well it is not good not to know something about who made this blog...
this is me ...i am ahmed galal abd el sadek abd el hallem born in saudia arabia in 27-08-1984 in a southern city called Abha...aand raised in the beautiful country of united arab emirates...i am 24 years old now i speak english hebrew french spanish and german and of course my own language arabic which iam so proud of...
i learn from my travelling and dealing with alot of nationalities alot of things and tradition but what i believe is that the man is the most precious thing in this life..so never take care for places or things as much as humans and people around you...anyway that is why i am specializing now or my maor is psychology i can help you alot in this topic so never worry the problem is that the man must always and forever be honest kind and true not only with people but in the first place with himself..and this is the most difficult ob the man had ever tried...
anyway not to speak alot if you want more about me ask for more!!
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