة ابن أبي مُعِيط، وأنَّ خليله أمية بن خلف........ وكان عقبة قد همَّ بالإسلام فمنعه منه أُبَيّ، وقيل أخوه أمية)6.
لهذا كان من شروط التوبة النصوح، أنْ يعتزل التائب قرناء السَّوْء والأصدقاء الذين كان يمارس معهم التائب المعصية، كما جاء في حديث الذي قتل مائة نفس: "ثم سأل عن أعلم أهل الأرض، فدُلَّ على رجل عالم، فقال: إنَّه قتل مائة نفس، فهل له من توبة؟، فقال: نعم، ومن يحول بينه وبين التوبة؟ انطلق إلى أرض كذا كذا، فإنَّ بها أناساً يعبدون الله تعالى، فاعبده معهم، ولا ترجع إلى أرضك فإنها أرض سوء"، الحديث7. فقد أمره هذا العالم أنْ يعتزل رفقاء السوء، إنْ كان جاداً في توبته، فانطلق الرجل مهاجراً إلى تلك الأرض الطيبة، فأدركته منيته قبل أنْ يصل إليها، فاختصمت فيه ملائكة الرحمة، وملائكة العذاب، فقضى فيه ربه لملائكة الرحمة، لصدق نيته، ونصح توبته.
أمَّا التائب الذي لم يزل مع رفقاء السوء، وإخوان الشياطين، فمن العسير أنْ يستمر في توبته، ويظل على استقامته.
لقد ضرب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مثلاً فريداً، عجيباً، رغَّب وحضَّ فيه على مصاحبة الأخيار، ونفَّر وحذر فيه من مجالسة، ومصاحبة الكفار، والفجار فقال: "إنما مثل الجليس الصالح وجليس السَّوْء كحامل المسك ونافخ الكير، فحامل المسك إمَّا أنْ يحذيك8، وإمَّا أنْ تبتاع منه، وإمَّا أنْ تجد منه ريحاً طيبة، ونافخ الكير إمَّا أنْ يحرق ثيابك، وإمَّا أنْ تجد منه ريحاً منتنة"9.
فحامل المسك إمَّا أنْ يصيبك منه كل خير، أقله أنْ تجد منه ريحاً طيبة، ونافخ الكير أقل خسائرك منه أنْ تجد منه الريح المنتنة، هذا إنْ عافاك الله من حرق الثياب، والكي بالنار.
فكلما كان الصديق والجليس صالحاً، كان نفعه أكبر، وفائدته أعظم، وبضدها تتميز الأشياء، فالجليس والصاحب السَّوْء كلما كان أشد كفراً، وأكثر عناداً، كان ضرره أكبر ومفسدته على من يجالسه، ويُخاويه أعظم.
ما ورد من التحذير من أخلاَّء السَّوْء
لقد جاء في التحذير من صديق السَّوْء الكثير من الأحاديث والآثار إليك طرفاً منها:
(1) قوله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "لا تصاحب إلاَّ مؤمناً، ولا يأكل طعامك إلاَّ تقي"10. المراد بذلك طعام الدعوة والوليمة، وليس طعام الحاجة.
(2) وقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم: "المرء على دين خليله، فلينظر أحدكم من يخالل"11.
(3) وقال عمر رضي الله عنه يعظ رجلاً: (لا تتكلم فيما لا يعنيك، واعتزل عدوك، واحذر صديقك الأمين، إلاَّ من يخشى الله ويطيعه، ولا تمش مع الفاجر فيعلمك من فجوره، ولا تطلعه على سرك، ولا تشاور في أمرك إلاَّّ الذين يخشون الله).
(4) وقال علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه: (لا تؤاخ الأحمق ولا الفاجر، أمَّا الأحمق فمدخله ومخرجه شين، وأمَّا الفاجر فيزين لك فعله، ويود أنك مثله).
(5) وعن علي بن الحسين رحمه الله قال: (ينبغي للمرء ألاَّ يصاحب خمسة: الماجن، والكذاب، والأحمق، والبخيل، والجبان. أمَّا الماجن فعيب إنْ دخل عليك، وعيب إنْ خرج من عندك، لا يعين على معادٍ، ويتمنى أنك مثله. وأمَّا الكذاب فإنَّه ينقل أحاديث هؤلاء إلى هؤلاء، ويلقي الشحناء في الصدور. وأمَّا الأحمق فإنه لا يرشد لسوء يصرفه عنك، وربما أراد أنْ ينفعك فيضرك، فبعده خير من قربه، وموته خير من حياته، وأمَّا البخيل فأحوج ما تكون إليه، أبعد ما تكون منه، ففي أشد حالاته يهرب ويدعك).
(6) وقال ابن عبد البر رحمه الله: (شيئان لا يزدادان إلاَّ قلة: درهم حلال، أو أخ في الله تسكن إليه).
(7) وقال الشاعر:
عن المرء لا تسـأل وسل عن قرينه فكـل قريـن بالمقـارن يقتــدي
وصاحب أولى التقوى تنل من تقاهم ولا تصحب الردى فتردى مع الردى
(8) وقال آخر:
وما ينفع الجربـاء قرب صحيحة إليهـا ولكن الصحيحة تجرب
فالصديق الصالح كم يرشد من ضلالة، ويهدي عن غواية، ويبعد عن حماقة، ويخرج من معضلات، ويفرج من كربات.
فأبو بكر الصديق رضي الله عنه، عندما آمن برسول الله وصدقه، سرعان ما هرع لأصحابه، ودعاهم للإسلام، وفي مقدمتهم: طلحة، وسعد، والزبير، وأبوعبيدة، وعثمان، فكانوا من السابقين للإسلام، ومن المبشرين الفائزين بأعلى الجنان.
حماية الأبناء والأحفاد من قرناء السَّوْء
من أوجب الواجبات للأبناء والأحفاد على والديهم، حمايتهم من قرناء السَّوْء، والحيلولة بينهم وبين الإختلاط بالسفهاء، والعابثين غير العقلاء.
فالبيئة، والمجتمع، والخلطاء لهم تأثير عجيب إيجابياً كان أم سلبياً، ولهذا قال صلى الله عليه وسلم فيما صح عنه: "كل مولود يولد على الفطرة12، فأبواه يهودانه، أو ينصرانه، أو يمجسانه، كمثل البهيمة تنتج البهيمة، هل ترى فيها من جدعاء؟"13.
وقال الله في الحديث القدسي: "إنِّي خلقت عبادي حنفاء، فاجتالتهم الشياطين".
والشياطين اسم جنس لشياطين الإنس والجن، إذ للإنس شياطين يضاهون أو يفوقون في الضلال والفساد شياطين الجن.
ضرر قرناء السَّوْء على دين الصغار أكبر، وخطرهم أشد من ضررهم على مصالحهم الدنيوية، ولذلك عندما رأى يونس بن عبيد رحمه الله ابنه خارجاً من بيت المبتدع المعتزلي عمرو بن عبيد، قال له: (لئن رأيتك خارجاً من بيت هيتي15 أحب إليَّ من أنْ أراك خارجاً من بيت عمرو بن عبيد.)، أو كما قال.
فالصغار لحداثة سنهم، وقلة تجربتهم، يحتاجون لمراقبة من يجالسون، ويصاحبون، فمن شبَّ على شيء شاب عليه.
فإذا رأيت الشاب يداخل أهل السسنة فارجه، و إذا رأيته يداخل أهل البدع والفسوق فيئس منه.
إذا كان مجالسة ومصاحبة الأخيار نفعت كلباً ألا تنفع الآدمي؟!.
قال الراغب الأصفهاني معلقاً على حديث: "مثل الجليس الصالح وجليس السَّوْء": (نبه بهذا الحديث على أنَّ حق الإنسان أنْ يتحرى بغاية جهده مصاحبة الأخيار، ومجالستهم، فهي قد تجعل الشرير خيِّراً، كما أنَّ صحبة الأشرار قد تجعل الخيِّرَ شريراً. قال الحكماء: من صحب خيِّراً أصاب بركته، فجليس أولياء الله16 لا يشقى وإنْ كان كلباً، ككلب أصحاب الكهف،.... وقالوا: وإياك ومجالسة الأشرار، فإنَّ طبعك يسرق منهم، وأنت لا تدري، وليس إعداء الجليس جليسه بمقاله وفعاله فقط، بل بالنظر إليه، والنظر في الصور يورث في النفوس أخلاقاً مناسبة لخلق المنظور إليه، فإنَّ من دامت رؤيته لمسرور سُرَّ، وللمحزون حزن، وليس ذلك في الإنسان فقط بل في الحيوان والنبات.
فالجمل الصعب يصير ذلولاً بمقاربة الجمل الذلول، والذلول قد ينقلب صعباً بمقارنة الصعب، والريحانة الغضة تذبل بمجاورة الذابلة، ولهذا يلتقط أهل الفلاحة الرمم من الزرع لئلا تفسدها.
ومن المشاهد أنَّ الماء والهواء يفسدان بمجاورة الجيفة، فما الظن بالنفوس البشرية التي موضعها لقبول صور الأشياء خيرها وشرها؟، فقد قيل: سميَّ الإنسان لأنه يأنس بما يراه خيراً أو شراً)17.
أمَّا أنْ يحرص الآباء والأولياء على مصالح الأبناء الدنيوية، والمعاشية ويغفلون مصالحهم الدينية الأخروية، فهذا من الظلم البيِّن والغبن الواضح لهم، ولمن يلونهم. نحو الحرص الشديد على مداومتهم في دراستهم النظامية التي أحسن أحوالها أنْ تكون من فروض الكفاية، وينهى، ويمنع، ويحذر من حضور العلوم الشرعية الواجب تعلمها بحجة أنَّها تشغله عن تأمين مستقبله المعاشي!!، أو لأوهام وظنون فاسدة عن بعض من يقومون بهذه الدروس، أوحذاراً من أنْ يعرضهم ذلك لمراقبة ومسائلة بعض رجال الأمن، ونحو ذلك من سفاسف الأمور، بينما لا يهمه أنْ يخال ويصاحب ابنه شياطين الإنس والجن، طالما أنَّ ذلك لا يضره في أمر معاشه، رداً لقوله تعالى: "يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا قُوا أَنفُسَكُمْ وَأَهْلِيكُمْ نَارًا"18.
نماذج لتحسر وندامة ولعن قرناء السَّوْء في النار من الكفار لبعضهم البعض
(1) قوله تعالى: "الْأَخِلَّاء يَوْمَئِذٍ بَعْضُهُمْ لِبَعْضٍ عَدُوٌّ إِلَّا الْمُتَّقِينَ"19.
(2) وقوله سبحانه: "وَيَوْمَ يَعَضُّ الظَّالِمُ عَلَى يَدَيْهِ يَقُولُ يَا لَيْتَنِي اتَّخَذْتُ مَعَ الرَّسُولِ سَبِيلًا*يَا وَيْلَتَى لَيْتَنِي لَمْ أَتَّخِذْ فُلانًا خَلِيلًا*لَقَدْ أَضَلَّنِي عَنِ الذِّكْرِ بَعْدَ إِذْ جَاءنِي وَكَانَ الشَّيْطَانُ لِلْإِنسَانِ خَذُولًا"20.
(3) وقوله عزوجل: "قَالَ قَرِينُهُ رَبَّنَا مَا أَطْغَيْتُهُ وَلَكِن كَانَ فِي ضَلالٍ بَعِيد*قَالَ لا تَخْتَصِمُوا لَدَيَّ وَقَدْ قَدَّمْتُ إِلَيْكُم بِالْوَعِيدِ"21.
(4) وقوله: "يَوْمَ تُقَلَّبُ وُجُوهُهُمْ فِي النَّارِ يَقُولُونَ يَا لَيْتَنَا أَطَعْنَا اللهَ وَأَطَعْنَا الرَّسُولا*وَقَالُوا رَبَّنَا إِنَّا أَطَعْنَا سَادَتَنَا وَكُبَرَاءنَا فَأَضَلُّونَا السَّبِيلا*رَبَّنَا آتِهِمْ ضِعْفَيْنِ مِنَ الْعَذَابِ وَالْعَنْهُمْ لَعْنًا كَبِيرًا"22.
(5) وقوله: "وَقَالَ الشَّيْطَانُ لَمَّا قُضِيَ الأَمْرُ إِنَّ اللهَ وَعَدَكُمْ وَعْدَ الْحَقِّ وَوَعَدتُّكُمْ فَأَخْلَفْتُكُمْ وَمَا كَانَ لِيَ عَلَيْكُم مِّن سُلْطَانٍ إِلاَّ أَن دَعَوْتُكُمْ فَاسْتَجَبْتُمْ لِي فَلاَ تَلُومُونِي وَلُومُواْ أَنفُسَكُم مَّا أَنَاْ بِمُصْرِخِكُمْ وَمَا أَنتُمْ بِمُصْرِخِيَّ إِنِّي كَفَرْتُ بِمَآ أَشْرَكْتُمُونِ مِن قَبْلُ إِنَّ الظَّالِمِينَ لَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ"23.
(6) وقوله سبحانه: "وَقَالَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا رَبَّنَا أَرِنَا الَّذَيْنِ أَضَلَّانَا مِنَ الْجِنِّ وَالْإِنسِ نَجْعَلْهُمَا تَحْتَ أَقْدَامِنَا لِيَكُونَا مِنَ الْأَسْفَلِينَ"24.
صفة الجليس الصالح وجليس السَّوْء
أصلح الأصحاب والجلساء هم العلماء، العاملون بعلمهم، المتقون لربهم، ويليهم العباد الأتقياء، الذين يعبدون الله على علم وبصيرة.
وشر الأصحاب والجلساء هم المبتدعة والفساق، الجرآء على الله ورسوله، الذين لا يصلحون ولا ينفعون، بل بالفساد يسعون، وللصد عن دين الله والحق يعملون.
فنِعمَ منْ وُفق لجليس صالح، وصديق عاقل فالح، ويئس من ابتلاه الله بجليس السَّوْء، ورفيق الضر.
والجليس الصالح والسَّوْء قد يكون رئيساً، أووزيراً، أومستشاراً، أوعالماً، أواستاذاً،أوزوجاً، أوكُتاباً، أوفضائية من الفضائيات، وما شابه ذلك.
(فالجليس الصالح يأمرك بالخير، وينهاك عن الشر، ويسمعك العلم النافع، والقول الصادق، والحكمة البالغة، ويبصرك آلاء الله، ويعرِّفك عيوب نفسك، ويشغلك عمَّا لا يعينك، وإذا كان مَلِكاً أوصاحب دنيا رفع قدرك، وأعلى منزلتك، وسدَّ خلتك، ثم لا تحتاج بعد الله إلى سواه، وإنْ ذكَّرته بالله طمع في ثوابه، واستعد بالصالحات للقائه، وإنْ خوفته عذاب الله، وعاقبة الظالمين، ومصارع الجبارين، كفَّ عن الإساءة، وترك الظلم وهو قادر عليه، واستغفر لذنبه، وامتنع من الشر وهو ميَّال إليه، ورعيته كلهم راضون عنه، ومحبون له، إذا دخلوا عليه أكرمهم، وإذا خرجوا من عنده سأل عنهم، وفكَّر فيما يعود بالخيرعليهم، وزيره، وأميره، وحاجبه، وخادمه، وسائر حاشيته، ومن في ولايته جميعاً صالحون، ولربهم عابدون، ولمليكهم عابدون مخلصون، والناس على دين ملوكهم، وإذا صلح الراعي صلحت الرعية، وكان الخلفاء الراشدون إذا ذكر الله وجلت قلوبهم، وإذا تليت عليهم آياته زادتهم إيماناً.
يقف الواعظ بين يدي أحدهم فيقول ما يشاء، ويطلب إصلاح الأخطاء، ويهدي إلى سبيل الرشاد، فربما رأى من بكاء السامعين ما يبكيه، وشاهد منهم ما يرضيه.
وقال أبو جعفر المنصور يوماً لواعظ دخل عليه: عظني وأوجز، فقال: (لو كان الذي في يديك يبقى لك ما وصل إليك)، فأعجب المنصور بموعظته وأثنى عليه. وكذلك يقول لك ويسمعك جليسك الصالح، وأستاذك الصالح أيضاً، يجهد نفسه في تعليمك وتفهيمك، وإصلاحك وتقويمك، يطالبك بالعمل، وينتظر من ظاهرك ثمرة ما يغرس في باطنك، وإذا غفلت ذكّرك، وإذا اهملت أو مللت، بشرك وأنذرك، لا يخاطبك إلاَّ على قدر عقلك، ولا يكلفك من الأمر إلاَّ ما تطيق، يجيبك سائلاً، ويذْكرك غائباً، ويعتني بك حاضراً، ويراك أحد أولاده، وليس في الجلساء من ينفعك خيره، ويضرّك شرّه، كالأستاذ الذي يعد لك أباً ثانياً، وكما يكون هو تكون أنت.
وإذا المُعَلِّم لم يكُـن عدلاً مشَـى رَدَحُ العدالةِ في الشباب ضئيلاَ
وإذا المُعَلِّم سـاء لَحْظَ بصيـرةٍ جاءت على يده البصائر حُولَا
وإذا أتى الإرشادُ من سَبَبِ الهَوَى ومن الغرور فسمه التضليـلا
وإذا أُصِيب القَـوْمُ في أَخْلاقِهِـمْ فَأَقِمْ عَلَيْهِمْ مَأْتَمَـاً وَعَوِيــلَا
أمَّا إذا كان الجليس مثلك أو دونك، فهو الذي يسد خلتك، ويغفر زلتك، ويقيل عثرتك، ويستر عورتك، وإذا اتجهت إلى الخير حثَّك عليه، ورغبَّك فيه، وبشرك بعاقبة المتقين، وأجر العاملين، وقام فيه معك، وكان لك عوناً عليه، وإذا تكلمت سوءاً أو فعلت قبيحاً زجرك عنه، ومنعك منه، وحال بينك وبين ما تريد، وطهَّر قلبك من الخبث، ولسانك من الفحش، وقال لك: اعرض عن هذا، واستغفر لذنبك، إنك كنت من الخاطئين، وصالح إخوانك لا يمل قربك، ولا ينساك على البعد، يسرّك إذا حضرت بحديثه، ويرضيك بأفعاله، ويشهد بك مجالس العلم، وحلق الذكر، وبيوت العبادة، ويزين لك الطاعة بالصلاة، والصيام، والحج، والإنفاق في سبيل الله، وكفِّ الأذى واحتمال المشقة، وحسن الجوار، وجميل المعاشرة، ويقبح لك المعصية، ويذكر ما يعود به الفساد عليك من الويل والشقاء في عاجل الأمر وآجله، ويضرب لك الأمثال بفلان الذي شقى بعد السعادة، وذلّ بعد العزّة، وافتقر بعد الغنى، ومرض بعد العافية، لأنه كان يصرف الأموال في الفساد، ويستعين بسلطانه على الظلم والاستبداد، وكان صحيحاً قوياً، وشاباً فتياً، فشرب الخمر، وزنى ولاط، فاحترقت كبده، وتمزقت رئتاه، وأصيب بالسيلان والجذام، ولَعذاب الآخرة أشد وأبقى.
وما زال ينفعك، ويرفعك، ويزجرك، ويردعك، حتى يكون كبائع المسك، وأنت المشتري، ولصلاحه لا يبيع عليك إلاَّ طيِّباً، ولا يعطيك إلاَّ جيداً، ولا يأخذ منك إلاَّ ثمناً قليلاً، وإنْ أبيت الشراء، وامتنعت من الأخْذ، طيَّبَك بيديه، وصبَّ عليك العطر، فلا تمر بشارع، ولا تسلك طريقاً إلاَّ وعبق منك الطيب، وملأت به المعاطس والأنوف، فتعود إليه مشترياً، أو ليحذيك بعطره، ومسكه، وعنبره، وهكذا.
وهذا مثل العالم الذي لابد أنْ تحفظ عنه شيئاً إذا تكلم، فإن عملت به فقد اشتريت، وإلاَّ فقد أعجبك ما عنده، وستعود إليه.
أمَّا مثل العابد فهو مثل من لا يعطيك شيئاً من المسك، ولكنك تجد منه العَرْفَ الشَّذِيَّ، والرائحة الطيبة، فإذا رأيت زهده وتقواه، واستقامته في دينه ودنياه اقتديت به، وكانت لك فيه أسوة حسنة.
وَإِذَا نظَرْتَ إِلَيْهِ عِنْدَ قِيَامِهِ في اللَّيْلِ قُلَتَ الْبَدْرُ بَاتَ مُصَلِّياَ
وَيَظَلُّ يَكْتَسِبُ الْحَلاَلَ وَإنَّهُ لَعَلَى الشَّرِيعَةِ مُقْبِـلاً ومُوَلِّيَـا
وأولئك هم القوم الذين لا يشقى بهم جليسهم، تنزل عليهم الرحمة فيشاركهم فيها، ويهم بالسوء فلا يقوله، ولا يستطيع فعله، إمَّا مخافة من الله، وإمَّا حياءً منه.
وأمَّا قرين السَّوْء فإنك إنْ لم تشاركه في إساءته، أخذت بنصيب وافر من الرضا بما يصنع، والسكوت على شَرَّه، تخاف منه وتحذره، وتحتاط لحفظ كرامتك من أنْ يمزقها، أويسمعك عن نفسك، وفلان الاخر ما لا تحب، وأنت لا تبدى ولا تعيد، وإنْ رضيت بصنيعه، فهو كنافخ الكير على الفحم الخبيث، وأنت جليسه القريب منه يحرق بدنك وثيابك، ويملأ أنفك بالروائح الكريهة، وأنت وإيّاه في الإثم سواء، ومن أعان على معصية ولو بشطر كلمة كان شريكه فيها، والسكوت على الشيء رضاء به.
وكل ما لا يحل فهو من اللغو الذي مدح الله تاركيه بقوله تعالى: "وَإِذَا سَمِعُوا اللَّغْوَ أَعْرَضُوا عَنْهُ وَقَالُوا لَنَا أَعْمَالُنَا وَلَكُمْ أَعْمَالُكُمْ سَلامٌ عَلَيْكُمْ لا نَبْتَغِي الْجَاهِلِينَ"25.
وقد يكون الجليس السَّوْء فاجراً قوياً لا تستطيع نهيه عن المنكر، ولا تقدر على مراجعته، فخير لك الابتعاد عنه لئلا تكون في معصيتين: السكوت على الباطل، والمرافقة أهله.
وفي مجالس الشر تقع الغيبة، والنميمة، والكذب، واللعن، وكل كلام فاحش، ويقع اللهو والطرب، وممالأة الفساق، ومجاراتهم على الإسراف في الإنفاق، والخوض في الباطل: "وَإِذَا رَأَيْتَ الَّذِينَ يَخُوضُونَ فِي آيَاتِنَا فَأَعْرِضْ عَنْهُمْ حَتَّى يَخُوضُواْ فِي حَدِيثٍ غَيْرِهِ وَإِمَّا يُنسِيَنَّكَ الشَّيْطَانُ فَلاَ تَقْعُدْ بَعْدَ الذِّكْرَى مَعَ الْقَوْمِ الظَّالِمِينَ"26)27 .
والله الموفق للخيرات، ورسوله الهادي إلى أقوم الصراط.
اللهم هب لنا من الجلساء والأصحاب من يكون عوناً لنا على أمور ديننا ودنيانا، واصرف قرناء السَّوْء وعمن يلينا، لا يصرف ذلك إلاَّ أنت، وصلى الله وسلم وبارك على من بعث ليتمم مكارم الأخلاق، وعلى آله وأصحابه، والتابعين لهم ما تعاقب الليل والنهار.
وكتبه الأمين الحاج محمد أحمد رئيس الرابطة الشرعية للعلماء والدعاة بالسودان
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Hot Air Rising

Barbara Boxer and Jim Inhofe are one of the Senate's oddest couples. She drives a Prius. He drives a Hummer. She thinks climate change is an urgent problem. He thinks global warming is a hoax. She represents a state that went for Obama by 23 percentage points. His was the only state where John McCain won every county.
Yet the California Democrat and the Oklahoma Republican, chairman and former chairman, sit side-by-side on the environment and public works committee, which on Tuesday held its first hearing on climate-change legislation. With an unusually high senatorial turnout and a line of spectators that stretched down the hall—complete with activists dressed in muscle suits, urging senators to "beef up" the bill—Boxer and Inhofe drew their lines in the sand. From a legislative standpoint, the hearing was next to useless. But as a piece of political theater, it might have earned a Tony.
"Today I expect you will hear fierce words of doubt and fear," Boxer said in her opening statement. "This is consistent with a pattern of 'No, we can't; no, we won't.' " Inhofe wanted none of it. "However you spin the debate, whatever schemes you concoct, the public will find out, and when they do, they will reject the schemes, and they will reject the spin," he said, characterizing the House's version of climate legislation as the "largest tax increase in American history."
Yet the California Democrat and the Oklahoma Republican, chairman and former chairman, sit side-by-side on the environment and public works committee, which on Tuesday held its first hearing on climate-change legislation. With an unusually high senatorial turnout and a line of spectators that stretched down the hall—complete with activists dressed in muscle suits, urging senators to "beef up" the bill—Boxer and Inhofe drew their lines in the sand. From a legislative standpoint, the hearing was next to useless. But as a piece of political theater, it might have earned a Tony.
"Today I expect you will hear fierce words of doubt and fear," Boxer said in her opening statement. "This is consistent with a pattern of 'No, we can't; no, we won't.' " Inhofe wanted none of it. "However you spin the debate, whatever schemes you concoct, the public will find out, and when they do, they will reject the schemes, and they will reject the spin," he said, characterizing the House's version of climate legislation as the "largest tax increase in American history."
By Lydia DePillis
يا خيبتي التقيلة!!
أكد المهندس نبيل عبد العزيز رئيس الشركة الشرقية للدخان والسجائر "إيسترن كومباني" أنه لا نية على الإطلاق لتحريك أو رفع أسعار السجائر المحلية أو الأجنبية التي تصنع في مصر.وقال "إن المصريين استهلكوا هذا العام أكثر من 80 مليار سيجارة ، وهي نفس الكمية التي تنتج محليا من التوليفات المحلية والأجنبية للدخان".وأشار عبد العزيز إلى أنه سيتم قبل نهاية العام الجاري إنتاج أصناف جديدة من السجائر من غير عائلة "كليوباترا" ، موضحا أنه سيتم التعاون مع مجموعة شركات عالمية كبرى لإنتاج أنواع جديدة من السجائر العالمية ، وذلك خلال شهر أغسطس المقبل
وأضاف أنه سيتم خلال الشهر المقبل أيضا توقيع عقدين جديدين مع كل من روسيا وبولندا لإنتاج نوعيات جديدة من السجائر تباع في كل من البلدين ، وكذلك التعاون في تصنيع خطوط إنتاجية جديدة.وذكر أنه سيتم كذلك التعاقد مع كل من فرنسا وإسبانيا وروسيا لتصدير كميات كبيرة من السجائر المصرية لأسواق الدول الثلاث.يشار إلى أن حجم إنتاج شركة "إيسترن كومبانى" من السجائر وأنواع المعسل يبلغ ما قيمته 12 مليار جنيه سنويا منها 5ر7 مليار جنيه تدخل الخزانة العامة للدولة
وأضاف أنه سيتم خلال الشهر المقبل أيضا توقيع عقدين جديدين مع كل من روسيا وبولندا لإنتاج نوعيات جديدة من السجائر تباع في كل من البلدين ، وكذلك التعاون في تصنيع خطوط إنتاجية جديدة.وذكر أنه سيتم كذلك التعاقد مع كل من فرنسا وإسبانيا وروسيا لتصدير كميات كبيرة من السجائر المصرية لأسواق الدول الثلاث.يشار إلى أن حجم إنتاج شركة "إيسترن كومبانى" من السجائر وأنواع المعسل يبلغ ما قيمته 12 مليار جنيه سنويا منها 5ر7 مليار جنيه تدخل الخزانة العامة للدولة
كما يحدث في افلام هوليوود ... خطف طفل اماراتي في القاهرة وتصويره وهو مربوط على الكرسي وطلب فدية من والده

عرب تايمز - خاص
تماما كما يحدث في افلام هوليوود ... قام مواطنان مصريان بخطف طفل اماراتي في القاهرة كان يصيف مع اسرته وتم ربطه على مقعد في مخزن مهجور وتم تصويره بكاميرا هاتف تابعة له وارسال الصورة لوالدية في عملية ابتزاز وطلب فدية ... الاب الاماراتي خضع للابتزاز وعمل بأوامر المختطفين وتكتم عن الامر ولم يقم بابلاغ الشرطة المصرية ولا السفارة الاماراتية في القاهرة الا بعد الافراج عن ابنه وعودته الى راس الخيمة حيث قامت السلطات المصرية فورا باعتقال الجناة
ونسبت الصحف الاماراتية للسفير الاماراتي في القاهرة أحمد علي الميل الزعابي قوله إن السفارة تتابع باهتمام بالغ مع الجهات الأمنية في القاهرة حادث الطفل الإماراتي عبد الرحمن درويش الذي تعرض للاختطاف في حي المهندسين بالقاهرة، وأفرج عنه لاحقا وأوضح أن هذه الواقعة حادث فردي ولا تعبر عن ظاهرة، فعبد الرحمن يعتبر أول طفل إماراتي يتعرض لمثل هذه الواقعة، مشيراً إلى أن والد الطفل لم يقم بالتواصل مع السفارة فور وقوع الحادث وقام بالإبلاغ عنها أمس الأول فقط بعد تحرير أبنه وعودته سلاماً إلى الدولة وتنازله عن المحضر في قسم الشرطة، من منطلق خوفه عليه من تعرضه لأي مكروه، وعلى الفور قامت السفارة بدورها بمتابعة الأمر مع الجهات الأمنية في القاهرة. وشدد على أن جميع مواطني الإمارات في القاهرة يتمتعون برعاية تامة من السفارة ففور وصولهم إلى مصر يتم إرسال رسائل نصية لهم بجميع هواتف السفارة للتواصل معها في حال رغبتهم في أية مساعدة، كما أن السفارة تتبع حالياً نظام المناوبات للتواصل مع مواطني الدولة في أي وقت على مدار اليوم. وأهاب سفير الدولة في القاهرة بالمواطنين عدم التردد في اللجوء للسفارة في حال تعرضهم لأي مكروه
وأكد سيف درويش والد الطفل عبد الرحمن الذي كان مختطفاً أن الشخص الذي اختطف أبنه هو استثناء وليس القاعدة من البلاد التي تعود على زيارتها سنويًا، لأنه لم يلق من أبنائها إلا كل الحب والتعاون بل إنه مدين لهذا الشعب بحياة ولده الصغير فلولا تعاونهم معه في بحثه عن عبد الرحمن لكان المجرم قد نفذ مخططه الإجرامي سواء بأخذ الفدية أو لا سمح الله بقتل عبد الرحمن. «أعيدوني إلى الإمارات الوطن ودفئه» هو أول احتياج حقيقي شعر به ابن ال11 عاما عبدالرحمن سيف درويش، بعد التجربة المريرة التي تعرض لها أثناء قضاء إجازته الصيفية مع أسرته في حي المهندسين بمصر، التي وصلها بتاريخ 30 يونيو بهدف الاستجمام وقضاء وقت مريح تحول الى كابوس حقيقي عاشته الأسرة خمس ساعات
جريمة الاختطاف بهدف الابتزاز المادي التي كشفت عنها منتديات الرمس نت برأس الخيمة، كانت ستبقى طي النسيان خاصة مع تنازل عائلة سيف درويش عن حقهم نتيجة حالتهم النفسية وجهلهم بالقانون، لولا تواصل وإصرار المحيطين بهم في الدولة على إعادة فتح القضية وتصعيد الأمر إلى السلطات الأمنية العليا فيها، التي تابعت بدورها الموضوع وتواصلت مع الشرطة الدولية وسفارة الدولة في القاهرة ... الطفل الضحية قال للصحف الاماراتية إن تفاصيل جديدة عن الحادثة تعود له كل حين، فهو يذكر أنه ذهب إلى السوبر ماركت وتقدم منه رجل يعرفه في العقد الثاني من العمر وكان يحمل طفلته التي لم تبلغ عامها الأول لمعرفته بحبه الكبير للأطفال، وتحدث معه واقترح أن يذهب معه إلى مخزن قريب من المنطقة لتواجد بعض الكلاب الجميلة التي يربيها في المخزن، فذهبت معه دون إخبار احد لمعرفتي بالرجل وأسرته خاصة وأنه قد ذهب معه وأسرته في رحلة قبل يومين إلى مصيف قريب بل وكان يتقرب منه ويدافع عنه يضيف عبد الرحمن «أنه بعد وصولهم إلى المخزن طلب المجرم مني أن يتحدث بهاتفي المحمول الثمين مع صديقه لعدم تواجد المفتاح معه، وامتثلت لطلبه ليأتي الشريك الثاني وما أن دخلوا الغرفة حتى تغيرت ملامح الرجلين وقاما بتقييدي على كرسي فأخذت بالصراخ والبكاء وطالبتهما بتحريري فرفضا قائلين إنهما خططا لهذا الأمر منذ فترة، ومن ثم أخذا هاتفي المتحرك وصوراني به». ويؤكد الطفل أن اللحظة الحقيقية للخوف التي شعر بها حين تقدم المختطف لخنقه بعد أن علم أن أسرته قد شعرت بغيابه وأن أهالي الحي بأكمله قد قاموا للبحث عنه، بعد ان أشارت إحدى العجائز إلى رؤيتهما معا منذ ساعات، ما دفعه للبكاء والصراخ وفقدان وعيه لأكثر من مرة، لتشاء العناية الإلهية أن يستدل أهل الحي على المخزن ويحطموا الأبواب وينقذوه وينهالوا على المجرم ضربا
تماما كما يحدث في افلام هوليوود ... قام مواطنان مصريان بخطف طفل اماراتي في القاهرة كان يصيف مع اسرته وتم ربطه على مقعد في مخزن مهجور وتم تصويره بكاميرا هاتف تابعة له وارسال الصورة لوالدية في عملية ابتزاز وطلب فدية ... الاب الاماراتي خضع للابتزاز وعمل بأوامر المختطفين وتكتم عن الامر ولم يقم بابلاغ الشرطة المصرية ولا السفارة الاماراتية في القاهرة الا بعد الافراج عن ابنه وعودته الى راس الخيمة حيث قامت السلطات المصرية فورا باعتقال الجناة
ونسبت الصحف الاماراتية للسفير الاماراتي في القاهرة أحمد علي الميل الزعابي قوله إن السفارة تتابع باهتمام بالغ مع الجهات الأمنية في القاهرة حادث الطفل الإماراتي عبد الرحمن درويش الذي تعرض للاختطاف في حي المهندسين بالقاهرة، وأفرج عنه لاحقا وأوضح أن هذه الواقعة حادث فردي ولا تعبر عن ظاهرة، فعبد الرحمن يعتبر أول طفل إماراتي يتعرض لمثل هذه الواقعة، مشيراً إلى أن والد الطفل لم يقم بالتواصل مع السفارة فور وقوع الحادث وقام بالإبلاغ عنها أمس الأول فقط بعد تحرير أبنه وعودته سلاماً إلى الدولة وتنازله عن المحضر في قسم الشرطة، من منطلق خوفه عليه من تعرضه لأي مكروه، وعلى الفور قامت السفارة بدورها بمتابعة الأمر مع الجهات الأمنية في القاهرة. وشدد على أن جميع مواطني الإمارات في القاهرة يتمتعون برعاية تامة من السفارة ففور وصولهم إلى مصر يتم إرسال رسائل نصية لهم بجميع هواتف السفارة للتواصل معها في حال رغبتهم في أية مساعدة، كما أن السفارة تتبع حالياً نظام المناوبات للتواصل مع مواطني الدولة في أي وقت على مدار اليوم. وأهاب سفير الدولة في القاهرة بالمواطنين عدم التردد في اللجوء للسفارة في حال تعرضهم لأي مكروه
وأكد سيف درويش والد الطفل عبد الرحمن الذي كان مختطفاً أن الشخص الذي اختطف أبنه هو استثناء وليس القاعدة من البلاد التي تعود على زيارتها سنويًا، لأنه لم يلق من أبنائها إلا كل الحب والتعاون بل إنه مدين لهذا الشعب بحياة ولده الصغير فلولا تعاونهم معه في بحثه عن عبد الرحمن لكان المجرم قد نفذ مخططه الإجرامي سواء بأخذ الفدية أو لا سمح الله بقتل عبد الرحمن. «أعيدوني إلى الإمارات الوطن ودفئه» هو أول احتياج حقيقي شعر به ابن ال11 عاما عبدالرحمن سيف درويش، بعد التجربة المريرة التي تعرض لها أثناء قضاء إجازته الصيفية مع أسرته في حي المهندسين بمصر، التي وصلها بتاريخ 30 يونيو بهدف الاستجمام وقضاء وقت مريح تحول الى كابوس حقيقي عاشته الأسرة خمس ساعات
جريمة الاختطاف بهدف الابتزاز المادي التي كشفت عنها منتديات الرمس نت برأس الخيمة، كانت ستبقى طي النسيان خاصة مع تنازل عائلة سيف درويش عن حقهم نتيجة حالتهم النفسية وجهلهم بالقانون، لولا تواصل وإصرار المحيطين بهم في الدولة على إعادة فتح القضية وتصعيد الأمر إلى السلطات الأمنية العليا فيها، التي تابعت بدورها الموضوع وتواصلت مع الشرطة الدولية وسفارة الدولة في القاهرة ... الطفل الضحية قال للصحف الاماراتية إن تفاصيل جديدة عن الحادثة تعود له كل حين، فهو يذكر أنه ذهب إلى السوبر ماركت وتقدم منه رجل يعرفه في العقد الثاني من العمر وكان يحمل طفلته التي لم تبلغ عامها الأول لمعرفته بحبه الكبير للأطفال، وتحدث معه واقترح أن يذهب معه إلى مخزن قريب من المنطقة لتواجد بعض الكلاب الجميلة التي يربيها في المخزن، فذهبت معه دون إخبار احد لمعرفتي بالرجل وأسرته خاصة وأنه قد ذهب معه وأسرته في رحلة قبل يومين إلى مصيف قريب بل وكان يتقرب منه ويدافع عنه يضيف عبد الرحمن «أنه بعد وصولهم إلى المخزن طلب المجرم مني أن يتحدث بهاتفي المحمول الثمين مع صديقه لعدم تواجد المفتاح معه، وامتثلت لطلبه ليأتي الشريك الثاني وما أن دخلوا الغرفة حتى تغيرت ملامح الرجلين وقاما بتقييدي على كرسي فأخذت بالصراخ والبكاء وطالبتهما بتحريري فرفضا قائلين إنهما خططا لهذا الأمر منذ فترة، ومن ثم أخذا هاتفي المتحرك وصوراني به». ويؤكد الطفل أن اللحظة الحقيقية للخوف التي شعر بها حين تقدم المختطف لخنقه بعد أن علم أن أسرته قد شعرت بغيابه وأن أهالي الحي بأكمله قد قاموا للبحث عنه، بعد ان أشارت إحدى العجائز إلى رؤيتهما معا منذ ساعات، ما دفعه للبكاء والصراخ وفقدان وعيه لأكثر من مرة، لتشاء العناية الإلهية أن يستدل أهل الحي على المخزن ويحطموا الأبواب وينقذوه وينهالوا على المجرم ضربا
مـبارك يصف بيريز بطل مجزرة "قانا" بـ«داعية سلام» وكتّاب مصر يجددون رفضهم التطبيع
الكاتب فتحية الدخاخنى وشريـف عاشـور - المصري اليوم
فى الوقت الذى وصف فيه الرئيس حسنى مبارك نظيره الإسرائيلى شيمون بيريز بـ«رجل دولة وداعية للسلام»، معلنا أنه لن يتأخر فى زيارة إسرائيل لو كانت الزيارة ستنهى جميع مشاكل المنطقة، جدد كتاب مصر رفضهم لأى شكل من أشكال التطبيع الثقافى مع «العدو الإسرائيلى».
وعقد مبارك جلسة مباحثات ثنائية صباح أمس بمقر رئاسة الجمهورية بمصر الجديدة، مع بيريز، تناولت تطورات عملية السلام فى الشرق الأوسط.
واستهل الرئيس المؤتمر الصحفى المشترك مع الرئيس الإسرائيلى بكلمة قال فيها «أرحب بالرئيس شيمون بيريز.. لقد عرفته لسنوات طويلة.. رجل دولة وداعية للسلام.. وأتذكر ما أبداه من مواقف شجاعة وإيجابية ساهمت فى تدعيم السلام بين مصر وإسرائيل»، معربا عن تطلعه لإسهام بيريز «البناء فى اغتنام الفرصة الحالية السانحة للسلام دون تردد أو إبطاء».
وفى رده على سؤال عن عدم زيارة رئيس مصر لإسرائيل منذ أكثر من ٣٠ سنة، قال الرئيس مبارك لابد أن نتحدث عن السلام وليس عن زيارة لإسرائيل، لأن الزيارات بين المسؤولين المصريين والإسرائيليين لا تتوقف، وليس هذا هو الموضوع الرئيسى للسلام حتى يتعايش الناس مع بعضهم.
وأضاف: « يجب أن نكون واقعيين فى الأسئلة وفى الحديث عن السلام»، مشيرا إلى أنه «لو كانت الزيارة ستنهى جميع المشاكل ونعيش فى سلام فأنا لا أتأخر».
إلى ذلك جدد كتاب مصر موقفهم الرافض لأى شكل من أشكال التطبيع الثقافى مع إسرائيل، مؤكدين التزامهم بقرارات الجمعيات العمومية المتتالية لاتحاد كتاب مصر، ولتوصياتها بفصل أى عضو من أعضاء الاتحاد يتعامل مع «العدو الإسرائيلى» بأى شكل من الأشكال.
وأكد مجلس اتحاد كتاب مصر - خلال اجتماعه مساء أمس الأول برئاسة محمد سلماوى رئيس الاتحاد - موقفه الثابت من قضية التطبيع، والذى اتخذه من قبل اتفاقا مع مواقف باقى النقابات المهنية.
فى الوقت الذى وصف فيه الرئيس حسنى مبارك نظيره الإسرائيلى شيمون بيريز بـ«رجل دولة وداعية للسلام»، معلنا أنه لن يتأخر فى زيارة إسرائيل لو كانت الزيارة ستنهى جميع مشاكل المنطقة، جدد كتاب مصر رفضهم لأى شكل من أشكال التطبيع الثقافى مع «العدو الإسرائيلى».
وعقد مبارك جلسة مباحثات ثنائية صباح أمس بمقر رئاسة الجمهورية بمصر الجديدة، مع بيريز، تناولت تطورات عملية السلام فى الشرق الأوسط.
واستهل الرئيس المؤتمر الصحفى المشترك مع الرئيس الإسرائيلى بكلمة قال فيها «أرحب بالرئيس شيمون بيريز.. لقد عرفته لسنوات طويلة.. رجل دولة وداعية للسلام.. وأتذكر ما أبداه من مواقف شجاعة وإيجابية ساهمت فى تدعيم السلام بين مصر وإسرائيل»، معربا عن تطلعه لإسهام بيريز «البناء فى اغتنام الفرصة الحالية السانحة للسلام دون تردد أو إبطاء».
وفى رده على سؤال عن عدم زيارة رئيس مصر لإسرائيل منذ أكثر من ٣٠ سنة، قال الرئيس مبارك لابد أن نتحدث عن السلام وليس عن زيارة لإسرائيل، لأن الزيارات بين المسؤولين المصريين والإسرائيليين لا تتوقف، وليس هذا هو الموضوع الرئيسى للسلام حتى يتعايش الناس مع بعضهم.
وأضاف: « يجب أن نكون واقعيين فى الأسئلة وفى الحديث عن السلام»، مشيرا إلى أنه «لو كانت الزيارة ستنهى جميع المشاكل ونعيش فى سلام فأنا لا أتأخر».
إلى ذلك جدد كتاب مصر موقفهم الرافض لأى شكل من أشكال التطبيع الثقافى مع إسرائيل، مؤكدين التزامهم بقرارات الجمعيات العمومية المتتالية لاتحاد كتاب مصر، ولتوصياتها بفصل أى عضو من أعضاء الاتحاد يتعامل مع «العدو الإسرائيلى» بأى شكل من الأشكال.
وأكد مجلس اتحاد كتاب مصر - خلال اجتماعه مساء أمس الأول برئاسة محمد سلماوى رئيس الاتحاد - موقفه الثابت من قضية التطبيع، والذى اتخذه من قبل اتفاقا مع مواقف باقى النقابات المهنية.
تخمينات إسرائيلية حول اعتزال الرئيس المصري وتسليم الحكم إلى نجله جمال
ذكرت صحيفة "معاريف" الأربعاء أن الجهات الرسمية الإسرائيلية المسؤولة عن التقييمات قدرت بعد مداولات جرت مؤخرا بشأن مستقبل النظام في مصر أن الرئيس المصري حسني مبارك لن ينهي ولايته الحالية وإنما سيعتزل ويحاول نقل الحكم إلى نجله جمال.
ووفقا لموقف الجهات الإسرائيلية، فإن مبارك يواجه فترة صعبة من الناحية الشخصية، منذ وفاة حفيده قبل شهور، والذي سبب للرئيس المصري، البالغ 81 عاماً، ضعفا جسديا، ومست بمتعته في الحياة، الأمر الذي من شأنه أن يشجعه على الإبكار في اعتزاله من الحياة السياسية.
وأضافت الجهات الإسرائيلية ذاتها أن مبارك بدا مؤخرا "ضعيف جدا ويتكلم ببطء وظهوره على الملأ كان اضطراريا، ورغم أنه يؤدي مهامه، إلا أن وضعه مقلق، فمبارك لم يعد كما كان".
وتابعت التقديرات أن مبارك أرسل نجله جمال مرة واحد على الأقل في الفترة الأخيرة إلى محفل رسمي بدلا منه.
ونقلت معاريف عن مسؤولين إسرائيليين قولهم، أمس، إنه "ثمة شك كبير فيما إذا كان مبارك سيتمكن من إنهاء ولايته" التي بدأت في أيلول/سبتمبر العام 2005 ويفترض أن تنتهي بعد سنتين.
وأضافت الصحيفة أن القيادة السياسية في إسرائيل تعتقد أن مبارك سيفضل الإشراف، وهو على قيد الحياة، على نقل الحكم إلى ابنه جمال من أجل زيادة احتمالات الأخير في تولي الحكم بعدما يُعلن عن اعتزاله الحياة السياسية وإجراء انتخابات مبكرة.
وأشارت "معاريف" إلى وجود معارضة لخلافة جمال لوالده وخصوصا في المؤسسة الأمنية وذلك بسبب افتقاره لماضٍ عسكري خلافا للرؤساء المصريين الثلاثة الأخيرين.
ورغم امتناع الجهات الإسرائيلية عن الإشارة إلى تاريخ معين لاعتزال مبارك، لكنها شددت على "هذا الأمر سيحدث في المستقبل المنظور".
وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن تقرير معاريف حول احتمالات اعتزال مبارك يأتي غداة زيارة الرئيس الإسرائيلي شمعون بيرس إلى القاهرة ولقائه مع مبارك.
وتوجه الرئيس المصرى حسنى مبارك إلى إيطاليا للمشاركة فى اجتماعات قمة مجموعة الثماني الصناعية الكبرى التى تبدأ أعمالها الاربعاء فى مدينة (لاكويلا) الإيطالية وتستمر لمدة ثلاثة أيام.
ويعقد الخميس لقاء قمة موسع بين الدول الثماني ومصر وخمس من الدول الرئيسية ذات الاقتصاديات البازغة هى "الصين، والهند، والبرازيل، والمكسيك، وجنوب إفريقيا"..وهي المرة الأولى التى يتم فيها دعوة مصر للمشاركة فى هذه الإجتماعات الموسعة.
كما يشارك الرئيس المصرى فى اجتماع دول مجموعة الثماني مع الدول الإفريقية الخمس المؤسسة لمبادرة النيباد.
ويعرض الرئيس مبارك خلال مداخلاته فى إجتماعات "لاكويلا" رؤية مصر والدول العربية والإسلامية والأفريقية إزاء عدد من القضايا التى تتعلق بالإقتصاد والتجارة والمناخ والبيئة وغيرها، وسبل تجاوز تداعيات الأزمة الاقتصادية العالمية وبخاصة على الدول النامية الأكثر تضررا من الأزمة وذلك بالمشاركة مع الدول المتقدمة
ووفقا لموقف الجهات الإسرائيلية، فإن مبارك يواجه فترة صعبة من الناحية الشخصية، منذ وفاة حفيده قبل شهور، والذي سبب للرئيس المصري، البالغ 81 عاماً، ضعفا جسديا، ومست بمتعته في الحياة، الأمر الذي من شأنه أن يشجعه على الإبكار في اعتزاله من الحياة السياسية.
وأضافت الجهات الإسرائيلية ذاتها أن مبارك بدا مؤخرا "ضعيف جدا ويتكلم ببطء وظهوره على الملأ كان اضطراريا، ورغم أنه يؤدي مهامه، إلا أن وضعه مقلق، فمبارك لم يعد كما كان".
وتابعت التقديرات أن مبارك أرسل نجله جمال مرة واحد على الأقل في الفترة الأخيرة إلى محفل رسمي بدلا منه.
ونقلت معاريف عن مسؤولين إسرائيليين قولهم، أمس، إنه "ثمة شك كبير فيما إذا كان مبارك سيتمكن من إنهاء ولايته" التي بدأت في أيلول/سبتمبر العام 2005 ويفترض أن تنتهي بعد سنتين.
وأضافت الصحيفة أن القيادة السياسية في إسرائيل تعتقد أن مبارك سيفضل الإشراف، وهو على قيد الحياة، على نقل الحكم إلى ابنه جمال من أجل زيادة احتمالات الأخير في تولي الحكم بعدما يُعلن عن اعتزاله الحياة السياسية وإجراء انتخابات مبكرة.
وأشارت "معاريف" إلى وجود معارضة لخلافة جمال لوالده وخصوصا في المؤسسة الأمنية وذلك بسبب افتقاره لماضٍ عسكري خلافا للرؤساء المصريين الثلاثة الأخيرين.
ورغم امتناع الجهات الإسرائيلية عن الإشارة إلى تاريخ معين لاعتزال مبارك، لكنها شددت على "هذا الأمر سيحدث في المستقبل المنظور".
وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن تقرير معاريف حول احتمالات اعتزال مبارك يأتي غداة زيارة الرئيس الإسرائيلي شمعون بيرس إلى القاهرة ولقائه مع مبارك.
وتوجه الرئيس المصرى حسنى مبارك إلى إيطاليا للمشاركة فى اجتماعات قمة مجموعة الثماني الصناعية الكبرى التى تبدأ أعمالها الاربعاء فى مدينة (لاكويلا) الإيطالية وتستمر لمدة ثلاثة أيام.
ويعقد الخميس لقاء قمة موسع بين الدول الثماني ومصر وخمس من الدول الرئيسية ذات الاقتصاديات البازغة هى "الصين، والهند، والبرازيل، والمكسيك، وجنوب إفريقيا"..وهي المرة الأولى التى يتم فيها دعوة مصر للمشاركة فى هذه الإجتماعات الموسعة.
كما يشارك الرئيس المصرى فى اجتماع دول مجموعة الثماني مع الدول الإفريقية الخمس المؤسسة لمبادرة النيباد.
ويعرض الرئيس مبارك خلال مداخلاته فى إجتماعات "لاكويلا" رؤية مصر والدول العربية والإسلامية والأفريقية إزاء عدد من القضايا التى تتعلق بالإقتصاد والتجارة والمناخ والبيئة وغيرها، وسبل تجاوز تداعيات الأزمة الاقتصادية العالمية وبخاصة على الدول النامية الأكثر تضررا من الأزمة وذلك بالمشاركة مع الدول المتقدمة
OCEANSIDE: 'Miracle' recovery astounds man's family

OCEANSIDE ---- Mike Connolly's family and many of his nurses are calling him a miracle man ---- and doctors are hard-pressed to disagree.The 56-year-old Vista man's heart stopped in late January and he lay in a coma for 96 hours before his family tearfully gave the OK for physicians at Tri-City Medical Center to disconnect life support.That's when Connolly woke up.His stepson, Mike Cooper, was reading Scripture beside Connolly's hospital bed last week when he saw a tear slide down the man's cheek.Cooper said he didn't that was significant until he left the room and started walking down the hallway, only to hear shouts from a family member still at Connolly's side."He said Mike was responding," Cooper said. "I didn't believe him, but I went back in there, and it was true. You would say his name, and he would turn his head toward you. It was a miracle."Though doctors had pronounced Connolly's case hopeless and said his brain would never recover, today he is showing steady progress. Those same doctors say Connolly seems headed for a full recovery.Martin Nielsen, Connolly's pulmonary doctor, said it is not a stretch to call the sudden recovery miraculous."When we get a guy like Mike Connolly, it's almost like a miracle," Nielsen said. "I've never seen anybody come back like he has."Connolly's ordeal started at his home around 6 a.m. Jan. 31, when he developed an arrhythmia ---- an electrical short circuit in the heart muscle that causes the vital organ to stop beating, usually with no warning.Connolly's wife, Loris, said she awoke to the sound of choking.She found her husband slumped forward in his easy chair, a half-eaten bowl of Raisin Bran in his lap, in the living room of the couple's Vista apartment.At 6 feet 8 inches and more than 250 pounds, Connolly is not easy to move.His wife was unable to get him out of his chair and onto the floor by herself."I found him totally unconscious," she recalled Monday. "I couldn't find a pulse. I couldn't find any air. He wasn't breathing."Fearing her husband was dead, Loris Connolly called 911. According to NorthComm fire dispatch records, the call came in at 6:10 a.m. and paramedics arrived at the apartment on Shadowridge Drive at 6:16 a.m.Nielsen said that when paramedics arrived, Connolly's heart had stopped beating.He said an electrocardiogram tape recorded during resuscitation efforts showed that paramedics performed CPR and delivered multiple shocks with a portable defibrillator for about 35 minutes before they were able to get the man's heart beating again.Although no one knows exactly how long Connolly's brain went without oxygen, Nielsen said it had to be at least 10 minutes. That length of time, he said, usually results in severe brain damage if a patient ever regains consciousness."Generally, the rule of thumb is if you go for more than four minutes without oxygen, you will see severe damage to the brain," Nielsen said.Paramedics drove the unconscious man to Tri-City Medical Center, where doctors decided that inducing hypothermia was Connolly's best chance for survival.They used special cooling blankets to drop his temperature from the normal 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit to about 93 degrees.The cold, Nielsen explained, helps keep the brain from swelling and has been shown in clinical studies to reduce brain damage.After 24 hours of cooling, doctors tried to bring Connolly out of an induced coma, but every time they did, he suffered seizures.Seizures, Nielsen said, are usually a sign that a patient is not going to recover. The family prepared for the worst, but prayed nonetheless.Connolly woke up a few days later.Sitting in his hospital room Monday, Connolly conversed with family members and joked with nurses, some who have taken to calling him the "miracle man."He said his chest aches from the CPR."Judging by the way my sternum feels, I'm pretty lucky," he said. "This is all still sinking in, and I think it will be for a long time."In the 12 days since he awoke, Connolly has suffered muscle spasms ---- some violent ---- that have only recently begun so subside, his wife said.Loris Connolly said she will always cherish the moment she saw her husband come around."When I finally heard the word 'hope,' that's the best word I ever heard," she said.Family friends set up a "miracle man" trust fund at Wells Fargo Bank to help the Connollys defray the cost of his long hospital stay.Donations can be made care of Marilyn Cipriani, 1075 Shadowridge Drive. Unit 70, Vista, CA 92081.Contact staff writer Paul Sisson at (760) 901-4087 or psisson@nctimes.com.CORRECTION: 'Miracle man's' name misspelledIn a story in Tuesday's North County Times about a Vista man who made what some have called a miraculous recovery after four days in a coma, the man's name was misspelled. His name is Mike Connolly. We apologize
By PAUL SISSON - Staff Writer
Top 50 Blogs for Healthy Eating & Nutrition
How many patients have you seen that are overweight and unfit? Bring it on home and think about how you feel about your own weight and fitness. The medical profession is stressful, and you may work long hours within environments that are not optimal. How do you handle your health?
Fortunately, you have choices. You can begin by learning about nutrition and diets, then look at options such as organic foods, vegan or vegetarian diets or even opt for raw foods if you want to go to extremes.
The following list includes the top fifty healthy eating and nutrition blogs on the Internet. The blogs are categorized, and then listed alphabetically within those categories. This method shows that we do not favor one blog over another.
Nutrition Blogs
The following blogs concentrate on basic nutrition facts and data. The bloggers include doctors, trainers, advisers, schools, clinics, industry experts and more.
About: Nutrition: Shereen has a master’s degree in human nutrition and she was previously certified as a Certified Nutrition Specialist. She now is a health and nutrition writer and a member of the American Dietetic Association. She also is co-author of Superfoods for Dummies.
Balanced Health and Nutrition: Rebecca Scritchfield balances healthy living with nutrition in a blog that focuses on the latest food, nutrition and exercise information for maintaining health or for reaching a health goal.
Better Living with Whole Foods: Alexander Morentin is well known in Southern California as an expert in fitness and whole foods nutrition. He is a living example of how to turn an unhealthy life into a healthy goal.
Brad Pilon’s Nutrition Help: Brad Pilon is a nutrition professional with over seven years experience in the nutritional supplement industry. He also is the author of Eat Stop Eat.
Dr. Michael R. Eades: Dr. Eades is the author of Protein Power and a health care expert in nutritional science, low carb diets and other health issues.
Fresh Squeezed Living: Learn how a fitness, health and wellness coach advises busy professionals in the arts of healthy living, well-being and vitality.
Integrative Nutrition Blog: The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, the largest nutrition school in the world, sponsors this blog. The blog provides a platform for the writers to discuss health, healthy food and empowerment. Look for blog entries by Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Katz.
Nutrition and healthy eating: This blog, provided by the Mayo Clinic, is written by Mayo Clinic nutritionists Jennifer Nelson, M.S., R.D. and Katherine Zeratsky, R.D.
Performance Nutrition Blog: This blog is a collaboration of fitness and nutrition experts located in the New England area. While most of the contributors are affiliated with existing industry businesses, they strive to provide unbiased information for health and fitness.
The Nutrition Data Blog: The information in Nutrition Data’s database comes from the USDA’s National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference and is supplemented by listings provided by restaurants and food manufacturers.
Diet Blogs
If you’re seeking a diet blog, you can find hundreds of those type of blogs on the Internet. The following list is a sampling of diet and fitness blogs, communities, single dieters and a pair of men who are trying to lose weight together. This short list provides a taste of what you can find online for yourself.
Daily Diet Blog: This blog covers a lot of territory, including herbal supplements, hypnotherapy, fat reduction and more. They also talk about nutrition and include health and fitness tips.
Diet & Fitness: This blog, sponsored by eDiets, actually is a community for dieters who want to get in shape as well. The audience includes menand women and the information includes recipes, videos and more.
Diet Blog: This blog covers body image, fast food, diet pills and much more in a blog that is easy to read. They also host a forum.
Diet Tired: This blog approaches dieting with advice on how to diet. From their perspective, it takes more than eating better and more exercise to lose weight - they also tackle the feelings that come with the diet-binge cycle.
Diets in Review: This blog reviews various diets, including news about how these diets failed or succeeded.
Do You Have an Extra Large in This? A young woman, who calls herself Marshmallow, is on a journey to lose weight, to get fit and to fall for the occasional ice cream or two.
Get Fit Slowly: J.D. Roth and Mac Smith are close friends, and they’re both fat. This blog chronicles their efforts to get thin and fit.
Healthy Eating and Diet: This blog is sponsored by WebMD, and it offers nutritional information for dieters, fitness facts and food and cooking ideas for a healthy lifestyle.
The Diet Naked Blog: This housewife lost over 60 pounds since she began a low-glycemic diet. The “naked” part of this site translates to transparency, honesty and “no-hiding” philosophy.
The Token Fat Girl: Tipping the scales at 320 pounds, this 25-year-old woman is on a mission to lose weight and to gain a healthy lifestyle. In the process, she shares food (not literally), recipes and her struggles.
Vegetarian and Vegan Blogs
Eggs or no eggs? That’s the question…no matter if you’re a full-fledged vegan or a vegetarian on the edge, the following list includes some of the hottest blogs around:
About: Vegetarian Food: Jolinda has been vegetarian for over 17 years and made the transition to a vegan diet seven years ago. She provides easy recipes, cooking tips, food and product reviews on her blog.
Almost Vegetarian: A writer and a cooking school student learns how to eat without meat - sometimes. But, this blog moves forward as a predominately healthy, vegetarian food with a side order of green, healthy, and organic lifestyle topics.
Eat Air - A Vegan Food Log: Chris and Darlene lead readers into voyages that include vegan restaurants, sites and recipes for stay-at-home health fiends.
Get Sconed! Jess lives in Portland and is a huge fan of farmer’s markets and seasonal produce. She’s the author of StumptownVegans Podcasts and she shares her love of healthy food on her blog.
Nourish Me: This Australian woman is an artist who loves fennel and who wants to grow her own fruits and vegetables. Her greatest achievement? Teaching her step-sons to love bitter greens.
The Blooming Platter: A baker offers a growing collection of recipes for creative appetizers, beverages, snacks, soups, salads, sides and entrees with a tendency toward ethnic fusion dishes, lightened-up comfort foods and updated classics with a twist.
Urban Vegan: Vegan life in the big city. And, this blogger is totally vegan - down to her bath scrub. Her cookbook, The Urban Vegan: 250 Simple, Sumptuous Recipes, From Street Cart Favorites to Haute Cuisine, will hit the bookstores in late 2009.
Vegan Lunch Box: A stay-at-home mom, cookbook author, and blogger shares new and exciting ways to eat your vegetables. She won PETA’s Proggy Award for Blog of the Year 2005; the 2006 VegWebby Award for “Best Family Blog” from VegNews magazine; and the 6th Annual Bloggy Award for Best Food Blog.
Vegan Planet: Robin Robertson has worked with food for 25 years as a chef, vegan cookbook author and a food columnist.
Vegan Yum-Yum: Lolo quit her day job and is busy writing a cookbook. Although not a chef, her artistry and her vegan knowledge both go a long way in this blog - and on a Martha Stewart show as well.
Organic Blogs
You can eat organic and include meat and fish in your diet. The blogs listed below cover organic eating, but they also broach food policies and sustainable living.
American Feast’s Sustainable Food Blog: Enjoy recipes, shop for foods, learn about food policies and catch up on the latest sustainable news at this blog.
ChewsWise: If you want to learn more about organic and sustainable food, read this blog. Samuel Fromartz, a long time journalist, grows food, speaks at industry-sponsored events and provides factual information as well as strong opinion. Enjoy.
Civil Eats: This site focuses on sustainable agriculture and food systems in an effort to build economically and socially just communities. Although this blog may appear way too serious, you also can expect humor and conversational topics as well.
Eat. Drink. Better. Incredible recipes, notes about restaurants, information on what to watch for and what to embrace for a healthy and organic diet. This is a Green Options site.
Home Grown: Farm Aid created this blog as a place to connect to the land and to each other. Start here to learn how to live a simpler, healthier and more “home grown” life with other people who love to eat, grow and cook good food.
Organic To Be: Learn more about everything from how to eat your flowers to the answer about whether sex is better on a farm at this blog. Entertaining, educational and eye-candy pretty, this site can make you yearn for the hills.
Smitten Kitchen: Start simple with a blog that presents food that is not fussy and that does not contain pretentious ingredients. Food is accessible - even organic food - and Smitten Kitchen provides a warm place to learn how to cook and eat.
The Daily Table: This blog is an extension of the Sustainable Table Web site, and the focus is on local harvests, organic growing methods and community building.
The Ethicurean: A freelance writer, a farmer/school lunch activist, an engineer, an activist, a nonprofit research analyst, a former newspaper reporter, a former lawyer, and a librarian all contribute to this blog, which includes something for everyone - except processed food freaks.
The Green Fork: The blog is for those who want to stay on top of food policies, and the rest of the site is for research. The writers believe that ecologically sound, community-based food choices are essential to solving environmental degradation, climate instability, economic inequality and the myriad adverse health effects of industrialized food production.
Raw Food Blogs
The raw food movement is growing, and the blogs listed below show the wide range of professionals and families who have become involved in this food preparation method:
Adventures of Raw Goddess Heathy: Scroll quickly through this blog to get an eyeful of gorgeous food that couldn’t possibly be raw - but it is.
Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen: Ani’s the host of the award winning most popular uncooking show on YouTube, Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen Show, and is the author of internationally acclaimed best-seller Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen: Easy, Delectable, Living Food Recipes.
Awesome to be Rawsome: A baby boomer gets healthy and loses weight with raw foods - learn about her adventures at her blog.
Choosing Raw: A book editor who currently works as a raw foods lifestyle coach blogs about her life as a faw foodist in New York City.
Julie’s Raw Ambition: Julie Kalivretenos was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2003, and since then has become an advocate for raw foods. She shares her recipes, travels, restaurant experiences, culinary events, inspirations of any kind, and my amateur photography in this blog.
My Raw Food Blog: This site is about becoming, maintaining, and thinking about being a “rawfoodist.”
Raw Food, Right Now! Helping people go raw since 2006, RFRN is for health conscious people who are passionate about raw food. This site offers information and inspiration to help you easily bring raw foods into your lifestyle in a way that works for you.
Raw Food with Jessica: Savor the photos and snatch the recipes available on this raw food blog.
Rawdorable: Join a 32-year-old wife and mom who enjoys working out, preparing raw foods, spending time with my family and sharing her healthy lifestyle with others.
We Like it Raw: Dhrumil Purohit is a 26 year old blogger and entrepreneur who’s all about raw food and the present moment. He leads the team in this blog and at Give it to me Raw, a community site. by Linda
Fortunately, you have choices. You can begin by learning about nutrition and diets, then look at options such as organic foods, vegan or vegetarian diets or even opt for raw foods if you want to go to extremes.
The following list includes the top fifty healthy eating and nutrition blogs on the Internet. The blogs are categorized, and then listed alphabetically within those categories. This method shows that we do not favor one blog over another.
Nutrition Blogs
The following blogs concentrate on basic nutrition facts and data. The bloggers include doctors, trainers, advisers, schools, clinics, industry experts and more.
About: Nutrition: Shereen has a master’s degree in human nutrition and she was previously certified as a Certified Nutrition Specialist. She now is a health and nutrition writer and a member of the American Dietetic Association. She also is co-author of Superfoods for Dummies.
Balanced Health and Nutrition: Rebecca Scritchfield balances healthy living with nutrition in a blog that focuses on the latest food, nutrition and exercise information for maintaining health or for reaching a health goal.
Better Living with Whole Foods: Alexander Morentin is well known in Southern California as an expert in fitness and whole foods nutrition. He is a living example of how to turn an unhealthy life into a healthy goal.
Brad Pilon’s Nutrition Help: Brad Pilon is a nutrition professional with over seven years experience in the nutritional supplement industry. He also is the author of Eat Stop Eat.
Dr. Michael R. Eades: Dr. Eades is the author of Protein Power and a health care expert in nutritional science, low carb diets and other health issues.
Fresh Squeezed Living: Learn how a fitness, health and wellness coach advises busy professionals in the arts of healthy living, well-being and vitality.
Integrative Nutrition Blog: The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, the largest nutrition school in the world, sponsors this blog. The blog provides a platform for the writers to discuss health, healthy food and empowerment. Look for blog entries by Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Katz.
Nutrition and healthy eating: This blog, provided by the Mayo Clinic, is written by Mayo Clinic nutritionists Jennifer Nelson, M.S., R.D. and Katherine Zeratsky, R.D.
Performance Nutrition Blog: This blog is a collaboration of fitness and nutrition experts located in the New England area. While most of the contributors are affiliated with existing industry businesses, they strive to provide unbiased information for health and fitness.
The Nutrition Data Blog: The information in Nutrition Data’s database comes from the USDA’s National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference and is supplemented by listings provided by restaurants and food manufacturers.
Diet Blogs
If you’re seeking a diet blog, you can find hundreds of those type of blogs on the Internet. The following list is a sampling of diet and fitness blogs, communities, single dieters and a pair of men who are trying to lose weight together. This short list provides a taste of what you can find online for yourself.
Daily Diet Blog: This blog covers a lot of territory, including herbal supplements, hypnotherapy, fat reduction and more. They also talk about nutrition and include health and fitness tips.
Diet & Fitness: This blog, sponsored by eDiets, actually is a community for dieters who want to get in shape as well. The audience includes menand women and the information includes recipes, videos and more.
Diet Blog: This blog covers body image, fast food, diet pills and much more in a blog that is easy to read. They also host a forum.
Diet Tired: This blog approaches dieting with advice on how to diet. From their perspective, it takes more than eating better and more exercise to lose weight - they also tackle the feelings that come with the diet-binge cycle.
Diets in Review: This blog reviews various diets, including news about how these diets failed or succeeded.
Do You Have an Extra Large in This? A young woman, who calls herself Marshmallow, is on a journey to lose weight, to get fit and to fall for the occasional ice cream or two.
Get Fit Slowly: J.D. Roth and Mac Smith are close friends, and they’re both fat. This blog chronicles their efforts to get thin and fit.
Healthy Eating and Diet: This blog is sponsored by WebMD, and it offers nutritional information for dieters, fitness facts and food and cooking ideas for a healthy lifestyle.
The Diet Naked Blog: This housewife lost over 60 pounds since she began a low-glycemic diet. The “naked” part of this site translates to transparency, honesty and “no-hiding” philosophy.
The Token Fat Girl: Tipping the scales at 320 pounds, this 25-year-old woman is on a mission to lose weight and to gain a healthy lifestyle. In the process, she shares food (not literally), recipes and her struggles.
Vegetarian and Vegan Blogs
Eggs or no eggs? That’s the question…no matter if you’re a full-fledged vegan or a vegetarian on the edge, the following list includes some of the hottest blogs around:
About: Vegetarian Food: Jolinda has been vegetarian for over 17 years and made the transition to a vegan diet seven years ago. She provides easy recipes, cooking tips, food and product reviews on her blog.
Almost Vegetarian: A writer and a cooking school student learns how to eat without meat - sometimes. But, this blog moves forward as a predominately healthy, vegetarian food with a side order of green, healthy, and organic lifestyle topics.
Eat Air - A Vegan Food Log: Chris and Darlene lead readers into voyages that include vegan restaurants, sites and recipes for stay-at-home health fiends.
Get Sconed! Jess lives in Portland and is a huge fan of farmer’s markets and seasonal produce. She’s the author of StumptownVegans Podcasts and she shares her love of healthy food on her blog.
Nourish Me: This Australian woman is an artist who loves fennel and who wants to grow her own fruits and vegetables. Her greatest achievement? Teaching her step-sons to love bitter greens.
The Blooming Platter: A baker offers a growing collection of recipes for creative appetizers, beverages, snacks, soups, salads, sides and entrees with a tendency toward ethnic fusion dishes, lightened-up comfort foods and updated classics with a twist.
Urban Vegan: Vegan life in the big city. And, this blogger is totally vegan - down to her bath scrub. Her cookbook, The Urban Vegan: 250 Simple, Sumptuous Recipes, From Street Cart Favorites to Haute Cuisine, will hit the bookstores in late 2009.
Vegan Lunch Box: A stay-at-home mom, cookbook author, and blogger shares new and exciting ways to eat your vegetables. She won PETA’s Proggy Award for Blog of the Year 2005; the 2006 VegWebby Award for “Best Family Blog” from VegNews magazine; and the 6th Annual Bloggy Award for Best Food Blog.
Vegan Planet: Robin Robertson has worked with food for 25 years as a chef, vegan cookbook author and a food columnist.
Vegan Yum-Yum: Lolo quit her day job and is busy writing a cookbook. Although not a chef, her artistry and her vegan knowledge both go a long way in this blog - and on a Martha Stewart show as well.
Organic Blogs
You can eat organic and include meat and fish in your diet. The blogs listed below cover organic eating, but they also broach food policies and sustainable living.
American Feast’s Sustainable Food Blog: Enjoy recipes, shop for foods, learn about food policies and catch up on the latest sustainable news at this blog.
ChewsWise: If you want to learn more about organic and sustainable food, read this blog. Samuel Fromartz, a long time journalist, grows food, speaks at industry-sponsored events and provides factual information as well as strong opinion. Enjoy.
Civil Eats: This site focuses on sustainable agriculture and food systems in an effort to build economically and socially just communities. Although this blog may appear way too serious, you also can expect humor and conversational topics as well.
Eat. Drink. Better. Incredible recipes, notes about restaurants, information on what to watch for and what to embrace for a healthy and organic diet. This is a Green Options site.
Home Grown: Farm Aid created this blog as a place to connect to the land and to each other. Start here to learn how to live a simpler, healthier and more “home grown” life with other people who love to eat, grow and cook good food.
Organic To Be: Learn more about everything from how to eat your flowers to the answer about whether sex is better on a farm at this blog. Entertaining, educational and eye-candy pretty, this site can make you yearn for the hills.
Smitten Kitchen: Start simple with a blog that presents food that is not fussy and that does not contain pretentious ingredients. Food is accessible - even organic food - and Smitten Kitchen provides a warm place to learn how to cook and eat.
The Daily Table: This blog is an extension of the Sustainable Table Web site, and the focus is on local harvests, organic growing methods and community building.
The Ethicurean: A freelance writer, a farmer/school lunch activist, an engineer, an activist, a nonprofit research analyst, a former newspaper reporter, a former lawyer, and a librarian all contribute to this blog, which includes something for everyone - except processed food freaks.
The Green Fork: The blog is for those who want to stay on top of food policies, and the rest of the site is for research. The writers believe that ecologically sound, community-based food choices are essential to solving environmental degradation, climate instability, economic inequality and the myriad adverse health effects of industrialized food production.
Raw Food Blogs
The raw food movement is growing, and the blogs listed below show the wide range of professionals and families who have become involved in this food preparation method:
Adventures of Raw Goddess Heathy: Scroll quickly through this blog to get an eyeful of gorgeous food that couldn’t possibly be raw - but it is.
Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen: Ani’s the host of the award winning most popular uncooking show on YouTube, Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen Show, and is the author of internationally acclaimed best-seller Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen: Easy, Delectable, Living Food Recipes.
Awesome to be Rawsome: A baby boomer gets healthy and loses weight with raw foods - learn about her adventures at her blog.
Choosing Raw: A book editor who currently works as a raw foods lifestyle coach blogs about her life as a faw foodist in New York City.
Julie’s Raw Ambition: Julie Kalivretenos was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2003, and since then has become an advocate for raw foods. She shares her recipes, travels, restaurant experiences, culinary events, inspirations of any kind, and my amateur photography in this blog.
My Raw Food Blog: This site is about becoming, maintaining, and thinking about being a “rawfoodist.”
Raw Food, Right Now! Helping people go raw since 2006, RFRN is for health conscious people who are passionate about raw food. This site offers information and inspiration to help you easily bring raw foods into your lifestyle in a way that works for you.
Raw Food with Jessica: Savor the photos and snatch the recipes available on this raw food blog.
Rawdorable: Join a 32-year-old wife and mom who enjoys working out, preparing raw foods, spending time with my family and sharing her healthy lifestyle with others.
We Like it Raw: Dhrumil Purohit is a 26 year old blogger and entrepreneur who’s all about raw food and the present moment. He leads the team in this blog and at Give it to me Raw, a community site. by Linda
Ancient volcano caused 10-year winter
by Staff WritersNew Brunswick, N.J. (UPI) U.S. scientists said they have determined the eruption of Indonesia's Toba volcano about 74,000 years ago triggered a decade-long severe winter.
Previous studies suggested the massive eruption produced a 1,000-year episode of ice sheet advance, as well as a "volcanic winter," which most likely would have drastically reduced the human population at the time.
To investigate additional mechanisms that might have enhanced and extended the effects of the Toba eruption, Rutgers University Professor Alan Robock and colleagues conducted six climate model computer simulations using state-of-the-art models that include vegetation death effects and stratospheric chemistry feedback that might affect the lifetime of the volcanic cloud.
The researchers said they used a variety of aerosol injection simulations ranging up to 900 times that of the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption in the Philippines.
The scientists said none of the models initiated glaciation, but they did produce a decade of severe volcanic winter that would likely have devastated humanity and global ecosystems.
The study that included Georgiy Stenchikov Caspar Ammann, Samuel Levis, Luke Oman and Drew Shindell appears in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres.
Previous studies suggested the massive eruption produced a 1,000-year episode of ice sheet advance, as well as a "volcanic winter," which most likely would have drastically reduced the human population at the time.
To investigate additional mechanisms that might have enhanced and extended the effects of the Toba eruption, Rutgers University Professor Alan Robock and colleagues conducted six climate model computer simulations using state-of-the-art models that include vegetation death effects and stratospheric chemistry feedback that might affect the lifetime of the volcanic cloud.
The researchers said they used a variety of aerosol injection simulations ranging up to 900 times that of the 1991 Mount Pinatubo eruption in the Philippines.
The scientists said none of the models initiated glaciation, but they did produce a decade of severe volcanic winter that would likely have devastated humanity and global ecosystems.
The study that included Georgiy Stenchikov Caspar Ammann, Samuel Levis, Luke Oman and Drew Shindell appears in the Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres.
New flu virus found at Canadian hog farm

by Staff WritersOttawa (AFP) July 7, 2009A "novel" influenza type A virus was confirmed in two hog farm workers in the central Canadian province of Saskatchewan, health authorities said Tuesday, stressing the virus was "non-pandemic."
"A novel non-pandemic influenza A virus has been confirmed in two hog farm workers in Saskatchewan and a third case is under investigation," the provincial authorities said, noting the workers had fully recovered.
Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq said: "We are working closely with the province of Saskatchewan to learn as much as we can about this new flu virus.
"Preliminary results indicate the risk to public health is low and that Canadians who have been vaccinated against the regular, seasonal flu should have some immunity to this new flu strain," she added in a statement.
The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) said its microbiology lab in Winnipeg, Manitoba had found that the new strain consisted of genes from human seasonal flu and swine flu viruses.
However, it stressed, the virus was not a new strain of the pandemic A(H1N1) flu virus that first emerged in Mexico in late April before spreading across the world.
"There is no evidence," PHAC said, "that this new human strain of the virus is present in the swine herd."
Worst hit by the A(H1N1) virus are the United States with 170 deaths, Mexico (119 deaths) and Argentina (60 deaths), ahead of the 37 people killed by the pandemic in Canada.
The World Health Organization has also been informed of the new strain in Canada.
Striking a reassuring tone, local health officials stressed that these types of viruses are not easily transmitted between humans and that there was no evidence to the contrary.
"Our ongoing surveillance detected the new strain, and we will continue to aggressively monitor and test Saskatchewan residents in the affected area," said the province's chief medical health officer Moira McKinnon.
Saskatchewan said it had taken several precautionary measures, including boosting surveillance of humans and pigs, reinforcing bio-security on the hog farm, which was not identified by name, and vaccinating the farm's workers
"A novel non-pandemic influenza A virus has been confirmed in two hog farm workers in Saskatchewan and a third case is under investigation," the provincial authorities said, noting the workers had fully recovered.
Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq said: "We are working closely with the province of Saskatchewan to learn as much as we can about this new flu virus.
"Preliminary results indicate the risk to public health is low and that Canadians who have been vaccinated against the regular, seasonal flu should have some immunity to this new flu strain," she added in a statement.
The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) said its microbiology lab in Winnipeg, Manitoba had found that the new strain consisted of genes from human seasonal flu and swine flu viruses.
However, it stressed, the virus was not a new strain of the pandemic A(H1N1) flu virus that first emerged in Mexico in late April before spreading across the world.
"There is no evidence," PHAC said, "that this new human strain of the virus is present in the swine herd."
Worst hit by the A(H1N1) virus are the United States with 170 deaths, Mexico (119 deaths) and Argentina (60 deaths), ahead of the 37 people killed by the pandemic in Canada.
The World Health Organization has also been informed of the new strain in Canada.
Striking a reassuring tone, local health officials stressed that these types of viruses are not easily transmitted between humans and that there was no evidence to the contrary.
"Our ongoing surveillance detected the new strain, and we will continue to aggressively monitor and test Saskatchewan residents in the affected area," said the province's chief medical health officer Moira McKinnon.
Saskatchewan said it had taken several precautionary measures, including boosting surveillance of humans and pigs, reinforcing bio-security on the hog farm, which was not identified by name, and vaccinating the farm's workers
Nickels gives City Light chief $40,000 bonus
The city of Seattle's highest-paid executive got a $40,000 bonus this year, even as his department, Seattle City Light, considers rate increases and other measures to fill a $90 million budget gap in 2010.
Mayor Greg Nickels gave Superintendent Jorge Carrasco the maximum bonus allowed in his contract to encourage him to stay in Seattle, said Alex Fryer, a spokesman for Nickels. The head of Seattle Public Utilities left earlier this year for a job that officials said paid more than the city could offer him.
"It's pretty competitive for those folks," Fryer said, pointing out that at $224,000 this year, Carrasco's salary is less than heads of utilities in Snohomish, Chelan and Grant counties.
Carrasco started at City Light in 2004. Each year, he was eligible for a bonus of up to 8 percent of his salary if he met certain job-performance objectives, such as getting the utility out of debt and negotiating union contracts.
In 2005 and 2006, Carrasco got $5,000. He got no bonus in 2007 or 2008.
This year, he was eligible for an additional 10 percent bonus for staying at the city for four years. The mayor decided to give him the entire 18 percent, or $40,000. The contract does not require the city to pay any bonus.
The bonus is nothing compared to bonuses at publicly traded utilities. Stephen Reynolds, CEO of Puget Energy, got $788,906 in 2008 as part of his $3.3 million pay package, which also included stock awards valued at $1.3 million at the time they were given, according to Equilar, an executive-compensation research firm. (Puget Energy was publicly traded then, but no longer is.)
Scott Morris, the CEO of Avista, received $2.1 million in 2008 compensation, including a $404,597 bonus and $1.1 million worth of stock awards.
Carrasco was not available for comment.
His spokeswoman, Suzanne Hartman, said she couldn't comment on his decision to accept the bonus. She pointed out his accomplishments since taking over the then-troubled utility after the energy crisis. Rates have decreased 12.1 percent during his tenure, Hartman said, and debt has been paid down.
The City Council unanimously reconfirmed Carrasco last year.
"Certainly, any kind of bonus should be scrutinized during tough times and flush times," said Councilmember Bruce Harrell, chairman of the Energy and Technology Committee. "But in the next two years, that utility's going to need the best leadership possible, and Jorge has demonstrated the best leadership possible."
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The city is now considering a rate increase to help close a gap left by lower-than-expected wholesale revenues. James Donaldson, one of seven candidates challenging the mayor in the Aug. 18 primary, blasted the bonus in a Tuesday news release, saying the mayor "has his priorities all screwed up." Had he been mayor, Donaldson said, he would have asked Carrasco to defer the bonus. At the very least, Donaldson said, he would have publicized his decision to give Carrasco the bonus.
The city didn't announce the bonus. It was first reported Monday night by Seattle PostGlobe, a news Web site started by former Seattle Post-Intelligencer staffers.
"It just adds insult to injury," Donaldson said. "We need a lot more sensitivity to the lives of every taxpayer here in Seattle."
Later in the day, City Councilmember Jan Drago's mayoral campaign issued its own news release. "I understand there is a need to pay competitive salaries for highly valued executives, but the city must show restraint during tough economic times like these," Drago said in the statement.
Staff reporter Amy Martinez contributed to this report. Emily Heffter: 206-464-8246 or eheffter@seattletimes.com
Copyright © 2009 The Seattle Times Company
By Emily Heffter
Seattle Times staff reporter
Mayor Greg Nickels gave Superintendent Jorge Carrasco the maximum bonus allowed in his contract to encourage him to stay in Seattle, said Alex Fryer, a spokesman for Nickels. The head of Seattle Public Utilities left earlier this year for a job that officials said paid more than the city could offer him.
"It's pretty competitive for those folks," Fryer said, pointing out that at $224,000 this year, Carrasco's salary is less than heads of utilities in Snohomish, Chelan and Grant counties.
Carrasco started at City Light in 2004. Each year, he was eligible for a bonus of up to 8 percent of his salary if he met certain job-performance objectives, such as getting the utility out of debt and negotiating union contracts.
In 2005 and 2006, Carrasco got $5,000. He got no bonus in 2007 or 2008.
This year, he was eligible for an additional 10 percent bonus for staying at the city for four years. The mayor decided to give him the entire 18 percent, or $40,000. The contract does not require the city to pay any bonus.
The bonus is nothing compared to bonuses at publicly traded utilities. Stephen Reynolds, CEO of Puget Energy, got $788,906 in 2008 as part of his $3.3 million pay package, which also included stock awards valued at $1.3 million at the time they were given, according to Equilar, an executive-compensation research firm. (Puget Energy was publicly traded then, but no longer is.)
Scott Morris, the CEO of Avista, received $2.1 million in 2008 compensation, including a $404,597 bonus and $1.1 million worth of stock awards.
Carrasco was not available for comment.
His spokeswoman, Suzanne Hartman, said she couldn't comment on his decision to accept the bonus. She pointed out his accomplishments since taking over the then-troubled utility after the energy crisis. Rates have decreased 12.1 percent during his tenure, Hartman said, and debt has been paid down.
The City Council unanimously reconfirmed Carrasco last year.
"Certainly, any kind of bonus should be scrutinized during tough times and flush times," said Councilmember Bruce Harrell, chairman of the Energy and Technology Committee. "But in the next two years, that utility's going to need the best leadership possible, and Jorge has demonstrated the best leadership possible."
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The city is now considering a rate increase to help close a gap left by lower-than-expected wholesale revenues. James Donaldson, one of seven candidates challenging the mayor in the Aug. 18 primary, blasted the bonus in a Tuesday news release, saying the mayor "has his priorities all screwed up." Had he been mayor, Donaldson said, he would have asked Carrasco to defer the bonus. At the very least, Donaldson said, he would have publicized his decision to give Carrasco the bonus.
The city didn't announce the bonus. It was first reported Monday night by Seattle PostGlobe, a news Web site started by former Seattle Post-Intelligencer staffers.
"It just adds insult to injury," Donaldson said. "We need a lot more sensitivity to the lives of every taxpayer here in Seattle."
Later in the day, City Councilmember Jan Drago's mayoral campaign issued its own news release. "I understand there is a need to pay competitive salaries for highly valued executives, but the city must show restraint during tough economic times like these," Drago said in the statement.
Staff reporter Amy Martinez contributed to this report. Emily Heffter: 206-464-8246 or eheffter@seattletimes.com
Copyright © 2009 The Seattle Times Company
By Emily Heffter
Seattle Times staff reporter
Microsoft's Imagine Cup wrapped up in Cairo

More than 400 students from 700 countries competed in the finals of the Imagine Cup in Egypt, a Microsoft-sponsored student technology competitionthat wrapped up today.
The categories included software design, embedded development andgame development. This year's competition focused on addressing the United Nations' Millenium Development Goals with innovative technology. The prizes totaled $180,000.
One of the teams recognized, Team Trailblazer from India, built an educational game that provides public-health information to children aboutmalaria. Another winning team, Team WaFree from South Korea, built an embedded system to help farmers breed insects for food. For the full list of winners, click here.
The awards ceremony took place today at the base of the pyramids in Egypt. Ray Ozzie, Microsoft's chief software architect, gave the opening speech kicking off the finals.
Copyright © 2009 The Seattle Times Company

The body of a Muslim woman, killed in a German courtroom by a man convicted of insulting her religion, has been taken back to her native Egypt for burial. Marwa Sherbini, 31, was stabbed 18 times by Axel W, who is now under arrest in Dresden for suspected murder. Husband Elwi Okaz is also in a critical condition in hospital, after being injured as he tried to save his wife. Ms Sherbini had sued her killer after he called her a "terrorist" because of her headscarf. The case has attracted much attention in Egypt and the Muslim world. German prosecutors have said the 28-year-old attacker, identified only as Axel W, was driven by a deep hatred of foreigners and Muslims. Medics were unable to save Ms Sherbini who was three months pregnant with her second child. Her three-year-old son was with the family in court when she was killed. Axel W and Ms Sherbini and family were in court for his appeal against a fine of 750 euros ($1,050) for insulting her in 2008, apparently because she was wearing the Muslim headscarf or Hijab. Newspapers in Egypt have expressed outrage at the case, asking how it was allowed to happen and dubbing Ms Sherbini "the martyr of the Hijab". Senior Egyptian officials and German diplomatic staff attended the funeral in Alexandria along with hundreds of mourners. Media reports say Mr Okaz was injured both by the attacker and when a policeman opened fire in the courtroom
Egyptians Accuse Germany Of Racism
Fury and sorrow in Egypt: the murder of a pregnant Egyptian woman in a German courtroom last week has sparked protests in Egypt with mourners chanting "Down With Germany". The woman was stabbed to death in a racist attack.
A brutal murder in Germany last week has caused shockwaves in far-off Egypt. Thousands of mourners took to the streets of Alexandria on Monday to protest at the funeral of a pregnant Egyptian woman who was stabbed to death inside a German court in a crime that has provoked fury in her home country.
Egyptian newspapers have given strong coverage to the death of Marwa al-Sherbini (32), describing the veiled woman as a "martyr in a headscarf" and suggesting the killer was motivated by a hatred of Islam.
Mourners chanted "Down with Germany" and scuffled with police after prayers in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria for al-Sherbini, who was murdered on July 1 in a courtroom in Dresden, eastern Germany, by a German man of Russian origin.
"We will revenge her death," al-Sherbini's brother, Tarek al-Sherbini," told the Associated Press. He said Muslims faced racism and discrimination in the West.
Al-Sherbini, mother to a three-year-old child and three months pregnant, was stabbed 18 times by the man she was testifying against during an appeal hearing, said German prosecutors.
'He Wasn't Blond, so They Shot Him'
Her killer also stabbed her husband, who German police then mistook for the attacker and shot in the leg, prosecutors added. The husband is in a hospital and has awoken from a coma. "They thought that he had to be the attacker because he isn't blond and then they shot him," Tarek told Egyptian TV.
The killer, named only as Alex W., was appealing against a conviction for insulting Sherbini by calling her an "Islamist," "terrorist" and a "slut" when she asked him to make space for her son to go on the swings on a playground in Dresden, said prosecutors.
He had been fined €780 and last Wednesday's court session had been called to hear his appeal against the ruling.
State prosecutor Christian Avenarius described him as a man driven by hatred of Muslims. "It was clearly a racist attack by a fanatical lone wolf," he said. W. had moved to Germany from Russia in 2003 and had already expressed his contempt for all Muslims at the start of his court case, said the prosecutor.
Al-Sherbini's body was flown to Cairo on Sunday, and met by her family and the German ambassador. Her funeral was attended by members of parliament, a minister, a representative of Egypt's Coptic Christians and others.
Al-Sherbini moved to Germany in 2005 with her husband Elwi Okaz, a genetic research scientist. They lived in Berlin at first and moved to Dresden in 2008 where Elwi had a research position at the Max-Planck-Institute.
Members of the Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary bloc, Egypt's most powerful opposition group, have called for Parliament Members to discuss the killing, said the group's Web site.
German Consulate Under Police Protection
More protests are planned in front of the German consulate in Alexandria on Thursday. Egyptian newspapers reported that police had been put on alert and would deploy to protect the consulate. The city council plans to name a street after al-Sherbini, Daily News Egypt reported on Tuesday.
Hundreds of Arabs and Muslims demonstrated in Berlin on Saturday. The Egyptian Pharmaceutical Association has called for a boycott of German-made drugs - al-Sherbiny was a pharmacologist and a member of Egypt's national handball team from 1992 to 1999.
The General Secretaries of Germany's Muslim and Jewish Councils, Aiman Mayzek and Stephan Kramer, visited al-Sherbini's husband in hospital on Monday. "You don't have to be Muslim to oppose anti-Muslim behavior, and you don't have to be Jewish to oppose anti-Semitism," said Kramer. "We must stand together against such inhumanity."
German government spokesman Thomas Steg said Chancellor Angela Merkel had reacted "very emotionally" to the incident. "If there's a xenophobic, racist background to this case, the government of course condemns it in the strongest terms," he said.
Sheikh Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi, Egypt's most senior cleric, called the attacker a murderer and said al-Sherbiny was a martyr. But he appealed for calm and said he hoped the murder wouldn't harm the dialogue between the West and Islam. "It was an isolated case," he said. Intellpuke: This article is a compilation of reporting by Spiegel journalists and various news organizations; you can read it in context here: www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,634842,00.html
A brutal murder in Germany last week has caused shockwaves in far-off Egypt. Thousands of mourners took to the streets of Alexandria on Monday to protest at the funeral of a pregnant Egyptian woman who was stabbed to death inside a German court in a crime that has provoked fury in her home country.
Egyptian newspapers have given strong coverage to the death of Marwa al-Sherbini (32), describing the veiled woman as a "martyr in a headscarf" and suggesting the killer was motivated by a hatred of Islam.
Mourners chanted "Down with Germany" and scuffled with police after prayers in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria for al-Sherbini, who was murdered on July 1 in a courtroom in Dresden, eastern Germany, by a German man of Russian origin.
"We will revenge her death," al-Sherbini's brother, Tarek al-Sherbini," told the Associated Press. He said Muslims faced racism and discrimination in the West.
Al-Sherbini, mother to a three-year-old child and three months pregnant, was stabbed 18 times by the man she was testifying against during an appeal hearing, said German prosecutors.
'He Wasn't Blond, so They Shot Him'
Her killer also stabbed her husband, who German police then mistook for the attacker and shot in the leg, prosecutors added. The husband is in a hospital and has awoken from a coma. "They thought that he had to be the attacker because he isn't blond and then they shot him," Tarek told Egyptian TV.
The killer, named only as Alex W., was appealing against a conviction for insulting Sherbini by calling her an "Islamist," "terrorist" and a "slut" when she asked him to make space for her son to go on the swings on a playground in Dresden, said prosecutors.
He had been fined €780 and last Wednesday's court session had been called to hear his appeal against the ruling.
State prosecutor Christian Avenarius described him as a man driven by hatred of Muslims. "It was clearly a racist attack by a fanatical lone wolf," he said. W. had moved to Germany from Russia in 2003 and had already expressed his contempt for all Muslims at the start of his court case, said the prosecutor.
Al-Sherbini's body was flown to Cairo on Sunday, and met by her family and the German ambassador. Her funeral was attended by members of parliament, a minister, a representative of Egypt's Coptic Christians and others.
Al-Sherbini moved to Germany in 2005 with her husband Elwi Okaz, a genetic research scientist. They lived in Berlin at first and moved to Dresden in 2008 where Elwi had a research position at the Max-Planck-Institute.
Members of the Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary bloc, Egypt's most powerful opposition group, have called for Parliament Members to discuss the killing, said the group's Web site.
German Consulate Under Police Protection
More protests are planned in front of the German consulate in Alexandria on Thursday. Egyptian newspapers reported that police had been put on alert and would deploy to protect the consulate. The city council plans to name a street after al-Sherbini, Daily News Egypt reported on Tuesday.
Hundreds of Arabs and Muslims demonstrated in Berlin on Saturday. The Egyptian Pharmaceutical Association has called for a boycott of German-made drugs - al-Sherbiny was a pharmacologist and a member of Egypt's national handball team from 1992 to 1999.
The General Secretaries of Germany's Muslim and Jewish Councils, Aiman Mayzek and Stephan Kramer, visited al-Sherbini's husband in hospital on Monday. "You don't have to be Muslim to oppose anti-Muslim behavior, and you don't have to be Jewish to oppose anti-Semitism," said Kramer. "We must stand together against such inhumanity."
German government spokesman Thomas Steg said Chancellor Angela Merkel had reacted "very emotionally" to the incident. "If there's a xenophobic, racist background to this case, the government of course condemns it in the strongest terms," he said.
Sheikh Muhammad Sayyid Tantawi, Egypt's most senior cleric, called the attacker a murderer and said al-Sherbiny was a martyr. But he appealed for calm and said he hoped the murder wouldn't harm the dialogue between the West and Islam. "It was an isolated case," he said. Intellpuke: This article is a compilation of reporting by Spiegel journalists and various news organizations; you can read it in context here: www.spiegel.de/international/world/0,1518,634842,00.html
Egyptians Demand Revenge for Dresden Stabbing, Welt Says
More than 1,000 people took to the streets of the Egyptian city of Alexandria yesterday to mourn and protest the murder of a 32-year-old Egyptian woman in a Dresden court last week, Die Welt reported today.
Militant are using the incident to arouse aggression against Germans in video messages and on internet forums, the newspaper said.
To contact the reporter on this story: Cornelius Rahn in Frankfurt at crahn2@bloomberg.net
Militant are using the incident to arouse aggression against Germans in video messages and on internet forums, the newspaper said.
To contact the reporter on this story: Cornelius Rahn in Frankfurt at crahn2@bloomberg.net
The Cure Is In Your Food

By Delia Quigley
I like to think that America is in the midst of a food revolution. All the books available on improving one’s health by eating a good diet, and books about how to green the home and save the planet, articles on health and nutrition in magazines and newsletters, helps me to maintain the illusion that progress has been made and victory is within our grasp. Then The New York Times comes along and bursts my bubble with an article by Roni Caryn Rabin, showing the latest statistics for Americans eating habits.
According to a national survey of Americans age 40 to age 74, those eating five servings of fruits and vegetables per day has dropped from 42 percent to 26 percent. At the same time the obesity rate increased from 28 percent to 36 percent and the percentage of people who exercise dropped by half. The study, reported in the June issue of The American Journal of Medicine, proved disappointing to its lead author, Dr. Dana E. King, who was concerned that people are using medication to control their cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease, rather than eating a high quality diet and getting regular exercise.
It is the nature of the human mind to deceive itself into believing what it wants to believe, and one of the greatest deceptions is that ultimate health can be found in a pill. Sorry to burst that bubble, but the only one benefiting from this lie is the pharmaceutical companies who indulge Americans addiction to greasy burgers, fries, sugar, and soda pop. Author Eric Schlosser wrote in Fast Food Nation how, “In 1970 Americans spent about $6 billion on fast food; in 2000 they spent more than $110 billion dollars. Americans now spend more money on fast food than on higher education, personal computers, computer software, or new cars. They spend more on fast food than on movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music combined.”
Taking a pill in place of eating a whole foods diet, only creates a build up of toxins and poisonous sludge in the blood. It is not much different than how a river or ocean becomes contaminated, and when this happens there is only one thing to do. Cleanse, detoxify, go on a diet, renew, rejuvenate, recover. Now, I’m not talking about doing a quick seven-day laxative induced, fasting binge, which is just another illusion that there’s relief to be found in pill form. No, I’m talking about a gradual shift off of stress causing foods: refined wheat flour, refined sugar, pasteurized dairy products, caffeine, alcohol and artificial sweeteners, flavorings and colorings. To a diet consisting of alkaline forming foods found in organic fruits and vegetables, plus whole grains, small amounts of animal protein, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, probiotic rich fermented vegetables and fresh herbs.
This way of eating allows your filtering organs time to cleanse gradually, so the liver can purify the blood in order for the cells to rejuvenate and rebuild. With enough time the entire body, including DNA can remake itself. A good cleansing program should last five to six weeks to really be effective. However, in order to remake and heal the body, plan for at least a full year. Perhaps not as fast as you were hoping to find in pill form, but most pharmaceutical medications will only mask the symptoms. Better to take the time, provide all the needed nutrients in the form of whole, organic food and let your body do the healing work. After all that’s what nature intended.
Delia Quigley is the Director of StillPoint Schoolhouse, where she teaches a holistic lifestyle designed to achieve optimal health and well being, based on her 28 years of study, experience and practice. She is the creator of the Body Rejuvenation Cleanse, Cooking the Basics videos and classes, and Broken Bodies Yoga. Delia’s credentials include holistic nutritional counselor, natural foods chef, yoga instructor, energy therapist and public speaker.
Quigley is the author of seven books on health and nutrition, including:The Body Rejuvenation Cleanse, The Complete Idiots Guide to Detoxing Your Body, The Everything SuperFoods Book, and Empowering Your Life With Meditation, available on Amazon.com. To view her website go to: www.deliaquigley.com
I like to think that America is in the midst of a food revolution. All the books available on improving one’s health by eating a good diet, and books about how to green the home and save the planet, articles on health and nutrition in magazines and newsletters, helps me to maintain the illusion that progress has been made and victory is within our grasp. Then The New York Times comes along and bursts my bubble with an article by Roni Caryn Rabin, showing the latest statistics for Americans eating habits.
According to a national survey of Americans age 40 to age 74, those eating five servings of fruits and vegetables per day has dropped from 42 percent to 26 percent. At the same time the obesity rate increased from 28 percent to 36 percent and the percentage of people who exercise dropped by half. The study, reported in the June issue of The American Journal of Medicine, proved disappointing to its lead author, Dr. Dana E. King, who was concerned that people are using medication to control their cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease, rather than eating a high quality diet and getting regular exercise.
It is the nature of the human mind to deceive itself into believing what it wants to believe, and one of the greatest deceptions is that ultimate health can be found in a pill. Sorry to burst that bubble, but the only one benefiting from this lie is the pharmaceutical companies who indulge Americans addiction to greasy burgers, fries, sugar, and soda pop. Author Eric Schlosser wrote in Fast Food Nation how, “In 1970 Americans spent about $6 billion on fast food; in 2000 they spent more than $110 billion dollars. Americans now spend more money on fast food than on higher education, personal computers, computer software, or new cars. They spend more on fast food than on movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music combined.”
Taking a pill in place of eating a whole foods diet, only creates a build up of toxins and poisonous sludge in the blood. It is not much different than how a river or ocean becomes contaminated, and when this happens there is only one thing to do. Cleanse, detoxify, go on a diet, renew, rejuvenate, recover. Now, I’m not talking about doing a quick seven-day laxative induced, fasting binge, which is just another illusion that there’s relief to be found in pill form. No, I’m talking about a gradual shift off of stress causing foods: refined wheat flour, refined sugar, pasteurized dairy products, caffeine, alcohol and artificial sweeteners, flavorings and colorings. To a diet consisting of alkaline forming foods found in organic fruits and vegetables, plus whole grains, small amounts of animal protein, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, probiotic rich fermented vegetables and fresh herbs.
This way of eating allows your filtering organs time to cleanse gradually, so the liver can purify the blood in order for the cells to rejuvenate and rebuild. With enough time the entire body, including DNA can remake itself. A good cleansing program should last five to six weeks to really be effective. However, in order to remake and heal the body, plan for at least a full year. Perhaps not as fast as you were hoping to find in pill form, but most pharmaceutical medications will only mask the symptoms. Better to take the time, provide all the needed nutrients in the form of whole, organic food and let your body do the healing work. After all that’s what nature intended.
Delia Quigley is the Director of StillPoint Schoolhouse, where she teaches a holistic lifestyle designed to achieve optimal health and well being, based on her 28 years of study, experience and practice. She is the creator of the Body Rejuvenation Cleanse, Cooking the Basics videos and classes, and Broken Bodies Yoga. Delia’s credentials include holistic nutritional counselor, natural foods chef, yoga instructor, energy therapist and public speaker.
Quigley is the author of seven books on health and nutrition, including:The Body Rejuvenation Cleanse, The Complete Idiots Guide to Detoxing Your Body, The Everything SuperFoods Book, and Empowering Your Life With Meditation, available on Amazon.com. To view her website go to: www.deliaquigley.com
Everything You Need to Know About Plastic

By Leslie Crawford
I admit it, I’m holier-than-thou when it comes to what I feed my six-year-old son, Sam. Organic everything, filtered water, wheat not white. In fact, I’d assumed that my record as a well-informed, health-conscious mother was just about impeccable. But then a chance conversation with my sister-in-law sent me into a tailspin.
“Knowing what I know now,” said my sister-in-law Jeri Metz, an environmental scientist and organic farmer in Cabin John, Maryland, “I would never feed my family anything that’s been sold, served, or stored in plastic.” The concern, explained Jeri, is that many of the chemicals used to make and treat the plastic we wrap and bottle our food in may be carcinogenic, hormone-altering, and, at the very least, a cause of allergic reactions ranging from skin irritation to breathing problems. What�s more, a growing body of studies shows that many of these same toxic chemicals are migrating directing into our food.
Yikes. I thought I had enough on my plate, what with fretting over pesticides, non-stick pans, and antibacterial soaps. Now I have to add plastic to the list of worries? As credentialed as Jeri is–she’s a university science professor who is diligent about keeping up-to-date on environmental and health research–I didn’t want to believe her. I need plastic. I use it every day. My son needs it. “You mean, even the sippy cups for Sam’s soy milk?” I asked. “The baggies I use for his organic pita-bread sandwiches–those, too?”
Indeed, she replied. In short, even the most conscientious, naturally minded consumer may be ingesting a host of chemicals that pose enough of a risk to merit notice–and in some cases, intense scrutiny–by activist groups like Health Care Without Harm and Greenpeace, as well as government agencies such as the USDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). No long-term studies have yet been conducted on humans, Jeri added, but the bottom line is that we can’t be sure what the chemicals in plastics are doing to us and to our children.
I was bewildered: How could something with such potential for harm be permitted to come in such close contact with the food we eat? And if there is a danger, how can you minimize your risks without driving yourself crazy looking for alternatives?
I ran a mental slide show of the chemical feast of plastics my son may have been ingesting from the womb onward. For starters, there is the sea of plastic chemicals I’ve been surrounded by in my lifetime and passed on to him during my pregnancy, then years’ worth of breast milk stored and heated in plastic bags during his infancy. Then all those plastic baby bottles and sippy cups. The famous line in The Graduate foretold the role plastic would play in our economy: Indeed, since 1976, it’s become the most widely used packaging material in the United States.
Before surrendering to outright panic, I decided to dig up some of the research my sister-in-law was talking about. First on the list of potential troublemakers was an extended family of chemicals known as plasticizers, used to soften normally hard plastic known as PVC, or polyvinyl chloride. In dozens of animal studies conducted over the past several years, a spate of these plasticizers has been shown to be especially harmful to pregnant mice and their babies.
Studies have linked exposure to even low doses of one of these plasticizers, bisphenol-A (BPA), to chromosomal abnormalities. Exposure to the chemical, which creates hormonal imbalances, resulted in everything from high rates of spontaneous abortions to decreased sperm counts in male mice and early onset of puberty in females. While you can’t make a simple leap from mice to men, researchers like Frederick S. vom Saal, a professor of biology at the University of Missouri in Columbia and coauthor of several of these studies, believe the research raises disturbing questions. “It’s worth asking how concerned you should be about the potential for harm in humans from a chemical that can do all these things to mice,” he says.
The big, lingering question is how easily these chemicals can leach into food. I asked Ned Groth, a senior scientist for Consumers Union, in Yonkers, New York, what he knew about this. “Nobody has complete data yet” he says, though studies have indicated that under certain circumstances–exposure to high heat, harsh soaps, or simply repeated use over time–chemicals from some plastics degrade and do in fact make it into our food.
But the FDA’s George Pauli isn’t alarmed. “Plasticizers can leach into food more than any other chemical,” admits Pauli, who is associate director for science and policy in the FDA’s office of food additives and safety. “But there’s a robust number of animal studies, with a wide margin of safety, which show no effects.” It’s worth noting, however, that all the studies he cites are those put out by the plastics industry.
So what about the independent studies that suggest otherwise? “Many of these studies are relatively small,” says Pauli, “and reported in ways that are hard to interpret. At this stage, we have not seen anything to change our original decision made 40 years ago that BPA is safe.”
At least researchers on both sides of the plastics fence appear to agree on one point: Even when chemicals do leach into food, it�s not clear to what extent humans are affected by them. For me, though, the data from animal studies is worrisome enough that I�ve decided to purge plastic from my kitchen; I�m not willing to wait years for scientists to sort it all out. And even if it turns out that plastic poses no specific risk to my family, I can be comforted by the knowledge that reducing our consumption of it is good for the environment. Not only do millions of pounds of plastic find their way into landfills every year, 14 percent of air pollution nationwide is from plastic production.
Yet when it came to the point of actually doing something about it, I found the prospect of clearing out my drawers of handy plastic bowls and bins almost painful. At the risk of sounding melodramatic, how was I going to live without them? Feeling both martyr and saint, I began tentatively at first, then picked up speed. Soon all my food was stored in old-fashioned glass and ceramic jars and bowls. Once I’d made the switch, I was surprised by how easy the conversion could be.
But while it’s one thing to rid the home front of this stuff, it’s an entirely different challenge to avoid buying it in the first place. You try shopping for food that isn’t encased in plastic. After a few weeks of fits and starts–during one grocery trip, I found myself inexplicably squeezing a fat cube of tofu into a thin olive jar–I’ve got it down to something workable, if not perfect.
I’m lucky enough to live near a health-food co-op where I get a majority of my staples in bulk. So now when I shop, I come loaded with a cache of small paper bags and glass jars. And for foods that come in plastic, like deli foods and cheese, I try to transfer as much as possible to nonplastic containers and wrap when I get it home. For Sam’s lunch, I put most of the food in waxed-paper bags. With messier fare like yogurt, fruit salad, and drinks, I use a metal thermos.
Have I managed to eliminate all plastics that come in contact with our food? Hardly. Plastic is an unavoidable part of shopping in America. But I have realized that what I thought of as convenience was, in fact, simply habit. It’s getting easier by the day to break my seeming reliance on plastic. As for my holier-than-thou attitude? All I can say is that, chastened, I’m praying that one day my lack of faith in plastic proves me wrong. But until we know for certain one way or the other, I’ll happily take paper, thank you very much.
Deplasticizing Your Food Chemicals are most likely to migrate from plastic into food when exposed to high heat, harsh soaps, and fat. These precautionary measures can help you play it safe.
AVOID MICROWAVING IN PLASTIC.Heat speeds the release of chemicals into food. “People are being sold microwave-safe plastic, when in fact we’re not being told what’s in there and the rate at which these chemicals leach out,” says researcher Frederick vom Saal. Avoid this uncertainty by using ceramic or glass instead.
EXPLORE THE ALTERNATIVES.“I have one word for you: glass,” says Terry Hassold, a professor of genetics at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, who has studied the health effects of bisphenol-A (BPA) on mice. You can also store your food in ceramic containers, waxed- and brown paper bags, and metal canisters made for hot and cold food.
USE PAPER–NOT CLING-WRAP.Many studies indicate that most of the cling wrap used by delis and grocery stores contains high levels of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a plasticizing chemical that has been linked to hormonal abnormalities in mice. (Happily, the cling wraps made for home use are safer.) Ask the butcher to wrap meat and fish in paper. And transfer fatty deli foods out of plastic wrap and into waxed paper when you get home. “If you put cling wrap that’s been plasticized on fatty foods, that stuff will migrate,” says Consumer Union’s Ned Groth. You might also want to cut off cheese’s outer layer–which has been directly exposed to plastic–before rewrapping it in something safer.
WHEN IN DOUBT, THROW IT OUT.Discoloration, cracks, or other signs of wear suggest your plastic containers are degrading and may be leaching chemicals into your food. Once you’ve purged your kitchen of old plastic food bins and cups, splurge on a replacement set made of glass.
LIMIT YOUR EXPOSURE.The longer food sits in plastic, the greater its time of exposure to chemicals that could migrate into it. If you must buy food in plastic–and it’s hard not to transfer it into a more food-friendly container once you get home.
WASH PLASTIC BY HAND.“It only takes 20 washings in the dishwasher for BPA to start leaching,” says vom Saal. Along with high heat, harsh detergents break down plastic as well. Wash your plastic containers, even those labeled “dishwasher safe,” by hand in warm water and mild detergent.
READ THE LABEL.While you’ll never find an actual list of ingredients, many plastics come with labels of sorts: those triangles with numbers inside found on the bottom of plastic containers. The numbers you most want to avoid are 3, 6, and 7. The safest numbers are 1, 2, and 5–the type of plastics used in most small water bottles and all soda bottles, yogurt containers, tubs of butter, and so on. At the very least, look for brands billing themselves as “PVC-free.”
BUY GLASS BOTTLES.Some of the clear plastics, like baby bottles, are treated with bisphenol-A, to which infants are particularly vulnerable. “Using these bottles is like putting a serious drug into what the baby’s drinking,” says vom Saal. Look for glass baby bottles by Evenflo. And avoid drinking water from those five-gallon water jugs delivered to offices and homes, which also contain BPA. Opt instead for filtered water from the tap.
BUY IN BULK.Health food stores are selling everything from pasta to tofu in bulk, and the plastic used to bag bulk products isn’t known to be toxic, says Groth. To play it really safe, you can transfer your bagged items to glass containers at home.
Plastic by the Numbers Many plastics are classified by one of seven codes located in that familiar triangle on the bottom of containers and bottles. (The triangle doesn’t mean a plastic container is recyclable; the number inside it simply indicates the kind of resin used.) With plastic wraps and bags, it’s harder to know which chemicals have been used. At the very least, look for brands that advertise on their packaging that they don’t contain PVC. Until consumers demand better labeling on plastic products, you’ll never know exactly what you’re getting in your bottles, bins, and bags, but here are a few suspects to try to steer clear of.
#3 Vinyl or PVC (polyvinyl chloride)Where it lurks: Most commercial cling wrap used in grocery stores and delis; bottles used to store many brands of olive and cooking oils; some water bottles.Risks: Contains plasticizers that are suspected endocrine disrupters and carcinogens.
#6 PS (polystyrene)Where it lurks: Some disposable plastic cups and bowls; most opaque plastic cutlery.Risks: Contains p-nonylphenol and styrene, both of which are carcinogens and suspected hormone disrupters.
#7 “Other” (Usually polycarbonate, or PC)Where it lurks: Most clear plastic baby bottles, five-gallon water jugs; clear plastic sippy cups; some clear plastic cutlery.Risks: “Other” is a catchall category, meaning you don’t know what you’re getting. Most worrisome, many plastics labeled “7″ contain bisphenol-A (BPA), an endocrine disrupter
I admit it, I’m holier-than-thou when it comes to what I feed my six-year-old son, Sam. Organic everything, filtered water, wheat not white. In fact, I’d assumed that my record as a well-informed, health-conscious mother was just about impeccable. But then a chance conversation with my sister-in-law sent me into a tailspin.
“Knowing what I know now,” said my sister-in-law Jeri Metz, an environmental scientist and organic farmer in Cabin John, Maryland, “I would never feed my family anything that’s been sold, served, or stored in plastic.” The concern, explained Jeri, is that many of the chemicals used to make and treat the plastic we wrap and bottle our food in may be carcinogenic, hormone-altering, and, at the very least, a cause of allergic reactions ranging from skin irritation to breathing problems. What�s more, a growing body of studies shows that many of these same toxic chemicals are migrating directing into our food.
Yikes. I thought I had enough on my plate, what with fretting over pesticides, non-stick pans, and antibacterial soaps. Now I have to add plastic to the list of worries? As credentialed as Jeri is–she’s a university science professor who is diligent about keeping up-to-date on environmental and health research–I didn’t want to believe her. I need plastic. I use it every day. My son needs it. “You mean, even the sippy cups for Sam’s soy milk?” I asked. “The baggies I use for his organic pita-bread sandwiches–those, too?”
Indeed, she replied. In short, even the most conscientious, naturally minded consumer may be ingesting a host of chemicals that pose enough of a risk to merit notice–and in some cases, intense scrutiny–by activist groups like Health Care Without Harm and Greenpeace, as well as government agencies such as the USDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). No long-term studies have yet been conducted on humans, Jeri added, but the bottom line is that we can’t be sure what the chemicals in plastics are doing to us and to our children.
I was bewildered: How could something with such potential for harm be permitted to come in such close contact with the food we eat? And if there is a danger, how can you minimize your risks without driving yourself crazy looking for alternatives?
I ran a mental slide show of the chemical feast of plastics my son may have been ingesting from the womb onward. For starters, there is the sea of plastic chemicals I’ve been surrounded by in my lifetime and passed on to him during my pregnancy, then years’ worth of breast milk stored and heated in plastic bags during his infancy. Then all those plastic baby bottles and sippy cups. The famous line in The Graduate foretold the role plastic would play in our economy: Indeed, since 1976, it’s become the most widely used packaging material in the United States.
Before surrendering to outright panic, I decided to dig up some of the research my sister-in-law was talking about. First on the list of potential troublemakers was an extended family of chemicals known as plasticizers, used to soften normally hard plastic known as PVC, or polyvinyl chloride. In dozens of animal studies conducted over the past several years, a spate of these plasticizers has been shown to be especially harmful to pregnant mice and their babies.
Studies have linked exposure to even low doses of one of these plasticizers, bisphenol-A (BPA), to chromosomal abnormalities. Exposure to the chemical, which creates hormonal imbalances, resulted in everything from high rates of spontaneous abortions to decreased sperm counts in male mice and early onset of puberty in females. While you can’t make a simple leap from mice to men, researchers like Frederick S. vom Saal, a professor of biology at the University of Missouri in Columbia and coauthor of several of these studies, believe the research raises disturbing questions. “It’s worth asking how concerned you should be about the potential for harm in humans from a chemical that can do all these things to mice,” he says.
The big, lingering question is how easily these chemicals can leach into food. I asked Ned Groth, a senior scientist for Consumers Union, in Yonkers, New York, what he knew about this. “Nobody has complete data yet” he says, though studies have indicated that under certain circumstances–exposure to high heat, harsh soaps, or simply repeated use over time–chemicals from some plastics degrade and do in fact make it into our food.
But the FDA’s George Pauli isn’t alarmed. “Plasticizers can leach into food more than any other chemical,” admits Pauli, who is associate director for science and policy in the FDA’s office of food additives and safety. “But there’s a robust number of animal studies, with a wide margin of safety, which show no effects.” It’s worth noting, however, that all the studies he cites are those put out by the plastics industry.
So what about the independent studies that suggest otherwise? “Many of these studies are relatively small,” says Pauli, “and reported in ways that are hard to interpret. At this stage, we have not seen anything to change our original decision made 40 years ago that BPA is safe.”
At least researchers on both sides of the plastics fence appear to agree on one point: Even when chemicals do leach into food, it�s not clear to what extent humans are affected by them. For me, though, the data from animal studies is worrisome enough that I�ve decided to purge plastic from my kitchen; I�m not willing to wait years for scientists to sort it all out. And even if it turns out that plastic poses no specific risk to my family, I can be comforted by the knowledge that reducing our consumption of it is good for the environment. Not only do millions of pounds of plastic find their way into landfills every year, 14 percent of air pollution nationwide is from plastic production.
Yet when it came to the point of actually doing something about it, I found the prospect of clearing out my drawers of handy plastic bowls and bins almost painful. At the risk of sounding melodramatic, how was I going to live without them? Feeling both martyr and saint, I began tentatively at first, then picked up speed. Soon all my food was stored in old-fashioned glass and ceramic jars and bowls. Once I’d made the switch, I was surprised by how easy the conversion could be.
But while it’s one thing to rid the home front of this stuff, it’s an entirely different challenge to avoid buying it in the first place. You try shopping for food that isn’t encased in plastic. After a few weeks of fits and starts–during one grocery trip, I found myself inexplicably squeezing a fat cube of tofu into a thin olive jar–I’ve got it down to something workable, if not perfect.
I’m lucky enough to live near a health-food co-op where I get a majority of my staples in bulk. So now when I shop, I come loaded with a cache of small paper bags and glass jars. And for foods that come in plastic, like deli foods and cheese, I try to transfer as much as possible to nonplastic containers and wrap when I get it home. For Sam’s lunch, I put most of the food in waxed-paper bags. With messier fare like yogurt, fruit salad, and drinks, I use a metal thermos.
Have I managed to eliminate all plastics that come in contact with our food? Hardly. Plastic is an unavoidable part of shopping in America. But I have realized that what I thought of as convenience was, in fact, simply habit. It’s getting easier by the day to break my seeming reliance on plastic. As for my holier-than-thou attitude? All I can say is that, chastened, I’m praying that one day my lack of faith in plastic proves me wrong. But until we know for certain one way or the other, I’ll happily take paper, thank you very much.
Deplasticizing Your Food Chemicals are most likely to migrate from plastic into food when exposed to high heat, harsh soaps, and fat. These precautionary measures can help you play it safe.
AVOID MICROWAVING IN PLASTIC.Heat speeds the release of chemicals into food. “People are being sold microwave-safe plastic, when in fact we’re not being told what’s in there and the rate at which these chemicals leach out,” says researcher Frederick vom Saal. Avoid this uncertainty by using ceramic or glass instead.
EXPLORE THE ALTERNATIVES.“I have one word for you: glass,” says Terry Hassold, a professor of genetics at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, who has studied the health effects of bisphenol-A (BPA) on mice. You can also store your food in ceramic containers, waxed- and brown paper bags, and metal canisters made for hot and cold food.
USE PAPER–NOT CLING-WRAP.Many studies indicate that most of the cling wrap used by delis and grocery stores contains high levels of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a plasticizing chemical that has been linked to hormonal abnormalities in mice. (Happily, the cling wraps made for home use are safer.) Ask the butcher to wrap meat and fish in paper. And transfer fatty deli foods out of plastic wrap and into waxed paper when you get home. “If you put cling wrap that’s been plasticized on fatty foods, that stuff will migrate,” says Consumer Union’s Ned Groth. You might also want to cut off cheese’s outer layer–which has been directly exposed to plastic–before rewrapping it in something safer.
WHEN IN DOUBT, THROW IT OUT.Discoloration, cracks, or other signs of wear suggest your plastic containers are degrading and may be leaching chemicals into your food. Once you’ve purged your kitchen of old plastic food bins and cups, splurge on a replacement set made of glass.
LIMIT YOUR EXPOSURE.The longer food sits in plastic, the greater its time of exposure to chemicals that could migrate into it. If you must buy food in plastic–and it’s hard not to transfer it into a more food-friendly container once you get home.
WASH PLASTIC BY HAND.“It only takes 20 washings in the dishwasher for BPA to start leaching,” says vom Saal. Along with high heat, harsh detergents break down plastic as well. Wash your plastic containers, even those labeled “dishwasher safe,” by hand in warm water and mild detergent.
READ THE LABEL.While you’ll never find an actual list of ingredients, many plastics come with labels of sorts: those triangles with numbers inside found on the bottom of plastic containers. The numbers you most want to avoid are 3, 6, and 7. The safest numbers are 1, 2, and 5–the type of plastics used in most small water bottles and all soda bottles, yogurt containers, tubs of butter, and so on. At the very least, look for brands billing themselves as “PVC-free.”
BUY GLASS BOTTLES.Some of the clear plastics, like baby bottles, are treated with bisphenol-A, to which infants are particularly vulnerable. “Using these bottles is like putting a serious drug into what the baby’s drinking,” says vom Saal. Look for glass baby bottles by Evenflo. And avoid drinking water from those five-gallon water jugs delivered to offices and homes, which also contain BPA. Opt instead for filtered water from the tap.
BUY IN BULK.Health food stores are selling everything from pasta to tofu in bulk, and the plastic used to bag bulk products isn’t known to be toxic, says Groth. To play it really safe, you can transfer your bagged items to glass containers at home.
Plastic by the Numbers Many plastics are classified by one of seven codes located in that familiar triangle on the bottom of containers and bottles. (The triangle doesn’t mean a plastic container is recyclable; the number inside it simply indicates the kind of resin used.) With plastic wraps and bags, it’s harder to know which chemicals have been used. At the very least, look for brands that advertise on their packaging that they don’t contain PVC. Until consumers demand better labeling on plastic products, you’ll never know exactly what you’re getting in your bottles, bins, and bags, but here are a few suspects to try to steer clear of.
#3 Vinyl or PVC (polyvinyl chloride)Where it lurks: Most commercial cling wrap used in grocery stores and delis; bottles used to store many brands of olive and cooking oils; some water bottles.Risks: Contains plasticizers that are suspected endocrine disrupters and carcinogens.
#6 PS (polystyrene)Where it lurks: Some disposable plastic cups and bowls; most opaque plastic cutlery.Risks: Contains p-nonylphenol and styrene, both of which are carcinogens and suspected hormone disrupters.
#7 “Other” (Usually polycarbonate, or PC)Where it lurks: Most clear plastic baby bottles, five-gallon water jugs; clear plastic sippy cups; some clear plastic cutlery.Risks: “Other” is a catchall category, meaning you don’t know what you’re getting. Most worrisome, many plastics labeled “7″ contain bisphenol-A (BPA), an endocrine disrupter
10 Things Parents Should Know About Warehouse 13
At 12, my daughter is right at that age where some science fiction, some smart-aleck, a little creepiness and maybe a shudder or two are good things in a television show.
And since we’ve been watching a ton of the original Twilight Zones on Syfy, we’ve also seen more than our share of promos for the network’s new show, Warehouse 13, and we decided to give Tuesday night’s pilot a shot. (Besides, Fringe – our favorite watch-together show – is on summer break.)
So, if you’ve got a geeklet who’s into a little mystery and light occult, and bad science mixed with some neat steampunk gadgetry and quirky characters, here are 10 notes to consider if you’re planning a visit to Warehouse 13:
Language There’s some ancient Italian spoken in the pilot, but I’m guessing that’s not what you’re asking about. Warehouse 13’s TV-14 designation got us a reference to “screwing off,” a “what the hell,” a “kick your ass” and a “pile of crap,” the last one played strictly for laughs and involving, yes, an actual pile of crap.
Violence and The Ooky Factor Action-wise, you’re looking at some Secret Service-Fu, guns drawn but not shot, and a pretty tame immolation and crispy corpse that didn’t touch most of what Fringe or The X-Files carried week in and week out.
Gotcha! My daughter got one genuine moment of heart-race goosebumps out of the show. Enough to have her smiling about it, nothing that really freaked her out.
You know, (whisperwhisper) There was also a very brief morning-after scene, though the naked woman involved stays behind her blanket. Given that Syfy’s been touting the show as part Moonlighting, though, I wouldn’t count out the occasional flirtation and double entendre.
“Hey, that’s just like - “ Yes, Warehouse 13 offers plenty of reminders of either other movies and TV shows your kids have seen, or the ones you’ll want them to see soon enough: Raiders of the Lost Ark, The X-Files, Fringe and Men in Black all popped into my head during the two-hour premiere thanks to fairly obvious connections.
“No way!” (eye roll) Okay, you’re doing some heavy lifting with the suspension of disbelief on this one, given things like lightning guns, mind wipes, crystal-borne curses and supernatural-energy-eliminating purple goop.
“Is that real?” On the other hand, this is the first show I’ve seen since Sports Night that actually mentions Philo T. Farnsworth by name and credits him with inventing television, so that’s worth double-geek bonus points. Tesla and Edison get shout-outs, too, and I was intrigued enough to visit Wikipedia and read up on Lucrezia Borgia after the show.
“That guy, he’s, um…” I’ll save you the trouble of being distracted as I was trying to figure out where I’d seen Artie (Saul Rubinek) before: Among his many roles, he’s the collector from the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “The Most Toys.”
Is it any good? In case I haven’t hinted heavily enough, the show is super-double-secret-probation derivative of a huge catalog of existing work, so it relied heavily on its characters. My daughter and I shared a few laughs at the banter and one-liners and were intrigued by the leads’ back-stories. That said, it’s summer, so I’ve got time to see how this series unfolds.
Yeah, but you’re a grown-up. What did your kid think? She had a mixed reaction. Immediately afterward, she pronounced it “okay” but added that she liked Fringe better. That said, she’d had a long day and still desperately wanted to stay awake to see how it ended.
Wired: Kids who love mysteries and adventure and can handle the PG-to-PG-13 arena could have some fun in here.Tired: So much of this has been seen before – maybe not all in the same place, but lots of this stuff in the Warehouse is in need of a good dusting
By John Booth
And since we’ve been watching a ton of the original Twilight Zones on Syfy, we’ve also seen more than our share of promos for the network’s new show, Warehouse 13, and we decided to give Tuesday night’s pilot a shot. (Besides, Fringe – our favorite watch-together show – is on summer break.)
So, if you’ve got a geeklet who’s into a little mystery and light occult, and bad science mixed with some neat steampunk gadgetry and quirky characters, here are 10 notes to consider if you’re planning a visit to Warehouse 13:
Language There’s some ancient Italian spoken in the pilot, but I’m guessing that’s not what you’re asking about. Warehouse 13’s TV-14 designation got us a reference to “screwing off,” a “what the hell,” a “kick your ass” and a “pile of crap,” the last one played strictly for laughs and involving, yes, an actual pile of crap.
Violence and The Ooky Factor Action-wise, you’re looking at some Secret Service-Fu, guns drawn but not shot, and a pretty tame immolation and crispy corpse that didn’t touch most of what Fringe or The X-Files carried week in and week out.
Gotcha! My daughter got one genuine moment of heart-race goosebumps out of the show. Enough to have her smiling about it, nothing that really freaked her out.
You know, (whisperwhisper) There was also a very brief morning-after scene, though the naked woman involved stays behind her blanket. Given that Syfy’s been touting the show as part Moonlighting, though, I wouldn’t count out the occasional flirtation and double entendre.
“Hey, that’s just like - “ Yes, Warehouse 13 offers plenty of reminders of either other movies and TV shows your kids have seen, or the ones you’ll want them to see soon enough: Raiders of the Lost Ark, The X-Files, Fringe and Men in Black all popped into my head during the two-hour premiere thanks to fairly obvious connections.
“No way!” (eye roll) Okay, you’re doing some heavy lifting with the suspension of disbelief on this one, given things like lightning guns, mind wipes, crystal-borne curses and supernatural-energy-eliminating purple goop.
“Is that real?” On the other hand, this is the first show I’ve seen since Sports Night that actually mentions Philo T. Farnsworth by name and credits him with inventing television, so that’s worth double-geek bonus points. Tesla and Edison get shout-outs, too, and I was intrigued enough to visit Wikipedia and read up on Lucrezia Borgia after the show.
“That guy, he’s, um…” I’ll save you the trouble of being distracted as I was trying to figure out where I’d seen Artie (Saul Rubinek) before: Among his many roles, he’s the collector from the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “The Most Toys.”
Is it any good? In case I haven’t hinted heavily enough, the show is super-double-secret-probation derivative of a huge catalog of existing work, so it relied heavily on its characters. My daughter and I shared a few laughs at the banter and one-liners and were intrigued by the leads’ back-stories. That said, it’s summer, so I’ve got time to see how this series unfolds.
Yeah, but you’re a grown-up. What did your kid think? She had a mixed reaction. Immediately afterward, she pronounced it “okay” but added that she liked Fringe better. That said, she’d had a long day and still desperately wanted to stay awake to see how it ended.
Wired: Kids who love mysteries and adventure and can handle the PG-to-PG-13 arena could have some fun in here.Tired: So much of this has been seen before – maybe not all in the same place, but lots of this stuff in the Warehouse is in need of a good dusting
By John Booth
شبكة الكنائس السرية في مصر!
تقام في البيوت لمدة ساعات ثم تتوقف فكرة بناء الكنائس ترتبط عند الأقباط في مصر تحمل كثيراً من الهواجس والاحباطات، لأسباب كثيرة منها ما يتعلق بالقوانين المنظمة لبنائها ومنها ما يصفه الأقباط بالمجحف وهو الخط الهمايوني الذي صدر في العصر العثماني، والتباطؤ في إصدار تراخيص بناء الكنائس من الدولة التي اشترطت قراراً جمهورياً لبناء الكنائس بعد استيفاء عدد من الشروط الأمنية، ولكن السؤال: كيف تمرر الموافقات علي بناء الكنائس وترميمها بسهولة ومرونة في بلد أصبحت فيه الفتنة الطائفية مثل وجبة الإفطار الصباحية؟ فالأرضية المشتركة التي كانت تجمع المسلمين والأقباط في مصر تمت تنحيتها وتقلصت مساحة الاتفاق، وبدا الأمر وكأنه صراع بين طرفين يتنازعان علي حدود تفصل بين ملكية مشتركة! وفي النهاية نحن في دولة المواطنة المؤسسية، يمكن التحقق من ذلك بقراءة أية أحداث طائفية فإن سبب تفجرها لابد أن يكون تافهاً. مطالب الكتلة القبطية المقيمة بالخارج التقت مع أصوات من الداخل بإزالة القيود علي بناء الكنائس التي يرون أنها غير كافية لعدد الأقباط في مصر الذين يتجاوز عددهم 12 مليوناً حسب تقديرات البابا شنودة الثالث، وبالنسبة لعدد الكنائس في مصر فإنه لا توجد إحصائية رسمية تحصي عددها، ولكن هناك مصدراً وثيقاً كشف أن عدد الكنائس الطائفة الأرثوذكسية في مصر ألف و326 كنيسة، منها 405 كنائس في الوجه البحري و796 كنيسة في الوجه القبلي، وتأتي القاهرة لتكون الأولي في عدد الكنائس »125 كنيسة« منها 10 كنائس في منطقة مصر الجديدة و6 كنائس في منطقة الحرفيين و5 كنائس في منطقة الزيتون و11 كنيسة في منطقة عين شمس وعزبة النخل و11 كنيسة في منطقة حدائق القبة والوايلي والعباسية و9 كنائس في منطقة شرق السكة الحديد و22 كنيسة في منطقة شبرا و3 كنائس في منطقة الظاهر والفجالة و11 كنيسة في وسط القاهرة و19 كنيسة في مصر القديمة و12 كنيسة في طرة والمعادي و6 كنائس في المقطم والقطامية، أما باقي الكنائس في محافظات الجمهورية فتحصي من خلال الإبراشيات. »المطرانيات« التي من الممكن أن تكون أكثر من واحدة منها في المحافظة وترتيب عدد الكنائس في تلك الإبراشيات التي تضم عدداً من التوابع منها مراكز وقري »أم« كالآتي: إبراشية الجيزة 82 كنيسة، البحيرة ومطروح والخمس مدن الغربية 67 كنيسة، المنيا وأبوقرقاص 60 كنيسة، سمالوط 42 كنيسة، طهطا وجهينة 41 كنيسة، حلوان والمعصرة وتوابعها 12 كنيسة، بنها وقويسنا 18 كنيسة، شبين القناطر 28، طنطا 20، ميت غمر 17 كنيسة، المنوفية 50 كنيسة، الزقازيق 26 كنيسة، دمياط وكفر الشيخ والبراري 22 كنيسة، المنصورة 15 كنيسة، الشرقية والعاشر من رمضان 20 كنيسة، الإسماعيلية 14 كنيسة، بورسعيد 9 كنائس، الفيوم 27 كنيسة، بني سويف 27 كنيسة، ببا والفشن 28 كنيسة، مغاغة والعدوة 25 كنيسة، بني مزار والبهنسا 22 كنيسة، مطاي 27 كنيسة، دير مواس ودلجا 24، ديروط وصنبوا 24، القوصية ومير 16، منفلوط 14، ويوجد بمدينة أسيوط وحدها 7، كما يوجد بالمراكز التابعة لأسيوط 15 كنيسة، أبنوب والفتح 19، أبوتيج وصدفا والغنايم 22، سوهاج والمنشأة والمراغة 31 كنيسة، وجرجا 25، والبلينا وبرديس وأولاد طوق شرق 25 كنيسة، ونجع حمادي 19 كنيسة، ودشنا 9 كنائس، وقنا 11، وأخميم وساقلته 18 كنيسة، ونقادة وقوص 10 كنائس، والأقصر 20 كنيسة، وأسوان وكوم أمبو وإدفو 24 كنيسة، أما بالنسبة للمناطق التي تحظي بعدد قليل من الكنائس، فهي إبراشية جنوب سيناء بواقع كنيستين بشرم الشيخ و4 كنائس بشمال سيناء، والبحر الأحمر 6 كنائس، وهذا بالنسبة للطائفة الأرثوذكسية، أما الطائفة البروتستانتية فعدد كنائسها 1100 كنيسة في حين بلغ عدد كنائس الطائفة الكاثوليكية نحو 200 كنيسة. وفكرة الكنائس السرية التي تقام لساعات ثم تتوقف، نشأت لتكون البديل عن وجود مبني كنسي لأداء الصلاة فيه، في المناطق الريفية والنائية التي تخلو من الكنائس المعلنة، حيث تخصص المطرانيات التي تدخل في نطاقها تلك المناطق، عدداً من القساوسة لافتقاد الأقباط المقيمين فيها بصفة دورية بواقع مرتين في الأسبوع، لإقامة مراسم الزفاف والجنازة، والإشراف علي مدارس الأحد للأطفال واجتماعات الجامعيين وغيرها، والكنائس السرية الموجودة بأي منطقة تخلو من دور العبادة القبطية، ليست مستحدثة بل قديمة وفيها يتم اختزال كثير من التفاصيل الرمزية التي تتداخل مع صلب العقيدة المسيحية، حيث يتم الاكتفاء بإنشاء »مذبح« متنقل عبارة عن منضدة عادية ذات تجويف أفقي يوضع فيها لوحا العهد اللذان يكتب عليهما الوصايا العشر، وفوقها يوضع أدوات المذبح المدشنة من قبل والتي يحضرها القس معه، لتتم إقامة صلاة القداس الذي تمتد لساعتين. والكنائس السرية لا يمكن حصرها لأنها تقام لساعات وتزال بعدها، ولا يتم تخصيص مكان بذاته لإقامتها، حيث يكون إنشاء »المذبح« بالتناوب في البيوت القبطية بتلك المناطق يومي الأحد والجمعة، وذلك لتجنب المحاذير الأمنية، وعدم لفت الأنظار إلي ذلك التجمع الأسبوعي القبطي، خاصة بالمناطق التي يكون فيها الأقباط أقلية ويبدو أن ذلك لا يتناقض مع العقيدة المسيحية التي لا تشترط الإشهار في الصلاة »ومتي صليتم فصلوا في الخفاء«. ورغم أن الكنائس السرية لم تكن تسترعي الانتباه أو تثير المشاعر فيما مضي، غير أنها حالياً باتت قنبلة موقوتة، وسبباً لاندلاع فتنة طائفية، علي خلفية المناخ المحتقن وحالة التربص غير المعلنة، خاصة في المجتمعات المغلقة »القري« التي تسري فيها الفتنة كالنار في الهشيم، حادث بني سويف الأخير الذي وقع بمنطقة عزبة »جرجس بيه« التابعة لقرية أقفاص بمركز الفشن بمحافظة بني سويف ذات الأغلبية القبطية، ومن قبله حادث العديسات بالأقصر في سنة 2006، وحادث »فاو بحري« بمحافظة قنا الذي وقع بسبب اعتقاد مسلمي القرية نية الأقباط في تحويل جمعية خيرية إلي كنيسة، وأحداث عين شمس في أكتوبر 2008 التي امتدت يومين وأحداث الشرقية التي اندلعت بعد سريان شائعة عن شروع الأقباط بتحويل بيت خدمات إلي كنيسة، وتلك الحوادث المتكررة تستعدي السؤال: إلي متي ستكون شائعات تحويل المنازل القبطية سبباً وجيهاً لإقامة فتنة طائفية في هذا البلد؟
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