أم الدنيا تتصحر!
ندوة بيئية على هامش معرض القاهرة للكتاب تكشف عن كمية النفايات المريعة التي ستغرق القاهرة وأهلها.
ميدل ايست اونلاين
القاهرة – من محمد الحمامصي
دقت ندوة الحفاظ على البيئة التي أقيمت في إطار برنامج النشاط الثقافي الدولي بمعرض القاهرة الدولي للكتاب، ناقوس الخطر المحدق بالبيئة المصرية بخاصة، والبيئة العالمية بعامة، في ظل تسارع معدلات النمو الصناعي في دول الشمال، وتأثيرات الفقر في دول الجنوب.
وطالبت الندوة التي أدارتها د. حنان منيب مستشار هيئة الكتاب بضرورة تكاتف الجهود المحلية المصرية مع الدولية في حماية البيئة وتكثيف حملات الدعاية والإعلام لنشر الوعي البيئي في أنحاء الجمهورية مدنها وقراها ونجوعها، كما طالبت دول الشمال الصناعي المتقدم بدفع الديون المستحقة على دول الجنوب كفاتورة في علاج البيئة وحمايتها في دول الجنوب عبر توفير مصادر غربية لتمويل المشروعات البيئية في دول الجنوب.
وشارك في الندوة كل من جينفرا ليتسيا مديرة مكتب التعاون الدولي لسفارة إيطإلىا بالقاهرة، ورادولف شرايبر كاتب ألماني ومؤلف كتاب "انقذوا الطيور"، ومترجم الكتاب للعربية محمد صبري، ود. محمد عوض خبير الهندسة الكيماوية والمتخصص في حماية البيئة.
ودعت جينفرا ليتسيا بضرورة إقامة حوار بيئي عالمي من أجل الحفاظ على الكوكب الأرضي صالحًا للحياة للأجيال المقبلة، واستعرضت العديد من المشكلات البيئية الخطيرة التي تعاني منها دول الجنوب، والمبادرات الدولية الحإلىة في مجال الحفاظ على البيئة، ودعت لضرورة توظيف طاقات المجتمعات العلمية والفكرية ومراكز الأبحاث والجامعات والإعلام لنشر ثقافة الوعي بالبيئة وحمايتها لتقليل مخاطر التقدم الصناعي.
وانتصرت لحق دول الجنوب في تحويل جزء من ديونها المستحقة لدول الشمال إلى مشروعات تحفظ البيئة، مؤكدة على ضرورة حماية المقاصد السياحية الطبيعية من التلوث.
وكشفت جينفرا ليتسيا عن أنه في إطار التبادل والتعاون الإيطإلى المصري، فإن بلادها إيطإلىا تقدم 20 مليون يورو لقطاع البيئة في مصر، وتخصيص أجزاء منه لإقامة مشروعات تنموية صديقة للبيئة في المناطق الفقيرة. وقدم د. محمد عوض تقريرًا مفصلاً عن مخاطر التلوث البيئي في مصر مستندًا في ذلك إلى أحدث الدراسات والإحصائيات الصادرة بمصر والعالم، مشيرًا إلى وجود 34 منشأة صناعية تصرف 30 مليون متر مكعب على النيل، بجانب الصرف الزراعي على النيل والذي يصل إلى 6 مليار متر مكعب سنويا بينما تبلغ المخلفات الصلبة نحو 60 مليون، وتؤدي مستقبلاً إلى غرق الأراضي الزراعية وتهدد مستقبلها بالتصحر.
وأوضح أن مصر تنضم إلى 90 دولة في العالم تواجه مشكلة التصحر، وقال بوجود مشكلة في التشريعات القانونية لحماية البيئة في مصر "إنها تحمل الكثير من التناقضات والشدة في فرضها بالرغم من غياب الرقابة اللازمة، هذه التشريعات لم تلق قبولاً اجتماعيا في الشارع المصري، لأنها فرضت بسرعة على المجتمع دون أن يأخذ فترة انتقإلىة تسمح لأصحاب المصانع والشركات بتوفيق أوضاعهم مقارنة بما حدث في إيطإلىا التي منحت في تشريعاتها البيئية فترة 9 سنوات لتوفيق الأوضاع".
وتطرق د.محمد عوض إلى أزمة دول الجنوب الفقيرة مع ديونها المستحقة لدول الشمال، وترفض دول الشمال إلغائها، ولكن هذه الديون تشكل عقبة في جهود حماية البيئة بدول الجنوب، وطالب بضرورة عمل مقاصة، بحيث تعطي لكل دولة أوروبية مرونة كافية للإعلان عن إلغاء بعض ديونها لبعض دول الجنوب لصالح المقاصة البيئية.
وانتقد د.عوض وجود انتقادات من الغرب لسوء إدارة السياسات البيئية ومواردها في دول الجنوب الفقيرة، وقال "هناك مسئولية دولية تجاه ما يجري في الجنوب، لأن السياسات الصناعية الغربية مسؤولة عن ظاهرة التغير المناخي، وهو ما يؤكد حقوقنا في المطالبة برفع دول الشمال لحقوق البيئة لدول الجنوب". وتعرض الألماني رادولف شرابير إلى مشاكل ارتفاع النمو السكاني في العالم الأمر الذي يقضي على الثروات الطبيعية ومنها الطيور رغم أهميتها في التلاقح الزراعي للنباتات.
ودعا لضرورة التوسع في الزراعات الحيوية، ونشر الوعي بحماية البيئة والحفاظ على التنوع البيئي. وفي مداخلته أشار مستر فيشرـ من ألمانيا، إلى أن فكرة تشريع قانون للبيئة ليس كافيا للحفاظ علىها، وقال علىنا أن نثقف الناس أولاً بمخاطر التلوث، ثم نعرض علىهم القوانين المقبول تطبيقها.
وانتقد جمال موسي نائب رئيس مركز الدراسات البيئية في إيطإلىا، المعالجات المصرية لقضايا أنفلونزا الطيور والخنازير والتي أدت إلى فقدان مصر لقطاع مهم من الثروة الداجنة واللحوم، لأنها تعاملت مع القضية بذعر لم يكن له أساس، وقال أن الشعب المصري أكثر دراية بقضايا البيئة، ووجه الشكر لإيطإلىا لأنها ردت ديون البيئة إلى مصر في شكل مشروعات تنموية للشعب خاصة في مناطق الفيوم وتنمية صناعتهم من الخزف مع مراعاة الشروط البيئية الصحية. ودعا كل الدول الأوروبية لكي تخذو حذو إيطإلىا في تقديم مشروعات تنموية بيئية لمصر ودول الجنوب. واختتمت د. حنان منيب هذه الندوة بالتأكيد على أن الكثير من الدول الأوروبية تمد يد العون لمصر ولدول الجنوب لإقامة حصار بيئي فاعل، وفي إقامة مشروعات تنموية مستدامة صديقة للبيئة. وقالت أن الجانب الفرنسي قام بمشروعات في مصر ويتواصل في حماية البيئة.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
كيف تحولت مصر الريادة والاستقرار الى مصر العبء؟
أمراض السياسة والحكم في مصر تتسلل الى الاقتصاد وتثير مخاوف المستثمرين من مستقبل غامض.
ميدل ايست اونلاين
القاهرة - من الكسندر جاديش
لطالما اعتبر سكون الاوضاع السياسية في مصر ميزة في منطقة مضطربة لكن المستثمرين يتساءلون ان كان ذلك قد يصبح عائقا مع تقدم السن بالرئيس المصري حسني مبارك دون أن يتضح من سيخلفه.
ومازال الاقتصاد المصري نشطا رغم حالة عدم اليقين بشأن ما اذا كان مبارك البالغ من العمر 81 عاما سيسعى لفترة رئاسية سادسة في 2011 أو ان كان سيساعد ابنه على الصعود الى السلطة أم أن حصانا أسود من بين ضباط الجيش أو مرشحا اخر سيظهر.
لكن المصرفيين ومحللي التصنيفات الائتمانية وشركات السمسرة لديهم مزيد من الاسئلة بشأن من سيتولى الحكم خلفا لمبارك وهي مخاوف ربما تدفع للمطالبة بعائدات أعلى على الاستثمارات المصرية مقارنة مع الاسواق المنافسة ويمكن أن تحد من التصنيفات الائتمانية لديون مصر.
واهتزت الاسواق المصرية بشدة في السابق بسبب مخاوف بشأن صحة مبارك الذي تولى الحكم في 1981 ولم يعين نائبا. لذا عندما خضع لعملية جراحية هذا الشهر بدا الامر مخططا على نحو جيد ليجري ذلك خلال عطلة نهاية الاسبوع بما لا يعطي فرصة لانتشار الشائعات المعتادة.
وقال ولفرام لاتشر المحلل لدى شركة كنترول ريسكس "من الواضح أن استقرار التوقعات السياسية كان يعتبر لفترة طويلة ميزة لمصر.
"والان مع اقتراب موعد الانتخابات الرئاسية من الواضح أن هناك قدرا أكبر من عدم اليقين وهذا المستقبل السياسي غير المؤكد أصبح عبئا الى حد ما."
ولا تظهر الارقام الرئيسية حذر المستثمرين فالبورصة المصرية من بين الاسواق صاحبة الاداء الافضل في المنطقة والاقتصاد نما نحو خمسة بالمئة في خضم الازمة العالمية والاستثمارات الاجنبية مازالت تتدفق على البلاد رغم انخفاضها أثناء الازمة.
لكن هناك بوادر قلق. فعندما سئل مصرفي مصري عن تدفق عمليات الطرح العام الاولي في 2011 أحجم عن الاجابة الى أن قال في الخفاء وبعد الحاح في السؤال ان من الصعب للغاية توقع الوضع في ظل انتخابات رئاسية وشيكة.
وقال خبير اقتصادي مصرفي اخر لدى سؤاله عن معاملات العملاء الاجانب "انهم لا يحجمون فيما يتعلق بالاستثمار لكنهم يقرون أن هناك قدرا من عدم اليقين الان أكثر من ذي قبل."
وقال محلل باحدى شركات السمسرة في القاهرة - طلب مثل الآخرين عدم نشر اسمه بسبب حساسيات سياسية - ان المخاطرة السياسية دفعت المستثمرين الاجانب للمطالبة بعائدات أعلى من مصر مقارنة مع الاسواق الصاعدة المنافسة مثل بعض الاسواق الاسيوية.
ويهون المسؤولون المصريون من تلك المخاوف. وفي أكتوبر/تشرين الاول قال رئيس الوزراء أحمد نظيف "أقول للمستثمرين لا تقلقوا هناك دائما سبيل وهناك دائما بديل. وهكذا كان الحال في مصر في الماضي."
واذا توفي الرئيس أثناء توليه المنصب أو عجز عن القيام بمهامه تنتقل صلاحياته مؤقتا الى رئيس مجلس الشعب على أن تجرى الانتخابات خلال 60 يوما. وأجرت مصر أول انتخابات رئاسية تعددية عام 2005 وفاز مبارك بها بسهولة.
لكن قواعد الترشيح تجعل من المستحيل تقريبا لاي مرشح لا يدعمه الحزب الحاكم أن يفرض تحديا حقيقيا في سباق الرئاسة. وفي ظل تلك الشروط من المرجح أن يجري اتخاذ أي قرار بشأن الرئيس التالي في صفقات خلف الكواليس وليس عبر صناديق الاقتراع.
وقال محلل سياسي مصري رفض نشر اسمه هو الاخر "الامر محبط للمراقبين الاجانب لانه ليس لديهم الكثير ليعتمدوا عليه. عندما يكون هناك ما لا تفهمه تميل لاعتباره غير مستقر أو لا يمكن التنبؤ به" لكنه أضاف أنه ربما تكون هناك مبالغة في المخاوف بشأن عدم الاستقرار.
وقال ريتشارد فوكس مدير التصنيفات السيادية للشرق الاوسط وأفريقيا لدى وكالة التصنيفات الائتمانية فيتش ان موضوع خلافة الرئيس مازال يحد من التصنيفات الائتمانية لديون مصر لانه قد يؤدي الى تباطؤ سياسات تحرير الاقتصاد التي أشاد بها الاجانب منذ 2004.
وقال فوكس "اذا كان لدينا صفقة واستطعنا توقع كيف ستكون الحكومة المقبلة فسيكون من السهل أن نصدر أحكاما" مضيفا أنه بدون الوضوح " فمن المؤكد أن يمنع (موضوع الخلافة) التصنيفات من الارتفاع."
ويعتقد كثير من المصريين أن مبارك يريد توريث السلطة لابنه جمال (46 عاما) الذي ارتقى الى منصب كبير في الحزب الوطني الديمقراطي الحاكم ويهيمن مقربون له على مناصب اقتصادية رئيسية في الحكومة. وينفي مبارك وابنه ذلك.
وقال خالد عبد المجيد المدير الشريك في مؤسسة ادارة الاستثمار مينا كابيتال التي تتخذ من لندن مقرا "أعتقد أن مجتمع الاعمال يريد أن يخلف جمال أباه."
وأضاف "هناك الملايين من الفقراء في مصر الذين ربما يكون لهم رأي مختلف لان الهوة قد اتسعت بين الاغنياء والفقراء" في اشارة لشكاوى بأن مزايا تحرير الاقتصاد لم تصل الطبقات الدنيا.
لكن خلافة جمال لابيه ليست أمرا مفروغا منه. فعلى عكس الرؤساء المصريين ليس لدى جمال أي خلفية عسكرية وهو ما قد يجعله يواجه صعوبة في فرض سلطته.
ويقول محللون ان عمر سليمان مدير المخابرات العامة المقرب من الرئيس يشار اليه كمنافس محتمل ومرشح ذي خلفية عسكرية قد يطفو فجأة على السطح.
وأثار محمد البرادعي - أحد الشخصيات المصرية المعروفة جيدا بالخارج والذي كان يتولى منصب المدير العام للوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية حتى العام الماضي - جدلا بقوله انه قد يرشح نفسه للرئاسة وقد اجتذب عشرات الالاف من الانصار على موقع "فيس بوك" ومواقع أخرى على الانترنت.
لكنه قال انه ترشحه مرهون بعدة شروط من غير المرجح أن تتحقق منها تعديل الدستور.
أمراض السياسة والحكم في مصر تتسلل الى الاقتصاد وتثير مخاوف المستثمرين من مستقبل غامض.
ميدل ايست اونلاين
القاهرة - من الكسندر جاديش
لطالما اعتبر سكون الاوضاع السياسية في مصر ميزة في منطقة مضطربة لكن المستثمرين يتساءلون ان كان ذلك قد يصبح عائقا مع تقدم السن بالرئيس المصري حسني مبارك دون أن يتضح من سيخلفه.
ومازال الاقتصاد المصري نشطا رغم حالة عدم اليقين بشأن ما اذا كان مبارك البالغ من العمر 81 عاما سيسعى لفترة رئاسية سادسة في 2011 أو ان كان سيساعد ابنه على الصعود الى السلطة أم أن حصانا أسود من بين ضباط الجيش أو مرشحا اخر سيظهر.
لكن المصرفيين ومحللي التصنيفات الائتمانية وشركات السمسرة لديهم مزيد من الاسئلة بشأن من سيتولى الحكم خلفا لمبارك وهي مخاوف ربما تدفع للمطالبة بعائدات أعلى على الاستثمارات المصرية مقارنة مع الاسواق المنافسة ويمكن أن تحد من التصنيفات الائتمانية لديون مصر.
واهتزت الاسواق المصرية بشدة في السابق بسبب مخاوف بشأن صحة مبارك الذي تولى الحكم في 1981 ولم يعين نائبا. لذا عندما خضع لعملية جراحية هذا الشهر بدا الامر مخططا على نحو جيد ليجري ذلك خلال عطلة نهاية الاسبوع بما لا يعطي فرصة لانتشار الشائعات المعتادة.
وقال ولفرام لاتشر المحلل لدى شركة كنترول ريسكس "من الواضح أن استقرار التوقعات السياسية كان يعتبر لفترة طويلة ميزة لمصر.
"والان مع اقتراب موعد الانتخابات الرئاسية من الواضح أن هناك قدرا أكبر من عدم اليقين وهذا المستقبل السياسي غير المؤكد أصبح عبئا الى حد ما."
ولا تظهر الارقام الرئيسية حذر المستثمرين فالبورصة المصرية من بين الاسواق صاحبة الاداء الافضل في المنطقة والاقتصاد نما نحو خمسة بالمئة في خضم الازمة العالمية والاستثمارات الاجنبية مازالت تتدفق على البلاد رغم انخفاضها أثناء الازمة.
لكن هناك بوادر قلق. فعندما سئل مصرفي مصري عن تدفق عمليات الطرح العام الاولي في 2011 أحجم عن الاجابة الى أن قال في الخفاء وبعد الحاح في السؤال ان من الصعب للغاية توقع الوضع في ظل انتخابات رئاسية وشيكة.
وقال خبير اقتصادي مصرفي اخر لدى سؤاله عن معاملات العملاء الاجانب "انهم لا يحجمون فيما يتعلق بالاستثمار لكنهم يقرون أن هناك قدرا من عدم اليقين الان أكثر من ذي قبل."
وقال محلل باحدى شركات السمسرة في القاهرة - طلب مثل الآخرين عدم نشر اسمه بسبب حساسيات سياسية - ان المخاطرة السياسية دفعت المستثمرين الاجانب للمطالبة بعائدات أعلى من مصر مقارنة مع الاسواق الصاعدة المنافسة مثل بعض الاسواق الاسيوية.
ويهون المسؤولون المصريون من تلك المخاوف. وفي أكتوبر/تشرين الاول قال رئيس الوزراء أحمد نظيف "أقول للمستثمرين لا تقلقوا هناك دائما سبيل وهناك دائما بديل. وهكذا كان الحال في مصر في الماضي."
واذا توفي الرئيس أثناء توليه المنصب أو عجز عن القيام بمهامه تنتقل صلاحياته مؤقتا الى رئيس مجلس الشعب على أن تجرى الانتخابات خلال 60 يوما. وأجرت مصر أول انتخابات رئاسية تعددية عام 2005 وفاز مبارك بها بسهولة.
لكن قواعد الترشيح تجعل من المستحيل تقريبا لاي مرشح لا يدعمه الحزب الحاكم أن يفرض تحديا حقيقيا في سباق الرئاسة. وفي ظل تلك الشروط من المرجح أن يجري اتخاذ أي قرار بشأن الرئيس التالي في صفقات خلف الكواليس وليس عبر صناديق الاقتراع.
وقال محلل سياسي مصري رفض نشر اسمه هو الاخر "الامر محبط للمراقبين الاجانب لانه ليس لديهم الكثير ليعتمدوا عليه. عندما يكون هناك ما لا تفهمه تميل لاعتباره غير مستقر أو لا يمكن التنبؤ به" لكنه أضاف أنه ربما تكون هناك مبالغة في المخاوف بشأن عدم الاستقرار.
وقال ريتشارد فوكس مدير التصنيفات السيادية للشرق الاوسط وأفريقيا لدى وكالة التصنيفات الائتمانية فيتش ان موضوع خلافة الرئيس مازال يحد من التصنيفات الائتمانية لديون مصر لانه قد يؤدي الى تباطؤ سياسات تحرير الاقتصاد التي أشاد بها الاجانب منذ 2004.
وقال فوكس "اذا كان لدينا صفقة واستطعنا توقع كيف ستكون الحكومة المقبلة فسيكون من السهل أن نصدر أحكاما" مضيفا أنه بدون الوضوح " فمن المؤكد أن يمنع (موضوع الخلافة) التصنيفات من الارتفاع."
ويعتقد كثير من المصريين أن مبارك يريد توريث السلطة لابنه جمال (46 عاما) الذي ارتقى الى منصب كبير في الحزب الوطني الديمقراطي الحاكم ويهيمن مقربون له على مناصب اقتصادية رئيسية في الحكومة. وينفي مبارك وابنه ذلك.
وقال خالد عبد المجيد المدير الشريك في مؤسسة ادارة الاستثمار مينا كابيتال التي تتخذ من لندن مقرا "أعتقد أن مجتمع الاعمال يريد أن يخلف جمال أباه."
وأضاف "هناك الملايين من الفقراء في مصر الذين ربما يكون لهم رأي مختلف لان الهوة قد اتسعت بين الاغنياء والفقراء" في اشارة لشكاوى بأن مزايا تحرير الاقتصاد لم تصل الطبقات الدنيا.
لكن خلافة جمال لابيه ليست أمرا مفروغا منه. فعلى عكس الرؤساء المصريين ليس لدى جمال أي خلفية عسكرية وهو ما قد يجعله يواجه صعوبة في فرض سلطته.
ويقول محللون ان عمر سليمان مدير المخابرات العامة المقرب من الرئيس يشار اليه كمنافس محتمل ومرشح ذي خلفية عسكرية قد يطفو فجأة على السطح.
وأثار محمد البرادعي - أحد الشخصيات المصرية المعروفة جيدا بالخارج والذي كان يتولى منصب المدير العام للوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية حتى العام الماضي - جدلا بقوله انه قد يرشح نفسه للرئاسة وقد اجتذب عشرات الالاف من الانصار على موقع "فيس بوك" ومواقع أخرى على الانترنت.
لكنه قال انه ترشحه مرهون بعدة شروط من غير المرجح أن تتحقق منها تعديل الدستور.
Research Team Breaks The Ice With New Estimate Of Glacier Melt
by Staff Writers
Flagstaff AZ (SPX) Mar 09, 2010
The melting of glaciers is well documented, but when looking at the rate at which they have been retreating, a team of international researchers steps back and says not so fast.
Previous studies have largely overestimated mass loss from Alaskan glaciers over the past 40-plus years, according to Erik Schiefer, a Northern Arizona University geographer who coauthored a paper in the February issue of Nature Geoscience that recalculates glacier melt in Alaska.
The research team, led by ةtienne Berthier of the Laboratory for Space Studies in Geophysics and Oceanography at the Universite de Toulouse in France, says that glacier melt in Alaska between 1962 and 2006 contributed about one-third less to sea-level rise than previously estimated.
Schiefer said melting glaciers in Alaska originally were thought to contribute about .0067 inches to sea-level rise per year. The team's new calculations put that number closer to .0047 inches per year. The numbers sound small, but as Schiefer said, "It adds up over the decades."
While the team looked at three-fourths of all the ice in Alaska, Schiefer noted, "We're also talking about a small proportion of ice on the planet. When massive ice sheets (such as in the Antarctic and Greenland) are added in, you're looking at significantly greater rates of sea-level rise."
Schiefer said the team plans to use the same methodologies from the Alaskan study in other glacial regions to determine if further recalibrations of ice melt are in order. These techniques use satellite imagery that spans vast areas of ice cover.
Previous methods estimated melt for a smaller subset of individual glaciers. The most comprehensive technique previously available used planes that flew along the centerlines of selected glaciers to measure ice surface elevations. These elevations were then compared to those mapped in the 1950s and 1960s. From this, researchers inferred elevation changes and then extrapolated this to other glaciers.
Two factors led to the original overestimation of ice loss with this method, Schiefer said. One is the impact of thick deposits of rock debris that offer protection from solar radiation and, thus, melting. The other was not accounting for the thinner ice along the edges of glaciers that also resulted in less ice melt.
Schiefer and his colleagues used data from the SPOT 5 French satellite and the NASA/Japanese ASTER satellite and converted the optical imagery to elevation information. They then compared this information to the topographical series maps of glacial elevations dating back to the 1950s.
While the team determined a lower rate of glacial melt during a greater than 40-year span, Schiefer said other studies have demonstrated the rate of ice loss has more than doubled in just the last two decades.
"With current projections of climate change, we expect that acceleration to continue," Schiefer said. This substantial increase in ice loss since the 1990s is now pushing up the rise in sea level to between .0098 inches and .0118 inches per year-more than double the average rate for the last 40 years.
Working on the Alaskan glacial melt revision with Schiefer and Berthier were Garry Clarke of the University of British Columbia, Brian Menounos of the University of Northern British Columbia and Frederique Remy of the Universite de Toulouse
NAU geographer Erik Schiefer surveys a debris-covered glacier margin. Photo by Amanda Stan
Flagstaff AZ (SPX) Mar 09, 2010
The melting of glaciers is well documented, but when looking at the rate at which they have been retreating, a team of international researchers steps back and says not so fast.
Previous studies have largely overestimated mass loss from Alaskan glaciers over the past 40-plus years, according to Erik Schiefer, a Northern Arizona University geographer who coauthored a paper in the February issue of Nature Geoscience that recalculates glacier melt in Alaska.
The research team, led by ةtienne Berthier of the Laboratory for Space Studies in Geophysics and Oceanography at the Universite de Toulouse in France, says that glacier melt in Alaska between 1962 and 2006 contributed about one-third less to sea-level rise than previously estimated.
Schiefer said melting glaciers in Alaska originally were thought to contribute about .0067 inches to sea-level rise per year. The team's new calculations put that number closer to .0047 inches per year. The numbers sound small, but as Schiefer said, "It adds up over the decades."
While the team looked at three-fourths of all the ice in Alaska, Schiefer noted, "We're also talking about a small proportion of ice on the planet. When massive ice sheets (such as in the Antarctic and Greenland) are added in, you're looking at significantly greater rates of sea-level rise."
Schiefer said the team plans to use the same methodologies from the Alaskan study in other glacial regions to determine if further recalibrations of ice melt are in order. These techniques use satellite imagery that spans vast areas of ice cover.
Previous methods estimated melt for a smaller subset of individual glaciers. The most comprehensive technique previously available used planes that flew along the centerlines of selected glaciers to measure ice surface elevations. These elevations were then compared to those mapped in the 1950s and 1960s. From this, researchers inferred elevation changes and then extrapolated this to other glaciers.
Two factors led to the original overestimation of ice loss with this method, Schiefer said. One is the impact of thick deposits of rock debris that offer protection from solar radiation and, thus, melting. The other was not accounting for the thinner ice along the edges of glaciers that also resulted in less ice melt.
Schiefer and his colleagues used data from the SPOT 5 French satellite and the NASA/Japanese ASTER satellite and converted the optical imagery to elevation information. They then compared this information to the topographical series maps of glacial elevations dating back to the 1950s.
While the team determined a lower rate of glacial melt during a greater than 40-year span, Schiefer said other studies have demonstrated the rate of ice loss has more than doubled in just the last two decades.
"With current projections of climate change, we expect that acceleration to continue," Schiefer said. This substantial increase in ice loss since the 1990s is now pushing up the rise in sea level to between .0098 inches and .0118 inches per year-more than double the average rate for the last 40 years.
Working on the Alaskan glacial melt revision with Schiefer and Berthier were Garry Clarke of the University of British Columbia, Brian Menounos of the University of Northern British Columbia and Frederique Remy of the Universite de Toulouse
NAU geographer Erik Schiefer surveys a debris-covered glacier margin. Photo by Amanda Stan
Take Your Child to Work Day is fast approaching — April 22 will be upon us before you know it. Chances are, your place of employment is already making plans to host and entertain more than the usual number of immature people who show up for work every day.
We can think of one certain parent who won’t be taking either of his kids to work on that day (assuming this particular air traffic controller is reinstated by then). But there are plenty of occupations that don’t “show” well, aren’t kid-friendly and, frankly, like a sausage factory or how a bill becomes law, nobody needs to see.
Here are GeekDad’s Top 10 jobs that should not host a Take Your Child to Work Day:
10) Work-From-Home Parent
Let’s face it, you’re desperately waiting for the “Please Take my Kids to your Work Day.” Say it loud, say it proud. (hat tip Johnathan Liu)
9) “Adult” industries
Pretty much anywhere you’re taking your clothes off for money. Unless you like hearing “Why are those women kissing each other?” and “Hey — that’s not my Dad [expletive deleted] my Mom!” or — well, you get the idea. (hat-tip Matt Blum)
Coal miner
Most young kids are afraid of the dark. Do you really want to subject them to being dropped hundreds of feet underground for hours and hours? (hat-tip Matt Blum)
7) Taxi driver
Of course, maybe you like fielding such comments as “Dad, this guy smells funny,” or “Why did he just give you the finger?” or exposing your kid to such banter as “Get off the phone when you’re driving!” or “Sure I can make change for a fifty. I’ve got pennies, dimes, and nickels.”
6) Underwater demolition expert
While not a job for a lot of chitchat, and assuming you can get your child fitted with the appropriate dive gear, do you want your son/daughter going after the cute fishie that is now swimming toward the depth charges you’ve set and will be going off in 5… 4… 3…
5) Professional blogger
You sit at the laptop and piss away hours doing “research” while trying to drink your half-caf soy-milk mocha latte with a hint of cinnamon at Starbucks. You’ll get comments and questions like “I’m bored” (join the club, kid) and “Can I play Club Penguin when you go to the bathroom?” and “What does coffee taste like?” And nobody needs to know about the harmless flirting you do with that 20-something barista who thinks you’re hysterical.
4) Disney World Mascot
This one is all about protecting the last shred of dignity you may have. Your job is to “Create the Magic” for hundreds of children and adults visiting the park while sweating buckets inside a hot costume in the midday Florida sun, but instead you’ll have a tag-along saying “That’s not Minnie Mouse, that’s my Mom!” and “Can I be in the picture, too?” and “When do we get to go on the rides?’
3) Apple factory worker
Because it is not “Bring Your Parents to Work Day”
2) Victoria’s Secret bra fitter
Chances are you have enough sense not to take your son of any age above 3 to this job site. And maybe your kids are comfortable with you flitting around the house in your employee-discount clothing (*cough* Shia LeBeouf *cough*). But do you really want your customers to hear: “Is that the lady you said didn’t have real ones?”
1) Air traffic controller
OK, this year it’s easy to pick a winner. Your kid may have an experience that lasts a lifetime telling a former Navy fighter pilot: “Jet Blue 171, clear for takeoff,” but you may have an experience that lasts a lifetime too: unemployment.
Got any better ideas? Leave a suggestion in the comments.
Photo: Yodel Anecdotal/Flickr
We can think of one certain parent who won’t be taking either of his kids to work on that day (assuming this particular air traffic controller is reinstated by then). But there are plenty of occupations that don’t “show” well, aren’t kid-friendly and, frankly, like a sausage factory or how a bill becomes law, nobody needs to see.
Here are GeekDad’s Top 10 jobs that should not host a Take Your Child to Work Day:
10) Work-From-Home Parent
Let’s face it, you’re desperately waiting for the “Please Take my Kids to your Work Day.” Say it loud, say it proud. (hat tip Johnathan Liu)
9) “Adult” industries
Pretty much anywhere you’re taking your clothes off for money. Unless you like hearing “Why are those women kissing each other?” and “Hey — that’s not my Dad [expletive deleted] my Mom!” or — well, you get the idea. (hat-tip Matt Blum)
Coal miner
Most young kids are afraid of the dark. Do you really want to subject them to being dropped hundreds of feet underground for hours and hours? (hat-tip Matt Blum)
7) Taxi driver
Of course, maybe you like fielding such comments as “Dad, this guy smells funny,” or “Why did he just give you the finger?” or exposing your kid to such banter as “Get off the phone when you’re driving!” or “Sure I can make change for a fifty. I’ve got pennies, dimes, and nickels.”
6) Underwater demolition expert
While not a job for a lot of chitchat, and assuming you can get your child fitted with the appropriate dive gear, do you want your son/daughter going after the cute fishie that is now swimming toward the depth charges you’ve set and will be going off in 5… 4… 3…
5) Professional blogger
You sit at the laptop and piss away hours doing “research” while trying to drink your half-caf soy-milk mocha latte with a hint of cinnamon at Starbucks. You’ll get comments and questions like “I’m bored” (join the club, kid) and “Can I play Club Penguin when you go to the bathroom?” and “What does coffee taste like?” And nobody needs to know about the harmless flirting you do with that 20-something barista who thinks you’re hysterical.
4) Disney World Mascot
This one is all about protecting the last shred of dignity you may have. Your job is to “Create the Magic” for hundreds of children and adults visiting the park while sweating buckets inside a hot costume in the midday Florida sun, but instead you’ll have a tag-along saying “That’s not Minnie Mouse, that’s my Mom!” and “Can I be in the picture, too?” and “When do we get to go on the rides?’
3) Apple factory worker
Because it is not “Bring Your Parents to Work Day”
2) Victoria’s Secret bra fitter
Chances are you have enough sense not to take your son of any age above 3 to this job site. And maybe your kids are comfortable with you flitting around the house in your employee-discount clothing (*cough* Shia LeBeouf *cough*). But do you really want your customers to hear: “Is that the lady you said didn’t have real ones?”
1) Air traffic controller
OK, this year it’s easy to pick a winner. Your kid may have an experience that lasts a lifetime telling a former Navy fighter pilot: “Jet Blue 171, clear for takeoff,” but you may have an experience that lasts a lifetime too: unemployment.
Got any better ideas? Leave a suggestion in the comments.
Photo: Yodel Anecdotal/Flickr
Read More http://www.wired.com/geekdad/2010/03/top-ten-jobs-where-not-to-celebrate-take-your-child-to-work-day/#ixzz0heCS7Rxe
Cities In Motion
by Staff Writers
Columbus OH (SPX) Mar 09, 2010
The massive magnitude 8.8 earthquake that struck the west coast of Chile last month moved the entire city of Concepcion at least 10 feet to the west, and shifted other parts of South America as far apart as the Falkland Islands and Fortaleza, Brazil.
These preliminary measurements, produced from data gathered by researchers from four universities and several agencies, including geophysicists on the ground in Chile, paint a much clearer picture of the power behind this temblor, believed to be the fifth-most-powerful since instruments have been available to measure seismic shifts.
Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina and across the continent from the quake's epicenter, moved about 1 inch to the west. And Chile's capital, Santiago, moved about 11 inches to the west-southwest. The cities of Valparaiso and Mendoza, Argentina, northeast of Concepcion, also moved significantly.
The quake's epicenter was in a region of South America that's part of the so-called "ring of fire," an area of major seismic stresses which encircles the Pacific Ocean. All along this line, the tectonic plates on which the continents move press against each other at fault zones.
The February Chilean quake occurred where the Nazca tectonic plate was squeezed under, or "subducted," below the adjacent South American plate. Quakes routinely relieve pent-up geologic pressures in these convergence zones.
The research team deduced the cities' movement by comparing precise GPS (global positioning satellite) locations known prior to the major quake to those almost 10 days later. The US Geological Survey reported that there have been dozens of aftershocks, many exceeding magnitude 6.0 or greater, since the initial event February 27.
Mike Bevis, professor of earth sciences at Ohio State University, has led a project since 1993 that has been measuring crustal motion and deformation in the Central and Southern Andes. The effort, called the Central and Southern Andes GPS Project, or CAP, hopes to perhaps triple its current network of 25 GPS stations spread across the region.
"By reoccupying the existing GPS stations, CAP can determine the displacements, or 'jumps', that occurred during the earthquake," Bevis said. "By building new stations, the project can monitor the postseismic deformations that are expected to occur for many years, giving us new insights into the physics of the earthquake process."
Ben Brooks, an associate researcher with the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology at the University of Hawaii and co-principal investigator on the project, said that the event, tragic as it was, offers a unique opportunity to better understand the seismic processes that control earthquakes.
"The Maule earthquake will arguably become one of the, if not the most important great earthquake yet studied. We now have modern, precise instruments to evaluate this event, and because the site abuts a continent, we will be able to obtain dense spatial sampling of the changes it caused.
"As such the event represents an unprecedented opportunity for the earth science community if certain observations are made with quickly and comprehensively," Brooks said.
Working with Bevis and Brooks on the project are Bob Smalley, the University of Memphis, who is leading field operations in Argentina; Dana Caccamise at Ohio State, who is lead engineer, and Eric Kendrick, also from Ohio State, who is with Bevis now in Chile making measurements in the field.
Along with Ohio State University and the University of Hawaii, scientists from the University of Memphis and the California Institute of Technology are participating in the project. Additionally the Instituto Geografica Militar, the Universidad de Concepcion and the Centro de Estudios Cientificos, all in Chile, also were partners.
Columbus OH (SPX) Mar 09, 2010
The massive magnitude 8.8 earthquake that struck the west coast of Chile last month moved the entire city of Concepcion at least 10 feet to the west, and shifted other parts of South America as far apart as the Falkland Islands and Fortaleza, Brazil.
These preliminary measurements, produced from data gathered by researchers from four universities and several agencies, including geophysicists on the ground in Chile, paint a much clearer picture of the power behind this temblor, believed to be the fifth-most-powerful since instruments have been available to measure seismic shifts.
Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina and across the continent from the quake's epicenter, moved about 1 inch to the west. And Chile's capital, Santiago, moved about 11 inches to the west-southwest. The cities of Valparaiso and Mendoza, Argentina, northeast of Concepcion, also moved significantly.
The quake's epicenter was in a region of South America that's part of the so-called "ring of fire," an area of major seismic stresses which encircles the Pacific Ocean. All along this line, the tectonic plates on which the continents move press against each other at fault zones.
The February Chilean quake occurred where the Nazca tectonic plate was squeezed under, or "subducted," below the adjacent South American plate. Quakes routinely relieve pent-up geologic pressures in these convergence zones.
The research team deduced the cities' movement by comparing precise GPS (global positioning satellite) locations known prior to the major quake to those almost 10 days later. The US Geological Survey reported that there have been dozens of aftershocks, many exceeding magnitude 6.0 or greater, since the initial event February 27.
Mike Bevis, professor of earth sciences at Ohio State University, has led a project since 1993 that has been measuring crustal motion and deformation in the Central and Southern Andes. The effort, called the Central and Southern Andes GPS Project, or CAP, hopes to perhaps triple its current network of 25 GPS stations spread across the region.
"By reoccupying the existing GPS stations, CAP can determine the displacements, or 'jumps', that occurred during the earthquake," Bevis said. "By building new stations, the project can monitor the postseismic deformations that are expected to occur for many years, giving us new insights into the physics of the earthquake process."
Ben Brooks, an associate researcher with the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology at the University of Hawaii and co-principal investigator on the project, said that the event, tragic as it was, offers a unique opportunity to better understand the seismic processes that control earthquakes.
"The Maule earthquake will arguably become one of the, if not the most important great earthquake yet studied. We now have modern, precise instruments to evaluate this event, and because the site abuts a continent, we will be able to obtain dense spatial sampling of the changes it caused.
"As such the event represents an unprecedented opportunity for the earth science community if certain observations are made with quickly and comprehensively," Brooks said.
Working with Bevis and Brooks on the project are Bob Smalley, the University of Memphis, who is leading field operations in Argentina; Dana Caccamise at Ohio State, who is lead engineer, and Eric Kendrick, also from Ohio State, who is with Bevis now in Chile making measurements in the field.
Along with Ohio State University and the University of Hawaii, scientists from the University of Memphis and the California Institute of Technology are participating in the project. Additionally the Instituto Geografica Militar, the Universidad de Concepcion and the Centro de Estudios Cientificos, all in Chile, also were partners.
In Argentina. the Instituto Geografica Militar, the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo in Mendoza and the Unversidad Nacional de Buenos Aires are collaborating in the work. UNAVCO, a consortium of more than 50 institutions and agencies involved in research in the geosciences, is providing equipment for the project.
The researchers have constructed a map showing the relative movement of locations after the Maule, Chile earthquake
Uganda plans to relocate 500,000 at risk of landslides: minister
by Staff Writers
Kampala (AFP) March 8, 2010
Uganda plans to resettle at least 500,000 people living in mountainous areas over fears that last week's deadly landslide could happen again, a minister said Monday.
"The total population at risk of landslides and floods is estimated to be 500,000," State Minister for Disaster Preparedness Musa Ecweru told reporters.
"We plan to resettle the population from these very high risk locations, once emergency operations of the current situation end."
The 500,000 figure refers to 300,000 people living around Mount Elgon and another 200,000 living on similar terrain in western Uganda.
Following a visit to Bududa district, the region hit last week by the mudslides that killed an estimated 350 people, Ecweru said he believes much of the Elgon region is too dangerous to be lived in.
"The Elgon region has been invaded up to very dangerous slopes and if we don't relocate these people we are likely to witness a repeat of what we have witnessed," he said. "To me, this is a wake-up call."
He added that Uganda has begun work on a programme to relocate all people currently living in the Mount Elgon region.
Ecweru also said that since several weather reports predict that Uganda will continue to see heavy rainfall for several weeks, people living in mountainous areas should be concerned.
The spokesman of the Uganda Land Alliance, a non-governmental organisation working on land distribution and property ownership issues, voiced doubts over the feasibility of Ecweru's plans for the relocation of half a million people.
"I think in the Uganda of today it is very difficult to find land that is not owned, so this is going to pose a challenge for government," Deo Tumusiime told AFP.
"They may also be rejected by the existing communities. This is a multi-cultural country, and every district has its distinct customs and traditions," he added.
Relief efforts continued in Bududa on Monday, with government, UN and other agencies distributing food and non-food items to those affected by the mudslide.
Local officials previously told AFP that the community intended to stop digging for the remains of the dead on Saturday and to declare the site a mass grave, but Ecweru said Monday that the government has decided the digging should continue.
"Search of bodies will continue until such a time when we feel all bodies have been recovered," he explained, citing the desire to ensure that humans are not buried alongside the animals killed in the slide
Kampala (AFP) March 8, 2010
Uganda plans to resettle at least 500,000 people living in mountainous areas over fears that last week's deadly landslide could happen again, a minister said Monday.
"The total population at risk of landslides and floods is estimated to be 500,000," State Minister for Disaster Preparedness Musa Ecweru told reporters.
"We plan to resettle the population from these very high risk locations, once emergency operations of the current situation end."
The 500,000 figure refers to 300,000 people living around Mount Elgon and another 200,000 living on similar terrain in western Uganda.
Following a visit to Bududa district, the region hit last week by the mudslides that killed an estimated 350 people, Ecweru said he believes much of the Elgon region is too dangerous to be lived in.
"The Elgon region has been invaded up to very dangerous slopes and if we don't relocate these people we are likely to witness a repeat of what we have witnessed," he said. "To me, this is a wake-up call."
He added that Uganda has begun work on a programme to relocate all people currently living in the Mount Elgon region.
Ecweru also said that since several weather reports predict that Uganda will continue to see heavy rainfall for several weeks, people living in mountainous areas should be concerned.
The spokesman of the Uganda Land Alliance, a non-governmental organisation working on land distribution and property ownership issues, voiced doubts over the feasibility of Ecweru's plans for the relocation of half a million people.
"I think in the Uganda of today it is very difficult to find land that is not owned, so this is going to pose a challenge for government," Deo Tumusiime told AFP.
"They may also be rejected by the existing communities. This is a multi-cultural country, and every district has its distinct customs and traditions," he added.
Relief efforts continued in Bududa on Monday, with government, UN and other agencies distributing food and non-food items to those affected by the mudslide.
Local officials previously told AFP that the community intended to stop digging for the remains of the dead on Saturday and to declare the site a mass grave, but Ecweru said Monday that the government has decided the digging should continue.
"Search of bodies will continue until such a time when we feel all bodies have been recovered," he explained, citing the desire to ensure that humans are not buried alongside the animals killed in the slide
Turn an FM Transmitter into a Micro Pirate Radio
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Illustration: Lab Partners'Corporate radio is preprogrammed junk. But don’t curse the DJ; seize the airwaves! With a soldering iron and a cheapo FM transmitter — the kind used to play an iPod through a car radio — you can transform your humble Honda into a Radio Free Civic that can broadcast your tunes up to ... 100 feet.
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Step 1. Pry open the transmitter’s case with a putty knife and remove the internal antenna (often labeled ant).
Step 2. In its place, solder a telescoping antenna or a piece of copper wire — no more than 35 inches long for broadcasting within the standard FM transmission spectrum.
Step 3. The transmitter may have a resistor, typically marked with an r, to limit the power of the signal. Replace it with copper wire to boost the transmission.
Step 4. Slap a bumper sticker on your ride advertising your station’s frequency. You’ll soon build a grateful audience of fellow commuters suffering through that traffic jam.
Contributed by Mathew Honan
VW Bus Celebrates 60 Years. Again.By Chuck Squatriglia
Today is the 60th anniversary, again, of one of the most recognizable and beloved vehicles to ever clatter down the road.
The exact anniversary of the Volkswagen Type 2, known affectionately as the Microbus or just the Bus, is open to interpretation. Volkswagen says it’s 1947, when Dutch VW importer Ben Pon first sketched the design. You could argue it was 1949, when CEO Heinz Nordhoff approved production. Or you could say today is day because the Bus as we know and love it — split windshield, rounded front bumper that hugged the body, woefully underpowered engine — was produced from March 8, 1950 until 1967.
Since we’re the ones publishing the blog and we’ve got a cool pic of a vintage van, that’s the date we’re using. It’s also the date Life magazine is using, and it’s published a gallery of photos of Buses through the years.
VW built the first-gen Bus until 1967. The second-gen traded the vee’d split windshield for a flat windshield and a boxier body. The Bus hit the end of the line in Europe and the United States in 1979. Volkswagen sold a few gazillion of them over the years, and the hippies and surfers made ‘em famous. Our favorite is the top-of-the-line Samba-Bus, also known as the Deluxe (pictured). Gotta love the polished aluminum side trim, that huge fabric sunroof and 23 — count ‘em, 23 — windows.
The only thing that made it any cooler was the optional the safari windows that put hinges on the windshield glass so it opened out.
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The exact anniversary of the Volkswagen Type 2, known affectionately as the Microbus or just the Bus, is open to interpretation. Volkswagen says it’s 1947, when Dutch VW importer Ben Pon first sketched the design. You could argue it was 1949, when CEO Heinz Nordhoff approved production. Or you could say today is day because the Bus as we know and love it — split windshield, rounded front bumper that hugged the body, woefully underpowered engine — was produced from March 8, 1950 until 1967.
Since we’re the ones publishing the blog and we’ve got a cool pic of a vintage van, that’s the date we’re using. It’s also the date Life magazine is using, and it’s published a gallery of photos of Buses through the years.
VW built the first-gen Bus until 1967. The second-gen traded the vee’d split windshield for a flat windshield and a boxier body. The Bus hit the end of the line in Europe and the United States in 1979. Volkswagen sold a few gazillion of them over the years, and the hippies and surfers made ‘em famous. Our favorite is the top-of-the-line Samba-Bus, also known as the Deluxe (pictured). Gotta love the polished aluminum side trim, that huge fabric sunroof and 23 — count ‘em, 23 — windows.
The only thing that made it any cooler was the optional the safari windows that put hinges on the windshield glass so it opened out.
Read More http://www.wired.com/autopia/#ixzz0hd6lG2nf
Pilots Say ‘Adios’ To Support Suspended Controller
Pilots are rallying behind Glenn Duffy, the air traffic controller suspended after allowing his kids to issue instructions to airliners at JFK airport, by ending their transmissions the same way Duffy’s son did — by saying “adios.”
The Federal Aviation Administration has come down hard after Duffy after last week’s incident, launching an investigation and suspending its practice of allowing visitors inside air traffic control facilities, including control towers, at all FAA controlled airports nationwide. That isn’t sitting well with pilots, who think the feds are being unduly harsh.
A recent posting over at liveatc.net features a radiocall from a Delta pilot (.mp3 file) who tells one of the controllers working with Duffy at the time, “Thoughts going out to your co-worker there. I think it’s BS what he’s going through.”
Other pilots are finishing their transmissions to the tower by saying, “Adios,” according to the New York Daily News. That’s how Duffy’s 9-year-old son ended his communication with the pilot of an AeroMexico flight — who, by the way, responded with an “adios” as well.
During the transmissions, the young boy gives instruction to five planes operating at JFK. With the exception of the “adios” and his obviously young voice, Duffy’s son gives the same instructions any controller would give to aircraft. The pilots the boy instructed seemed seem entertained and not at all concerned about the young controller.
Nevertheless, the FAA and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association have condemned the incident. No word on when the ban on air traffic control tower visits will be lifted.
Photo: Flickr / Vidiot
Read More http://www.wired.com/autopia/#ixzz0hd6AIzDI
By Jason Paur
The Federal Aviation Administration has come down hard after Duffy after last week’s incident, launching an investigation and suspending its practice of allowing visitors inside air traffic control facilities, including control towers, at all FAA controlled airports nationwide. That isn’t sitting well with pilots, who think the feds are being unduly harsh.
A recent posting over at liveatc.net features a radiocall from a Delta pilot (.mp3 file) who tells one of the controllers working with Duffy at the time, “Thoughts going out to your co-worker there. I think it’s BS what he’s going through.”
Other pilots are finishing their transmissions to the tower by saying, “Adios,” according to the New York Daily News. That’s how Duffy’s 9-year-old son ended his communication with the pilot of an AeroMexico flight — who, by the way, responded with an “adios” as well.
During the transmissions, the young boy gives instruction to five planes operating at JFK. With the exception of the “adios” and his obviously young voice, Duffy’s son gives the same instructions any controller would give to aircraft. The pilots the boy instructed seemed seem entertained and not at all concerned about the young controller.
Nevertheless, the FAA and the National Air Traffic Controllers Association have condemned the incident. No word on when the ban on air traffic control tower visits will be lifted.
Photo: Flickr / Vidiot
Read More http://www.wired.com/autopia/#ixzz0hd6AIzDI
By Jason Paur
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