Tuesday, May 19, 2009

From Paganism to Islam

* Berke - grandson of Genghis Khan and leader of the Golden Horde who was the first Mongol ruler to establish Islam in a Mongol state.[180]
* Tuda Mengu - Mongol leader of the Golden Horde[181]
* David Myatt - from Paganism, former Neo-Nazi-activist[182]
* Negudar - Mongol general and noyan[183]
* Nogai Khan - Mongol general and great-grandson of Genghis Khan.[184]
* Samori Ture - founder of the Wassoulou Empire who resisted French rule in West Africa.[185][186]
* Sultan Satuq Bughra Khan - 9th century Uyghur ruler who was one of the first Turks to convert to Islam.[187]

Source : Wikipedia

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